Creator of Infamous Hockey Stick Graph Refuses to Turn Over Data to Court


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The creator, Michael Mann, sued for libel when his data was questioned. First step in a libel trial - prove what was said was not true. He refused.

So any guesses as to why he refuses to turn over his data? Three guesses, first two don't count.

Michael Mann, who chose to file what many consider to be a cynical SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) libel suit in the British Columbia Supreme Court, Vancouver six long years ago, has astonished legal experts by refusing to comply with the court direction to hand over all his disputed graphā€™s data. Mannā€™s iconic hockey stick has been relied upon by the UNā€™s IPCC and western governments as crucial evidence for the science of ā€˜man-made global warming.ā€™

As first reported in Principia Scientific International (February 1, 2017), the defendant in the case, Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball, had won ā€œconcessionsā€ against Mann, but at the time the details were kept confidential, pending Mannā€™s response.

The negative and unresponsive actions of Dr Mann and his lawyer, Roger McConchie, are expected to infuriate the judge and be the signal for the collapse of Mannā€™s multi-million dollar libel suit against Dr Ball. It will be music to the ears of so-called ā€˜climate deniersā€™ like President Donald Trump and his EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt.

As Dr Ball explains:

ā€œMichael Mann moved for an adjournment of the trial scheduled for February 20, 2017. We had little choice because Canadian courts always grant adjournments before a trial in their belief that an out of court settlement is preferable. We agreed to an adjournment with conditions. The major one was that he [Mann] produce all documents including computer codes by February 20th, 2017. He failed to meet the deadline.ā€

Punishment for Civil Contempt

Mannā€™s now proven contempt of court means Ball is entitled to have the court serve upon Mann the fullest punishment. Contempt sanctions could reasonably include the judge ruling that Dr. Ballā€™s statement that Mann ā€œbelongs in the state pen, not Penn. Stateā€™ is a precise and true statement of fact. This is because under Canadaā€™s unique ā€˜Truth Defenseā€™, Mann is now proven to have wilfully hidden his data, so the court may rule he hid it because it is fake. As such, the court must then dismiss Mannā€™s entire libel suit with costs awarded to Ball and his team.

Michael Mann refuses to hand over data to judge in climate change trial
The hockey stick graph that really counts and gives rise to all the rest.

The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball (above, right) is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mannā€™s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trumpā€™s claims that climate scare stories are a ā€œhoax.ā€

Let the criminal trial against Mann begin!

Fatal Courtroom Act Ruins Michael ā€˜hockey stickā€™ Mann | Principia Scientific International
Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
I don't care if any temperature rise can be proven. What happens if CO2 and other GHGs keep rising? The trapped energy has to do something. Logic should tell you that temps will rise.
Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
I don't care if any temperature rise can be proven. What happens if CO2 and other GHGs keep rising? The trapped energy has to do something. Logic should tell you that temps will rise.
Hate to be the one to tell y ou, but there is enough cO2 stored trapped in the ground to kill off all of you. The only thing that will save you is to plant a tree and hug it.
Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
I don't care if any temperature rise can be proven. What happens if CO2 and other GHGs keep rising? The trapped energy has to do something. Logic should tell you that temps will rise.
The earth has survived levels above 7000ppm.. its normal 16 deg C temp range has remained the same for millions of years...

Your logic is wrong..

Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
I don't care if any temperature rise can be proven. What happens if CO2 and other GHGs keep rising? The trapped energy has to do something. Logic should tell you that temps will rise.

Yea, too bad there are MANY MANY more factors that effect climate and global temperature. Here are a couple of riddles for you-

When was the little ice age, and how many theories can you find on what caused it?

6000 years ago people and animals lived in a rich fertile area we now call the Sahara desert. How many theories can you find on what caused it to turn into a desert?
Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
I don't care if any temperature rise can be proven. What happens if CO2 and other GHGs keep rising? The trapped energy has to do something. Logic should tell you that temps will rise.

Yea, too bad there are MANY MANY more factors that effect climate and global temperature. Here are a couple of riddles for you-

When was the little ice age, and how many theories can you find on what caused it?

6000 years ago people and animals lived in a rich fertile area we now call the Sahara desert. How many theories can you find on what caused it to turn into a desert?
Your avatar is apt.

Ever consider actually doing a little research?

Figure 1: Northern Hemisphere temperature changes estimated from various proxy records shown in blue (Mann 1999). Instrumental data shown in red. Note the large uncertainty(grey area) as you go further back in time.


Figure 2: Original hockey stick graph (blue - MBH1998) compared to Wahl & Ammann reconstruction (red). Instrumental record in black (Wahl 2007).

Figure 3: Global surface temperature change over the last five centuries from boreholes (thick red line). Shading represents uncertainty. Blue line is a five year running average of HadCRUT global surface air temperature (Huang 2000).

Figure 4: Northern Hemisphere annual temperature reconstruction from speleothem reconstructions shown with 2 standard error (shaded area) (Smith 2006).


Figure 5: Global mean temperature calculated form glaciers. The red vertical lines indicate uncertainty.


Figure 6: Composite Northern Hemisphere land and land plus ocean temperature reconstructions and estimated 95% confidence intervals. Shown for comparison are published Northern Hemisphere reconstructions (Mann 2008).

What evidence is there for the hockey stick?

Solid evidence from many sources that the hockey stick is real.

Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
I don't care if any temperature rise can be proven. What happens if CO2 and other GHGs keep rising? The trapped energy has to do something. Logic should tell you that temps will rise.

Yea, too bad there are MANY MANY more factors that effect climate and global temperature. Here are a couple of riddles for you-

When was the little ice age, and how many theories can you find on what caused it?

6000 years ago people and animals lived in a rich fertile area we now call the Sahara desert. How many theories can you find on what caused it to turn into a desert?
Your last one was answered awhile back. When the mountains in the ?Himalayas" started to raise the stearing currents changed therefore the area of the Sheetheadss dried up and water became scarce and the Camels drank the rest of it. lLOL
Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
I don't care if any temperature rise can be proven. What happens if CO2 and other GHGs keep rising? The trapped energy has to do something. Logic should tell you that temps will rise.

Yea, too bad there are MANY MANY more factors that effect climate and global temperature. Here are a couple of riddles for you-

When was the little ice age, and how many theories can you find on what caused it?

6000 years ago people and animals lived in a rich fertile area we now call the Sahara desert. How many theories can you find on what caused it to turn into a desert?
Now the Ice age was more than likley was caused by Volcano's eruption that put alot of CO2 and sulfer into the air and caused acid rain and raised the temps very high. So got anything else. If you need any more info watch Saturday Night Live. LOL Little joke.
Thanks for letting us know you never travel. If you took every human being on earth and put them all in Texas every family of four would get half an acre to live on.
Like most denialist claims, this is a load of B.S. They'd have less than 1/10 of an acre to live on. Didn't think I'd do the math, did you? :laugh2:
OH wow, so every human being on earth could comfortably live in Texas.
You really got me good! :haha:
Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
I don't care if any temperature rise can be proven. What happens if CO2 and other GHGs keep rising? The trapped energy has to do something. Logic should tell you that temps will rise.
Why do you lefties hate science so much?

Mann is a proven liar, CO2 myth is dead.
Thanks for letting us know you never travel. If you took every human being on earth and put them all in Texas every family of four would get half an acre to live on.
Like most denialist claims, this is a load of B.S. They'd have less than 1/10 of an acre to live on. Didn't think I'd do the math, did you? :laugh2:
OH wow, so every human being on earth could comfortably live in Texas.
You really got me good! :haha:
And just how would you get food and water to them? You are a total idiot, Weatherman.
Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.
I don't care if any temperature rise can be proven. What happens if CO2 and other GHGs keep rising? The trapped energy has to do something. Logic should tell you that temps will rise.

Yea, too bad there are MANY MANY more factors that effect climate and global temperature. Here are a couple of riddles for you-

When was the little ice age, and how many theories can you find on what caused it?

6000 years ago people and animals lived in a rich fertile area we now call the Sahara desert. How many theories can you find on what caused it to turn into a desert?
The most prolific period of life on earth was when there was no ice on the polar caps. The left are just anti life.

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