Covid 19 vs 1919 influenza

Wearing masks and staying indoors while driving people like a herd with fear is killing probably 75% of them with china virus...along with previous/current ill health. Starvation and not being able to support your family is another contributor to mental health. Have you tried to see a doctor lately? Dentist?

Its all bullshit. Couple of days ago, I went to the market and everyone had masks on except me. I got glared at but nobody said anything to me. My face isn't hidden...they knew from looking at my expression not to bother. So instead of glaring back, I just baaaaaaaaaa'd at them. Baaaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaaa.

You probably caused deaths. It's tramp's virus, and soon to become Biden's'.
I'm not sick. And if I were, I would not be shopping at the store. Shall I baaaaaaaaaa at you too?

How do you know?? People shop sick all the time, that why the flu and covid are spreading.
Wearing masks and staying indoors while driving people like a herd with fear is killing probably 75% of them with china virus...along with previous/current ill health. Starvation and not being able to support your family is another contributor to mental health. Have you tried to see a doctor lately? Dentist?

Its all bullshit. Couple of days ago, I went to the market and everyone had masks on except me. I got glared at but nobody said anything to me. My face isn't hidden...they knew from looking at my expression not to bother. So instead of glaring back, I just baaaaaaaaaa'd at them. Baaaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaaa.

Same here, I feel like I am in the twilight zone when I go out and I am the only one not a part of the mask cult. I really can't believe how many people have fallen for this. I also think many people wear the mask because they don't want confrontation and are scared. Me, I don't bow down to tyranny, I am a vet. :)
Thank you for your service.
Many of them think they HAVE to wear one...and they do if the manager of the store is an asswipe. Or if not an asswipe, wants to keep his job because he is threatened with being fired if not making customers wear one. And THOSE people make their employees do it because "corporate" gave the order. And "corporate" gave those orders because if they don't comply, they get their business licenses yanked. It goes higher and higher, this power of command. Some are sheep...some are complicit in the bullshit (Dems).


Yes, for sure.. sadly. I rarely go into Wal-Mart but about 2 weeks ago I embarrassingly! The worker at the door asked me "where is your mask"? I said I got a drink in my hand and my hands are full, and I just kept walking and he didn't stop me. :D I am just waiting for one of them to try and tackle!
Thankfully, my grocery store here SAYS we must have one to enter on the door but they don't enforce it. Actually, both stores I go to to get groceries don't enforce it.
Wearing masks and staying indoors while driving people like a herd with fear is killing probably 75% of them with china virus...along with previous/current ill health. Starvation and not being able to support your family is another contributor to mental health. Have you tried to see a doctor lately? Dentist?

Its all bullshit. Couple of days ago, I went to the market and everyone had masks on except me. I got glared at but nobody said anything to me. My face isn't hidden...they knew from looking at my expression not to bother. So instead of glaring back, I just baaaaaaaaaa'd at them. Baaaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaaa.

You probably caused deaths. It's tramp's virus, and soon to become Biden's'.
I'm not sick. And if I were, I would not be shopping at the store. Shall I baaaaaaaaaa at you too?

How do you know?? People shop sick all the time, that why the flu and covid are spreading.
How do I know if I'm sick? lol!!!
At the time, very little was known about viruses and their transmission. In fact, the very first virus–Tobacco mosaic virus–had only been discovered 26 years earlier in 1892. A News of the World report from November 1918 lists the following as recommended precautions against contracting the flu: “Wash inside nose with soap and water each night and morning; force yourself to sneeze night and morning, then breathe deeply; do not wear a muffler; take sharp walks regularly and walk home from work; eat plenty of porridge.”
Outbreak: Pandemic Strikes - EcoHealth Alliance
There should be no question in any cognizant mind that if hitlary somehow prevailed that Covid would not even be a term, there would not have been a hysterical reaction let alone shut downs or masks EVEN IF 2 MILLION PEOPLE DID DIE. The economy would still be in obozo's shitter, so there wouldn't be anything to destroy anyway. We would have remained in 4 more years of stagnation and malaise while the sociopath hag stayed drunk and Huma changed her diapers.
You probably caused deaths. It's tramp's virus, and soon to become Biden's'.

How is it Kamala's virus? How would it become Biden's?

How do people as stupid as you manage to live? Seriously I need to know. Does someone follow you around and keep you from wandering into traffic or large machines? Does someone keep you in a padded basement, feed you and hose you and the place down once in a while? Are you even a cognizant human being or are you just a posting bot?

She's nuts.
You're a bed wetting jabbering retard.

I think Rittenhouse is a hero and most full grown men won't do what he did. He has the courage and bravery we all need in these times. And in this upsidedown world the hero is locked up while the terrorists run free.

He is a killer. Most grown men won't do what he did, there's a reason why.

Actually he was protecting the small businesses. Not to mention he was attacked, when you are attacked deadly force must, and will be used.
I think Rittenhouse is a hero and most full grown men won't do what he did. He has the courage and bravery we all need in these times. And in this upsidedown world the hero is locked up while the terrorists run free.
20 years ago I might have done the same had the need manifested itself. I have a family now that needs my support though. I did my combat tour in '05.
I think Rittenhouse is a hero and most full grown men won't do what he did. He has the courage and bravery we all need in these times. And in this upsidedown world the hero is locked up while the terrorists run free.
20 years ago I might have done the same had the need manifested itself. I have a family now that needs my support though. I did my combat tour in '05.

Yes, I understand. I was in Iraq 6 times and 1 in Afghanistan. I also remember raising my hand to protect America against all enemy foreign and domestic. So, if it comes down and total tyranny bestows this land. You better know the vets will be in full force to squash the tyranny.
She's nuts.
You're a bed wetting jabbering retard.

I think Rittenhouse is a hero and most full grown men won't do what he did. He has the courage and bravery we all need in these times. And in this upsidedown world the hero is locked up while the terrorists run free.

He is a killer. Most grown men won't do what he did, there's a reason why.

Actually he was protecting the small businesses. Not to mention he was attacked, when you are attacked deadly force must, and will be used.
Most grown men won't do what he did, there's a reason why.

(he can say whatever he wants, but look at the facts)
Yes, I understand. I was in Iraq 6 times and 1 in Afghanistan. I also remember raising my hand to protect America against all enemy foreign and domestic. So, if it comes down and total tyranny bestows this land. You better know the vets will be in full force to squash the tyranny.
Six fuckin times? Jesus... I did one combat tour there. I was in the south part near An Nasiriyah and did patrols up and down MSR Tampa and sometimes west down ASR Jackson to a British Camp Smitty. Never got IED's or even shot at. I was convinced (correctly) that we had the place pacified and would be out of there in 5-10 years. I came back in 07 for a contact gig and was all over from Speicher to Diamondback and finally Ramadi. Then spent 22 months in Afghanistan.

I'm not going to go out into the cities and fuck around, but if Queen Antifa's minions come to my community the hogs and buzzards will eat well the next morning. Lots of us vets out here and ranchers that are sick of the commie shit.

1919 influenza was actually an pandemic. It wasn't something the media created to shut down the economy. It was real.

yes, it was.

The thing about the 1919 Flu is that the government suppressed information about it. The reason why it's called the "Spanish Flu" is not because it originated in Spain, but because all the countries participating in World War I censored news about it. Spain was neutral and reported it.

Of course, by that time, it had spread to pandemic proportions.

So 500,000 to 850,000 in the US died out of a population of 105 million. This is at a time with no vaccines, limited preventative measures, and a fuzzy notion of how diseases spread.

with TRUMP PLAGUE, we've lost 272,000 Americans despite having much better medical technology and plenty of warning.
1919 influenza was actually an pandemic. It wasn't something the media created to shut down the economy. It was real.

yes, it was.

The thing about the 1919 Flu is that the government suppressed information about it. The reason why it's called the "Spanish Flu" is not because it originated in Spain, but because all the countries participating in World War I censored news about it. Spain was neutral and reported it.

Of course, by that time, it had spread to pandemic proportions.

So 500,000 to 850,000 in the US died out of a population of 105 million. This is at a time with no vaccines, limited preventative measures, and a fuzzy notion of how diseases spread.

with TRUMP PLAGUE, we've lost 272,000 Americans despite having much better medical technology and plenty of warning.
One great difference was the population was a lot tougher back then.
One great difference was the population was a lot tougher back then.

Um, not really.

Average American lifespan in 1919 was 53 years. Today it is 79 years.
My God you are soooo fucking stupid.

Medical science and treatment that has progressed thanks to the free market is what allowed the life expectancy to reach the level it has. It wouldn't be where it is if the government did not inhibit innovation.

That has NOTHING to do with the fact that generations before had to go out of non-airconditioned houses in the early hours, gather eggs, wring a chicken's neck, feed and milk cattle then go to school and get remarkably better educations without any federal funds.

Bed wetting parasites like you probably never even mowed a neighbors lawn or shoveled snow out of their driveway as a kid for some spending money.
Its the media driving this. COVID COVID COVID! How is it any worse than the flu?

You're ignorant too: Maybe you should read some history, start with Defoe's Book,

Maybe if Dumb Donald did a little research instead of putting himself and his reelection first we would be past the crisis and not see the worsening of infections and deaths eight months into this pandemic. It's people like you who pollute social media and politicize this crisis by putting the blame on the Media, the Scientists, China and State Governors when the only one culpable is trump.
Wearing masks and staying indoors while driving people like a herd with fear is killing probably 75% of them with china virus...along with previous/current ill health. Starvation and not being able to support your family is another contributor to mental health. Have you tried to see a doctor lately? Dentist?

Its all bullshit. Couple of days ago, I went to the market and everyone had masks on except me. I got glared at but nobody said anything to me. My face isn't hidden...they knew from looking at my expression not to bother. So instead of glaring back, I just baaaaaaaaaa'd at them. Baaaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaaa.

Same here, I feel like I am in the twilight zone when I go out and I am the only one not a part of the mask cult. I really can't believe how many people have fallen for this. I also think many people wear the mask because they don't want confrontation and are scared. Me, I don't bow down to tyranny, I am a vet. :)
Thank you for your service.
Many of them think they HAVE to wear one...and they do if the manager of the store is an asswipe. Or if not an asswipe, wants to keep his job because he is threatened with being fired if not making customers wear one. And THOSE people make their employees do it because "corporate" gave the order. And "corporate" gave those orders because if they don't comply, they get their business licenses yanked. It goes higher and higher, this power of command. Some are sheep...some are complicit in the bullshit (Dems).


Yes, for sure.. sadly. I rarely go into Wal-Mart but about 2 weeks ago I embarrassingly! The worker at the door asked me "where is your mask"? I said I got a drink in my hand and my hands are full, and I just kept walking and he didn't stop me. :D I am just waiting for one of them to try and tackle!

Have you always been anti social, or simply a trumpsters who will act in this stupid manner of your messiah?

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