COVID 19 - You may already have natural immunity

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
This Dr. is great. He's unbiased and tells the flat science fact without propaganda or opinion.

The virus itself seems to come in different forms SARS and COVID being the worst.
Basically he says, anyone thats been sick from colds, the flu, or any other SARS similar viral infection may be naturally immune to COVID. That doesn't mean you WON'T get sick from it, but you won't die from it. It will be like a cold of flu. Your immune system has memory of certain viruses it's created antibodies for. Some last a short time, some last a lifetime.

Making a judgement call here on his videos I've watched to this point, it seems that if you've been sick with colds and/or the flu in the past, you may have antibodies already in your system. If not, your T cells may have held onto that information and create new antibodies when faced with the virus again.

It's my conclusion that IF anyone has actually died from COVID, they have never been sick before or they already have some potentially life threatening issue going on, and therefore have never been exposed to the virus or the antibodies that the T cells create to fight this type of virus.

So, if you've been sick a lot like I have been during my life, then there's a really good chance I've already got the immunity factor going on. If you've never been sick in your life, then you have a greater chance of contracting the virus and getting extremely sick from it.

I'm no medical expert, but thats what I got out of his video. It's a short video, and his cats are playing in the background on this one. So it's informative and entertaining. LOL
This Dr. is great. He's unbiased and tells the flat science fact without propaganda or opinion.

The virus itself seems to come in different forms SARS and COVID being the worst.
Basically he says, anyone thats been sick from colds, the flu, or any other SARS similar viral infection may be naturally immune to COVID. That doesn't mean you WON'T get sick from it, but you won't die from it. It will be like a cold of flu. Your immune system has memory of certain viruses it's created antibodies for. Some last a short time, some last a lifetime.

Making a judgement call here on his videos I've watched to this point, it seems that if you've been sick with colds and/or the flu in the past, you may have antibodies already in your system. If not, your T cells may have held onto that information and create new antibodies when faced with the virus again.

It's my conclusion that IF anyone has actually died from COVID, they have never been sick before or they already have some potentially life threatening issue going on, and therefore have never been exposed to the virus or the antibodies that the T cells create to fight this type of virus.

So, if you've been sick a lot like I have been during my life, then there's a really good chance I've already got the immunity factor going on. If you've never been sick in your life, then you have a greater chance of contracting the virus and getting extremely sick from it.

I'm no medical expert, but thats what I got out of his video. It's a short video, and his cats are playing in the background on this one. So it's informative and entertaining. LOL

Not naturally immune around here. My son (age 31) has been home sick with it all week. His significant other (30) got sick and she was diagnosed with it today. My bother-in-law's son (38) just got out of the hospital today after being in the hospital (including ICU where they didn't think he would make it) with it for over a month. He said there are a 80 people out with it, where he worked when he got sick.
I don't have natural immunity, but am glad I have enhanced immunity. It sucked.
Not naturally immune around here. My son (age 31) has been home sick with it all week. His significant other (30) got sick and she was diagnosed with it today. My bother-in-law's son (38) just got out of the hospital today after being in the hospital (including ICU where they didn't think he would make it) with it for over a month. He said there are a 80 people out with it, where he worked when he got sick.
I don't have natural immunity, but am glad I have enhanced immunity. It sucked.

You are a big liar
This Dr. is great. He's unbiased and tells the flat science fact without propaganda or opinion.

The virus itself seems to come in different forms SARS and COVID being the worst.
Basically he says, anyone thats been sick from colds, the flu, or any other SARS similar viral infection may be naturally immune to COVID. That doesn't mean you WON'T get sick from it, but you won't die from it. It will be like a cold of flu. Your immune system has memory of certain viruses it's created antibodies for. Some last a short time, some last a lifetime.

Making a judgement call here on his videos I've watched to this point, it seems that if you've been sick with colds and/or the flu in the past, you may have antibodies already in your system. If not, your T cells may have held onto that information and create new antibodies when faced with the virus again.

It's my conclusion that IF anyone has actually died from COVID, they have never been sick before or they already have some potentially life threatening issue going on, and therefore have never been exposed to the virus or the antibodies that the T cells create to fight this type of virus.

So, if you've been sick a lot like I have been during my life, then there's a really good chance I've already got the immunity factor going on. If you've never been sick in your life, then you have a greater chance of contracting the virus and getting extremely sick from it.

I'm no medical expert, but thats what I got out of his video. It's a short video, and his cats are playing in the background on this one. So it's informative and entertaining. LOL

Suuuuuuure. Let's go with that.

I forgot did you get the vaccine before or after you got Covid?
After. I was in on the ground floor or close to it om 2020. Got sick January flying to a ski trip. They couldn't even test the people that were dying in the nursing home on the west coast. They sure couldn't test for in TN when I got back with it. Just said it was some kind of flue. I did know until later and a serum test for antibodies was done. PJ and I did not get the shots until this year in March and April. Though in the high risk group due to age, when the shots came out we were young again, too young to get the shots. No matter. I got the serum test at insistence of the health department when I didn't get sick giving CPR trying to save somebody that turned out to be dying of it. I didn't know he had just gotten back from the Detroit hot spot. I had no idea I was working on a Covid patient. Testing at local hospital on the body confirmed. Health dept order me to quarantine. Autopsy in Nashville confirmed on the dead guy. He was 31. That was at a time when supposedly nobody was dying (according to national news) except people my age and older mostly with preexisting conditions. I was supposed to watch for symptoms and get tested in 4 or 5 days even if no symptoms. I didn't as I never got any symptoms. Health department lady called me every day for a week, then insisted I get tested for Covid there or at my personal physician's office. I said my primary care doctors would handle, and I would call and set it up. I called within the hour. The transferred my to my Nurse Practitioner. She said she knew I would be calling, if not, they had already been told to call me by the health department. She met me in the parking lot by herself, dressed as if she was seeing an Ebola patient, stuck her stick up my nose just about to my right eye and the drew three vials of blood. Got the stick results, (negative) in about 4 or 5 hours. She called me with the (positive) Lab Corp serum antibody results about 4 days later, and I got the printed lab results in the mail a few days after that. Bought myself a GOT COVID...GOT THE ANTIBODIES T-Shirt with a big full color high rez picture of the Covid disease cell.
So, if you've been sick a lot like I have been during my life, then there's a really good chance I've already got the immunity factor going on. If you've never been sick in your life, then you have a greater chance of contracting the virus and getting extremely sick from it.
This is where you've completely misinterpreted what was said. He said that previous exposure to flu / Sars / etc creates antibodies against similar viruses. But that also means anybody who got sick a lot, never created antibodies .
White 6 Holy smokes dude! That is quite the Covid story glad you came out OK.
Mine was a light case, and I am in really good shape for my age. My worst of it was sitting, shivering and coughing in ski in / ski out 10,000 feet up on Mount Crested Butte, CO too weak to put on skis. I got over it within a week after I got back to 230 ft elevation here in Jackson, TN, with nothing but some weakness for a while and an occasional cough that I still have. No biggy. We're planning another ski trip now. Thinking of driving, instead of flying. I started back to the gym night before last.
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The real truth is that nobody you know is sick, and you know Covid is a Zionist Dem fraud/hoax.....
You need to pull your head out of your ass.
Not naturally immune around here. My son (age 31) has been home sick with it all week. His significant other (30) got sick and she was diagnosed with it today. My bother-in-law's son (38) just got out of the hospital today after being in the hospital (including ICU where they didn't think he would make it) with it for over a month. He said there are a 80 people out with it, where he worked when he got sick.
I don't have natural immunity, but am glad I have enhanced immunity. It sucked.

How do you know?
More likely is that everyone who gets it and does not die, has natural inherent immunity, but just of varying degrees.

But no one should ever be moved to the ICU over covid.
The standard procedure of the ICU is to follow pneumonia protocols, which mean chemically induced coma, and intubation.
That is exactly the wrong thing to do, and almost always ensures death.
The source of the problem with covid is the immune system over reaction, the cytokine storm.
And what that does is fill the lungs with fluid, causing the patient to drown from the inside.
The solution to fluid build up is to rotate the patient often, especially face down, prone.
But once unconscious and intubated, that is no longer possible.
So intubation essentially is murder.
I doubt it.
The variants are not location specific, which means they are being shared from all over the place.
There should not have been any traveling at all until this was over.

And I do agree with you up to a point...this international travel is what has spread variants up to this point...

We need the air travel and shipping too though for all the commerce...just quarantine the shipping crews.
How do you know?
More likely is that everyone who gets it and does not die, has natural inherent immunity, but just of varying degrees.

But no one should ever be moved to the ICU over covid.
The standard procedure of the ICU is to follow pneumonia protocols, which mean chemically induced coma, and intubation.
That is exactly the wrong thing to do, and almost always ensures death.
The source of the problem with covid is the immune system over reaction, the cytokine storm.
And what that does is fill the lungs with fluid, causing the patient to drown from the inside.
The solution to fluid build up is to rotate the patient often, especially face down, prone.
But once unconscious and intubated, that is no longer possible.
So intubation essentially is murder.
Natural immunity would be where exposed to a significant amount of the disease, yet your body did not react by becoming meaningfully infected.
Residual immunity would be what you have for a while, at least after having the disease, fighting it off and developing antibodies to that disease.
It is figured, I have enhanced residual immunity as have had the disease, serum positive for at least one of the antibodies and I am full vaccinated.
There was also something referred to as super immunity, but I don't remember what that entailed.

The way I understand it is your body keeps making the antibodies for a while after it learned to make them in the first place, but not at the same levels it was cranking out to fight the disease when you had it. Bear in mind your body replaces the plasma in your body in a short period of time, white blood cells only lasting 18 to 36 hours, red blood cell replaced by your bone marrow in 3 or 4 months, platelettes changed out in about 10 days. They say there are 4,000 different components in your blood and all are removed and replaced by various processes. The rates and efficiencies of these processes decrease with advancing age, condition and diseases present or absent. Kind of amazing the body remembers at the genetic level how to do this correctly as long as it does. If you kept all the antibodies you ever had, you'd be pumping sludge not blood. Not replacing all components exactly as original designed or learned, over time, is basically what causes aging. Not everything is replaced equally forever....... So they say these antibodies don't last forever. Ok, OK, kind of explains why you can fight off the common cold back to full health, yet catch another cold 2 months later, though the body has had experience with this one for years. As some people seem to have a higher resistance to disease others have very little resistance to begin with, such as the boy in the bubble with seemingly no resistance to anything.
Covid seems to be a quirky one, with some having only very minor reaction or ill effects, while some others' exposure leads to flat deadly fight for life and there does not seem to be a test to predict which one you are.
How do I really know? I don't. I can't. I was a business major, a combat arms officer, somebody to organized, direct, administrate and train organizations to accomplish tasks at hand, military and civilian. But, I learned to lean heavily on the knowledge of people (hopefully experts) with far more knowledge, study and training in specific areas of importance to whatever I was doing, and the consensus usually got me more toward my short and long term goals and whatever organization I was doing my thing for, when I was in question of the way to go. So, here I bow to the scientist, microbiologist, geneticists, epidemiologist, public health experts, etc. It would never enter my mind to overweight the outliers, crackpots and agenda whores over the majority of mainstream opinion and publish studies, by major universities and laboratories.

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