CPAC is this weekend……Will Republicans support Biden or Putin?

The highest form of patriotism is keeping your country’s values in place and not allowing some slobbering retard to ruin it. Patriotism is defeating enemies within first. You’re the enemy.

So, you are defeating enemies within by saying mean thing to them on the internet!

Way to go! That will teach them!
Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
That's hardly the choice and you know it.

Who are you GWB? with us or against us?
I bet you don’t say the stupid shit you do here out in public. Why? Because someone like me would embarrass the shit out of you and whoever was with you.

I am me no matter where I am. Your petty name calling and taunting would embarrass nobody but you. Adults are not bothered by such things

Trump said Putin would never do this with his as President and in fact he didn’t do anything during Trump’s term. Putin is taking Ukraine. Sanctions didn’t do shit. You’re a typical leftist zombie.
The sanctions haven't taken full effect yet. Think it happens overnight?

Still trying to smoke in the shower, dummy?
Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
They'll support neither.

Gabbard's message to CPAC: Can't we all just get along?

Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
Supporting Biden is supporting Putin!

I’m reposting this because The Democrat Party, Biden, Obama, Clinton have all been colluding with Putin their entire careers.

Russian Reset was really Russian Collusion!

Would Hillary Clinton take a $145 Million dollar bribe from Putin? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton illegally fly Billions of Dollars to Iran so they can buy Russian Uranium, Russian Centrifuges, and Russian Missile Technology, and Russian Nuclear Scientists so that they can build Nukes to exterminate Israel with? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton do a back room sweetheart deal to sell Putin 20% of our Uranium? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton pay Uncle Putin $13 Million dollars for a fake dirty dossier so that they can first try to rig the 2016 election, spy on President Trump, and then attack our Democracy with an internal insurrection and bureacratic COUP? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton assassinate Qadaffi, and pay Al Queda in Libya to overthrow the government there so that Putin could move in and take over Libyan oil fields? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton help Putin to take Crimea? Yes!

Would Biden shut down The XL pipeline and throw 50,000 Americans out of work, and then turn and open up Nordstream2 for his good buddy Putin? Yes!

Would Biden encourage Putin to take over Ukraine like Obama did, and even tell him that a "small invasion was ok?" Yes!

Would Biden allow all of you dummies to be distracted by The Ukraine while Putin has flown 2 more fighter jet squadrons in to Syria armed with Hypersonic Missiles, and also a Heavy Bomber Squadron just this week, and has moved more of it's Navy in to The Mediterranean? Yes!

Would Putin use Nukes? Yes, especially if Joe told him it will be ok to launch them at Israel from Syria, starting WWIII!
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Would Biden shut down The XL pipeline and throw 50,000 Americans out of work, and then turn and open up Nordstream2 for his good buddy Putin? Yes!

No. The Keystone pipeline has been completed since Obama was in office. The DAP (Dakota Access Pipeline) is only a shortcut, going over one the the largest aquifers in the US. Because we can't clean up an oil spill 1500ft deep, in water that supplies millions of people, their livestock and massive wheat, corn and other fields.
It doesn't provide anything more than a handful permanent jobs. Almost all of the jobs are temporary pipeline jobs. Not new jobs, because pipeliners go from job to job on a regular basis. And Port Author isn't building new refineries just for this pipeline. They already have enough refining capacity to handle what's coming down the Keystone.

This is just BS propaganda the right, owned by oil lobbyist, are putting out. Chinese oil lobbyist because most of the oil that would come through the DAP is Chinese owned.

The permanent jobs propaganda are Chinese and Canadian. Not American.

PS. I agree with almost every else in your list.

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