COVID19 is a PROG's pipedream


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Follow the money, and feel free to add. Here are some heavy weights in PROG-think who will become far more rich because of COVID19: Bezos, Gates, Jeffrey Brotman, Reed Hastings, Pierre Omidyar, Obama.

Losers: Trump, Wynne types in the business of tourism. Oil, small business. If it wasn't apparent beforehand, we're taking the biggest step yet toward eliminating the middle class.

Global warming: What better way to face the idea of man-caused global warming. Heck, I'll bet we're super close to reports we're turning the tide somehow, the last shit-show featuring Gore didn't quite pencil out. I have to hand it to the globalists though, what better way to fight pollution than to shut everything off. Less your puter and TV of course, they're open for bidness.

Election: That impeachment thing did quite work out, fuckin-A COVID19 is sure convenient. It's natural for jerk-reactions to blame their leader. It's unnatural for media to blame him with propaganda, but who's surprised? Meanwhile the Democrats don't even know who's going to run - you can't make this stuff up. Yes they can.

Safe-Space: Do I need to explain?

Gestapo: Everyone knows conservatives are the fascists, which is why they aren't allowed to speak, express opinions, even sport a Trump sign on their lawn without vandalism & threat. ANTIFA fights against fascism and stuff, so the guys in masks beating up women and elderly are fucking heroic. What better way to gain control of people than this? I shopped yesterday, it looked like something out of a Pink-Floyd tune. Roger Waters had that wrong, still does, he's Bernie guy with level 3 TDS.

Universal Healthcare: That one's coming, they'll be pushing it hard. It would have crashed the economy, now we're crashed anyway. I'm sure the govt. can do an awesome job of it too, just like they do the Post Office.

2nd Amendment: I literally applied for a firearm's license 5-6 weeks ago, "they're backed up". Can't hunt in a lot of places, can't even fish or play golf. What you figure the fascists sport next?
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Follow the money, and feel free to add. Here are some heavy weights in PROG-think who will become far more rich because of COVID19: Bezos, Gates, Jeffrey Brotman, Reed Hastings, Pierre Omidyar, Obama.

Losers: Trump, Wynne types in the business of tourism. Oil, small business. If it wasn't apparent beforehand, we're taking the biggest step yet toward eliminating the middle class.

Global warming: What better way to face the idea of man-caused global warming. Heck, I'll bet we're super close to reports we're turning the tide somehow, the last shit-show featuring Gore didn't quite pencil out. I have to hand it to the globalists though, what better way to fight pollution than to shut everything off. Less your puter and TV of course, they're open for bidness.

Election: That impeachment thing did quite work out, fuckin-A COVID19 is sure convenient. It's natural for jerk-reactions to blame their leader. It's unnatural for media to blame him with propaganda, but who's surprised? Meanwhile the Democrats don't even know who's going to run - you can't make this stuff up. Yes they can.

Safe-Space: Do I need to explain?

Gestapo: Everyone knows conservatives are the fascists, which is why they aren't allowed to speak, express opinions, even sport a Trump sign on their lawn without vandalism & threat. ANTIFA fights against fascism and stuff, so the guys in masks beating up women and elderly are fucking heroic. What better way to gain control of people than this? I shopped yesterday, it looked like something out of a Pink-Floyd tune. Roger Waters had that wrong, still does, he's Bernie guy with level 3 TDS.

Universal Healthcare: That one's coming, they'll be pushing it hard. It would have crashed the economy, now we're crashed anyway. I'm sure the govt. can do an awesome job of it too, just like they do the Post Office.

2nd Amendment: I literally applied for a firearm's license 5-6 weeks ago, "they're backed up". Can't hunt in a lot of places, can't even fish or play golf. What you figure the fascists sport next?
You know, as much as I despise Republicans, Tea Partiers, and all their ilk, I would never accuse them of wanting to make people get sick and die in order to make money. I guess that's the difference between you and me. But I'm surprised that you applied for a firearms license 5-6 weeks ago. I would've thought that you'd have had one years ago.
The economy is second fiddle to people's health. So brace yourselves the lockdown isn't ending on May 1st. Peopl don't want to get this sickness and peoples lives are at stake. Most are in no rush to go out and get infected.
The novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, last year and has since caused a large scale COVID-19 epidemic and spread to more than 70 other countries is the product of natural evolution, according to findings published today in the journal Nature Medicine.

The analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses found no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered.
"By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that SARS-CoV-2 originated through natural processes," said Kristian Andersen, PhD, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research and corresponding author on the paper.

If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness. But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.
Could the Dems have conspired with China and bio-engineered this virus? They all hate Trump, it's very clearly the motive.
Yea blacks are dying more from coronavirus.
Biggest infections are in "liberal cities".
Yea, democrats totally did this to kill blacks and city centers.
Rural conservatives unaffected; yea democrats did it.
The economy is second fiddle to people's health. So brace yourselves the lockdown isn't ending on May 1st. Peopl don't want to get this sickness and peoples lives are at stake. Most are in no rush to go out and get infected.

Good bye middle class.
The novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, last year and has since caused a large scale COVID-19 epidemic and spread to more than 70 other countries is the product of natural evolution, according to findings published today in the journal Nature Medicine.

The analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses found no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered.
"By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that SARS-CoV-2 originated through natural processes," said Kristian Andersen, PhD, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research and corresponding author on the paper.

If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness. But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.

Could the Dems have conspired with China and bio-engineered this virus? They all hate Trump, it's very clearly the motive.
Yea blacks are dying more from coronavirus.
Biggest infections are in "liberal cities".
Yea, democrats totally did this to kill blacks and city centers.
Rural conservatives unaffected; yea democrats did it.
Maybe they didn't test it well enough.
The economy is second fiddle to people's health. So brace yourselves the lockdown isn't ending on May 1st. Peopl don't want to get this sickness and peoples lives are at stake. Most are in no rush to go out and get infected.
This is a millionth time you liberals have said that. What kind of jobs do you have where you can survive in a bad economy?
If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness. But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.
So if someone engineered this but wanted to avoid detection, they'd design it so it pointed to the animal world.
If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness. But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.
So if someone engineered this but wanted to avoid detection, they'd design it so it pointed to the animal world.
Yep, that's exactly what we did! Ooops...
The novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, last year and has since caused a large scale COVID-19 epidemic and spread to more than 70 other countries is the product of natural evolution, according to findings published today in the journal Nature Medicine.

The analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses found no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered.
"By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that SARS-CoV-2 originated through natural processes," said Kristian Andersen, PhD, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research and corresponding author on the paper.

If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness. But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.

And you know this is incorrect how? Where did you get your medical degree?
The economy is second fiddle to people's health. So brace yourselves the lockdown isn't ending on May 1st. Peopl don't want to get this sickness and peoples lives are at stake. Most are in no rush to go out and get infected.
This is a millionth time you liberals have said that. What kind of jobs do you have where you can survive in a bad economy?

They cower down in fear.
Could the Dems have conspired with China and bio-engineered this virus? They all hate Trump, it's very clearly the motive.
Yea blacks are dying more from coronavirus.
Biggest infections are in "liberal cities".
Yea, democrats totally did this to kill blacks and city centers.
Rural conservatives unaffected; yea democrats did it.

the democrats also kill more blacks and hispanics than whites with abortion. and their last standing candidate is an old senile white guy who has been a do-nothing in DC for over 40 years.

democrats are hypocrites, anyone who supports them is brain dead
Could the Dems have conspired with China and bio-engineered this virus? They all hate Trump, it's very clearly the motive.
Yea blacks are dying more from coronavirus.
Biggest infections are in "liberal cities".
Yea, democrats totally did this to kill blacks and city centers.
Rural conservatives unaffected; yea democrats did it.

the democrats also kill more blacks and hispanics than whites with abortion. and their last standing candidate is an old senile white guy who has been a do-nothing in DC for over 40 years.

democrats are hypocrites, anyone who supports them is brain dead are actually suggesting that Democrats have a pro-choice kill blacks and hispanics?

Second question - are you on heavy drugs son?
Could the Dems have conspired with China and bio-engineered this virus? They all hate Trump, it's very clearly the motive.
Yea blacks are dying more from coronavirus.
Biggest infections are in "liberal cities".
Yea, democrats totally did this to kill blacks and city centers.
Rural conservatives unaffected; yea democrats did it.

the democrats also kill more blacks and hispanics than whites with abortion. and their last standing candidate is an old senile white guy who has been a do-nothing in DC for over 40 years.

democrats are hypocrites, anyone who supports them is brain dead are actually suggesting that Democrats have a pro-choice kill blacks and hispanics?

Second question - are you on heavy drugs son?

a couple of facts for you on dems and abortion

1. Margaret Sanger, founder of planned parenthood, referred to blacks as "human weeds that must be exterminated"

2. the abortion statistics prove that far more black and hispanic babies are aborted than whites.

and finally, the dems have supported abortion (infanticide) up to and shortly after, the moment of birth.

So, no drugs here, sonny boy. but clearly you are suffering from some form of mental illness

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