Cowboys for Trump leader arrested


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

Doors are being kicked in in the dead of night.

Anyone who voted for Trump or said anything positive about the economy in the last 4 years will be rounded up.

Uber Alles Democrat
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.
‘According to court documents, Griffin told investigators that he was “caught up” in the crowd, which pushed its way through the barricades and entered the restricted area of the U.S. Capitol, but he said he did not enter the building and instead remained on the U.S. Capitol steps.

A video posted to Griffin's personal Facebook page shows Griffin in the restricted areas, according to the affidavit.’ ibid

Clearly Griffin is a liar and coward – as are most Trump supporters.
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.

right wing nutjobs confused as always...
you have to decide if dims are fascists or communists first...
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.

right wing nutjobs confused as always...
you have to decide if dims are fascists or communists first...
Well...these fools actually believe they are both!
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.

right wing nutjobs confused as always...
you have to decide if dims are fascists or communists first...

Are democrats Nazis, or Communists?

The answer is "yes."
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.

right wing nutjobs confused as always...
you have to decide if dims are fascists or communists first...
Well...these fools actually believe they are both!

That's because you are both.

You like to pretend a system where the means of production is controlled by the state under an authoritarian system that forcibly represses opposition to the party, crushes individualism in favor of group identity, suppresses religious faith, outlaws speech contrary to party goals, makes opposition to the Reich or Collectivism in general a criminal act, scapegoats a particular group or race, Kulaks, Jews, whites - as a focal point for state sponsored hatred, is somehow different than the Stalinism you've promoted for all these years.
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.

right wing nutjobs confused as always...
you have to decide if dims are fascists or communists first...
Well...these fools actually believe they are both!

That's because you are both.

You like to pretend a system where the means of production is controlled by the state under an authoritarian system that forcibly represses opposition to the party, crushes individualism in favor of group identity, suppresses religious faith, outlaws speech contrary to party goals, makes opposition to the Reich or Collectivism in general a criminal act, scapegoats a particular group or race, Kulaks, Jews, whites - as a focal point for state sponsored hatred, is somehow different than the Stalinism you've promoted for all these years.
Well...actually...not a Democrat...and the mish-mash of code words and dog whistles you posted really has no connection to what I believe...or to reality afaik.
Another one bites the dust

Doors are being kicked in in the dead of night.

Anyone who voted for Trump or said anything positive about the economy in the last 4 years will be rounded up.

Uber Alles Democrat
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.

right wing nutjobs confused as always...
you have to decide if dims are fascists or communists first...
They are both.
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.

right wing nutjobs confused as always...
you have to decide if dims are fascists or communists first...
Well...these fools actually believe they are both!

That's because you are both.

You like to pretend a system where the means of production is controlled by the state under an authoritarian system that forcibly represses opposition to the party, crushes individualism in favor of group identity, suppresses religious faith, outlaws speech contrary to party goals, makes opposition to the Reich or Collectivism in general a criminal act, scapegoats a particular group or race, Kulaks, Jews, whites - as a focal point for state sponsored hatred, is somehow different than the Stalinism you've promoted for all these years.
Well...actually...not a Democrat...and the mish-mash of code words and dog whistles you posted really has no connection to what I believe...or to reality afaik.

You support the Nazi actions of the filthy democrats. I don't give a shit what you call yourself. You promote a multi-tier system of law, where democrat Brown Shirts tearing down the fence of the seat of government and storming the white house for the express purpose of murdering the president are "victims" since police used pepper balls to stop them.

But morons putting their feet on Nancy Pigshit's desk are "seditionists" and must be executed to the last man, as must be anyone who ever spoke positively of president Trump - doors are being kicked in in the middle of the night as we speak. It's the worst crime in the history forever because Uber Alles Democrat
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.

right wing nutjobs confused as always...
you have to decide if dims are fascists or communists first...
Well...these fools actually believe they are both!

That's because you are both.

You like to pretend a system where the means of production is controlled by the state under an authoritarian system that forcibly represses opposition to the party, crushes individualism in favor of group identity, suppresses religious faith, outlaws speech contrary to party goals, makes opposition to the Reich or Collectivism in general a criminal act, scapegoats a particular group or race, Kulaks, Jews, whites - as a focal point for state sponsored hatred, is somehow different than the Stalinism you've promoted for all these years.
Well...actually...not a Democrat...and the mish-mash of code words and dog whistles you posted really has no connection to what I believe...or to reality afaik.

You support the Nazi actions of the filthy democrats. I don't give a shit what you call yourself. You promote a multi-tier system of law, where democrat Brown Shirts tearing down the fence of the seat of government and storming the white house for the express purpose of murdering the president are "victims" since police used pepper balls to stop them.

But morons putting their feet on Nancy Pigshit's desk are "seditionists" and must be executed to the last man, as must be anyone who ever spoke positively of president Trump - doors are being kicked in in the middle of the night as we speak. It's the worst crime in the history forever because Uber Alles Democrat
I defy you to find a post where I advocate any of that! I support the rule of law..irrespective of political position or ideological slant.

Break the the piper...that's my position.

Too funny!
He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence and will be afforded comprehensive due process.

If found guilty he should be punished in accordance with the law.

Will he face the same charges that the democrat Brown Shirts who tore down the white house fence and stormed in in July in their attempt to kill the president did?


That's right, democrats aren't subject to laws.

He'll be sent to the camps.

right wing nutjobs confused as always...
you have to decide if dims are fascists or communists first...
We're a lot less confused than you know. Biden's dividin.'
If my parents had named me "Couy" and I looked like this - I might be a tad bitter too. :)

Another one bites the dust

So Nan burned the flag and owes no allegiance to what it represents, and it's just too bad if the agricultural community wants the dowager to know of their disgust.

Well kiss mah grits. :laughing0301:

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