COVID “vaccines”


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
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Red State! Amen.
Out of idle curiosity I looked up the definition of “vaccine.”

“Definition of vaccine​

1: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as

a: an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated (see ATTENUATED sense 2) pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)a trivalent influenza vaccineoral polio vaccineMany vaccines are made from the virus itself, either weakened or killed, which will induce antibodies to bind and kill a live virus. Measles vaccines are just that, weakened (or attenuated) measles viruses.—
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b: a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein) * * * * “

— excerpted from Definition of VACCINE

I was curious because as a kid I got a Polio vaccine. And I didn’t get polio. I got a measles vaccine, and I didn’t get measles.

But if we get these COVID vaccines, lots of us still get COVID.

SO, it appears that whether a vaccine actually works or not is not a part of the definition.
Ah, if only we lived in a perfect world and we ourselves were perfection amplified.
Out of idle curiosity I looked up the definition of “vaccine.”

“Definition of vaccine​

1: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as

a: an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated (see ATTENUATED sense 2) pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)a trivalent influenza vaccineoral polio vaccineMany vaccines are made from the virus itself, either weakened or killed, which will induce antibodies to bind and kill a live virus. Measles vaccines are just that, weakened (or attenuated) measles viruses.—
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b: a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein) * * * * “

— excerpted from Definition of VACCINE

I was curious because as a kid I got a Polio vaccine. And I didn’t get polio. I got a measles vaccine, and I didn’t get measles.

But if we get these COVID vaccines, lots of us still get COVID.

SO, it appears that whether a vaccine actually works or not is not a part of the definition.
Yes, I think you are right. While the COVID vaccines are the first real mRNA vaccines, can probably be considered experimental since there is no long-term safety data, and they are not working well at all against Omicron, this is not a unique situation....

Everyone has heard of the influenza vaccine. It has been around for decades and is tuned at least annually, yet in a good year, it is only about 50% effective, less than 20% effective in a bad year.
Ah, if only we lived in a perfect world and we ourselves were perfection amplified.
Hey, Goonblow, you smugly simpleton:

Apply that logic before blaming Trump for COVID deaths during his time in Office. At least he crafted Operation Warp Speed. Bumbling Brandon hasn’t done anything.
Hey, Goonblow, you smugly simpleton:

Apply that logic before blaming Trump for COVID deaths during his time in Office. At least he crafted Operation Warp Speed. Bumbling Brandon hasn’t done anything.
I said nothing about Trump..carry on.
Yes, I think you are right. While the COVID vaccines are the first real mRNA vaccines, can probably be considered experimental since there is no long-term safety data, and they are not working well at all against Omicron, this is not a unique situation....

Everyone has heard of the influenza vaccine. It has been around for decades and is tuned at least annually, yet in a good year, it is only about 50% effective, less than 20% effective in a bad year.
mRNA vaccine trials began in the early 1990s.

I said nothing about Trump..carry on.
Really? Nothing? Ever?

Moonblow, you lying sack of pus.
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Piss off with your offtopic bullshit in your improperly placed thread.
I remained on topic. And it belongs in “politics” because you liberal shitbags made a disease and pandemic a political issue when it hit during the Trump Administration.

You also found it necessary to place your own off topic response in this thread at the outset.

Happy to correct your many errors, you pathetic hack.
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mRNA vaccine trials began in the early 1990s.

Thanks bu those were simply early experiments in mice.

I suppose your post is intended to somehow counter my statement that the COVID mRNA vaccines do not have long-term safety data. I don't think it comes close to accomplishing that.

Your link...

Ah, if only we lived in a perfect world and we ourselves were perfection amplified.

No, that misses the point.
A vaccine has to allow the immune system to memorize and later trigger on a particular pathogen.
These mRNA concoctions do not and can not possibly do that.
By simply stimulating our own cells to start producing spike proteins, that can not possibly ever end up adding anything to T-cell memory in the bone marrow.
These mRNA injections have zero long range effects.
All they do is temporarily make such a spike protein mess that the antibodies are temporarily generated to clean up the mess.
But 6 months later, there will be nothing left to indicate one ever had the mRNA injection.
mRNA vaccine trials began in the early 1990s.

Not true.
While Dr. Robert Malone started working in mRNA in 1987, no one has EVER succeeded in using any mRNA techniques to make a vaccine.
It is not possible.
You would have to get our own cells to construct something resembling a virus, and that is not only impossible, but incredibly dangerous if it were possible.
The spike proteins mRNA injections get our cells to make, can NOT be used to mimic a virus.
That is because our own exosomes use the same spike proteins.
That is how our exosomes are granted entry into ACE2 receptor sites on our cells.
That is also how coronaviruses are granted entry into ACE2 receptor sites on our cells.
Coronaviruses mimic our exosomes.
They can not be distinguished.
So then you can NOT use spike proteins to get our immune system to attack something.
Thanks bu those were simply early experiments in mice.

I suppose your post is intended to somehow counter my statement that the COVID mRNA vaccines do not have long-term safety data. I don't think it comes close to accomplishing that.

Your link...


Except that no mRNA vaccine actually ever worked at all.
When a vaccine has no dead virus, then there is nothing for the immune system to put into long term T-cell memory.

There are no mRNA rabies vaccines and never have been any.
Here are the only types of rabies vaccines made.
The human diploid cell rabies vaccine (H.D.C.V.) was started in 1967. Human diploid cell rabies vaccines are inactivated vaccines made using the attenuated Pitman-Moore L503 strain of the virus.[14]

In addition to these developments, newer and less expensive purified chicken embryo cell vaccines (CCEEV) and purified Vero cell rabies vaccines are now available and are recommended for use by the WHO.[6] The purified Vero cell rabies vaccine uses the attenuated Wistar strain of the rabies virus, and uses the Vero cell line as its host. CCEEVs can be used in both pre- and post-exposure vaccinations. CCEEVs use inactivated rabies virus grown from either embryonated eggs or in cell cultures and are safe for use in humans and animals.[6][15]
All mRNA can to is instruct our own ribosomes to produce proteins.
That is absolutely no way that could ever be used by anyone to ever create a vaccine.
The growth of a protein provides nothing the immune system could store in long term T-cell memory.
All mRNA can to is instruct our own ribosomes to produce proteins.
That is absolutely no way that could ever be used by anyone to ever create a vaccine.
The growth of a protein provides nothing the immune system could store in long term T-cell memory.
But the mRNA vaccines make the subject's own body produce spike proteins. Then, the subject's own immune system recognizes these proteins as foreign and creates antibodies against them.

The officials claim that the antibodies are very effective against Alpha and much less so against Omicron.

Really sounds experimental to me to deliberately cause one's immune system to attack proteins one's own cells have made. What could go wrong?

For the record, I am not COVID-vaccinated, had COVID twice now, and will probably never get another vaccine in my life after witnessing the fiasco with COVID.

To the OP.. The actual definition of the word "Vaccine" as been changed twice I believe since the Covid "vaccines" became available.
To the OP.. The actual definition of the word "Vaccine" as been changed twice I believe since the Covid "vaccines" became available.

The CDC sure did change its definition. I have the links right here to prove it...

It makes it hard for me to "trust the science" when the scientists are allowed to actually change the definition of words in order to deceive the people they are being paid to deceive.
against a specific infectious agent
Others will quite likely opine in length

But the short version is the definition of vaccine and/or vaccinated had a specific antigen/antibody relationship

That is not what mRNA is about

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