COVID-19’s Biological Politics

While still not having found the actual date of the DARPA proposal, we will retain the Russian "measles complaint," mentioned here, for the connections it has to Heartland SFTS virus:

'22 Aug: Legendary computational biologist Nick Patterson: "The leak of the DARPA grant proposal changed my view. I now think that by far the most likely cause of the pandemic was an accidental leak of an engineered virus." (Text): 'Some of this is propaganda, for instance, I've seen a Russian complaint that in Ukraine one year measles rate was low and the next year there was a substantial outbreak.'
While still not having found the actual date of the DARPA proposal, we will retain the Russian "measles complaint," mentioned here, for the connections it has to Heartland SFTS virus:

'22 Aug: Legendary computational biologist Nick Patterson: "The leak of the DARPA grant proposal changed my view. I now think that by far the most likely cause of the pandemic was an accidental leak of an engineered virus." (Text): 'Some of this is propaganda, for instance, I've seen a Russian complaint that in Ukraine one year measles rate was low and the next year there was a substantial outbreak.'
The text @ 22 Aug was visible before posting the URL.
Jackpot! Yuri Deigin makes the furin cleavage connection in 2011! We can now more aptly align the chron starting from Jan 2011, toggling between reports from China, USA, et al.

(Scroll to Yuri Deigin May 15)
University of Chicago:

NL 63 is from The Netherlands. We have already posted the NL63 spike sequence in this thread:

Post #518
Once again, it seems USMB software is the tweaker. Deigin's URL works @Biorealism.
The Shining, continued

As per Kennedy (The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 418), CladeX 2018 simulation was held at Washington's Mandarin Oriental Hotel ballroom on 15 May 2018.

The DARPA proposal is dated 24 Mar 2018:
DARPA proposal states:

'We will sequence their spike proteins, reverse engineer them to conduct binding assays, and insert them into bat SARSr-CoV (WIV1, SHC014) backbones (these use bat-SARSr-CoV backbones, nor SARS-CoV, and are exempt from dual-use and gain of function concerns) to infect humanized mice and assess capacity to cause SARS-like disease.'

Aligning the 2011 chron for SFTS virus comparison, Daszak collected SHC014 on 17 Ap 2011, after the Coronavirus Entry (Loyola University of Chicago) paper in Jan:

'....Daszak, P.....collected 17 Ap 2011....'
UTMB President resigns, so, time to collect entries and chron we have for University of Texas.
'....@4h "UTMB recently began an internal review in response to my reporting. Unlcear if connected, but timing is striking." '
Kennedy's Reporting

The resignation links to Baric's lab and CIA:

Post #997 Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci
So analysis of sequences themselves evolves here.

@24 Aug 2022
'More important question is why when they published the Spike Protein sequences did they leave out the right lower corner, shown here. Even when the next five letters were also identical & should have been included, they stopped 6 letters from the furin cleavage site?Hiding it.'
Quay seems to have missed, or at least not said anything, about the RGD motif he shows (post # 1,213). We will digress on this later, though for now, two references connect to UTMB and Ben Raimer's resignation (post #1,211). It is unfortunate we cannot smuggle this snapshot into the Twitter concentration camps. Raimer must have realized it would only be a matter of time:

Sep 2007 UTMB, Galveston / VEEV / Furin / Alphavirus
'....Alphavirus-specific E3 & E2 proteins & furin-specific cleavage sites can be used for engineering secreted forms of the proteins. Alphaviruses can be modified for expression of the large fragments of heterologous proteins on the surface of chimeric, infectious viral particles.'

A corresponding Baric report in this following article links UTMB's VEEV to poliovirus and HIV-1, bringing into focus Malacomys infected with coronavirus and monkeypox at a polio outbreak site, Quesso, mentioned previously and recalling documented Nairobi hookers immune to HIV-1 via vaginal mucosal immunity:

....These protein levels are similar to those described for vectors based on other positive strand RNA viruses such as poliovirus and venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV)....Recently, more experimental evidence is being generated supporting the second model (model 1, leader-primed transcription, 2.,discontinuous transcription) (Baric and Yount, 2000, Subgenomic Negative-Strand RNA Function During Mouse Hepatitis Virus Infection, J. Virol. 74:4039-46)
Caley I.J. et al, Humoral, Mucosal, and Cellular Immunity in Response to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Immunogen Expressed by a Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Vaccine Vector, J. Virol. 71: 30331-38.'
(The Nidoviruses, Coronavirus Derived Expression Systems, Kluwer Academic, 2000)
Forthcoming, linking furin to poliovirus and Yong-Zhen Zhang's involvement (Beijing CDC) with papillomavirus will be a report from South Africa and Slovenia. Next, post-polio immunoreactive cells will follow a trajectory linking dengue, poliovirus and VSV, the latter precisely linked to ebola vaccine and the SARS-CoV-2 mutation that Fau Chi gets backwards in his video, D614G.
This video should be a required part of the syllabus, and we'll critique it, noting timepoints and highlights so that viewers can quickly go where they wish:

Origins of SARS-CoV-2 Roundtable
After a minute or so posted to USMB, the video becomes disabled. So that the viewer can actually get to the video, we'll simply remove the "https://" from the URL so that it can be added when manually typed into the spacebar:
No doubt, Worobey et al are getting nervous, because RFK Jr. begs Sachs to read the HIV chapters of his book at the end of their podcast. The Worobey gang knows where the HIV trajectory leads:

@ 22 Aug 2022
'For anyone who still had any doubts about Lancet COVID-19 Commission Chair, Jeffrey Sachs' full descent into whichever level of hell the unredeemable cranks populate, he's now done a podcast on SARS-CoV-2 origins with the world's foremost antivaxxer (RFK Jr.)."
No doubt, Worobey et al are getting nervous, because RFK Jr. begs Sachs to read the HIV chapters of his book at the end of their podcast. The Worobey gang knows where the HIV trajectory leads:

@ 22 Aug 2022
'For anyone who still had any doubts about Lancet COVID-19 Commission Chair, Jeffrey Sachs' full descent into whichever level of hell the unredeemable cranks populate, he's now done a podcast on SARS-CoV-2 origins with the world's foremost antivaxxer (RFK Jr.)."
At Angie's page, above, a pic of Dr. Jenny Wachter, for Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. We have not found as yet anywhere Wachter mentions Ixodid ticks infesting civets or raccoon dogs. Having once had the opportunity to interview Dr. burgdorfer himself, it's too late for badger2 to ask for a second interview.
RGD motif was mentioned in Post #1,214. Here we link Quay's rgd motif to Angie Rasmussen (U. Saskatchewan, MBI Adj. Prof.)

Quay's rgd motif post can be seen: ' Bat_CoV_ZC45: rgdp'

The Angie Rasmussen link to rgd is here:
2009 U. Saskatchewan, Canada / RGD Motif

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