COVFEFE Is The New Secret Weapon! The World Will Be Blown To Bits! (Spicer Knows About Covfefe(?)!)

So it doesn’t bother you that your messiah lost by 3,000,000 votes?
not nearly as much as it seems to bother you your messiah lost where it mattered.

See what I mean? Trumpians can’t help themselves…(by and large)
if you mean they can't help but respond to idiots, you're dead on correct.

for a change.

3M votes. That’s gotta hurt.
trump is president.

nuff said.

Yeah, but losing by 3M votes….wow. That’s gotta bother your messiah.
not nearly as much as it seems to bother you your messiah lost where it mattered.

See what I mean? Trumpians can’t help themselves…(by and large)
if you mean they can't help but respond to idiots, you're dead on correct.

for a change.

3M votes. That’s gotta hurt.
trump is president.

nuff said.

Yeah, but losing by 3M votes….wow. That’s gotta bother your messiah.
heh - you pretend i give a shit who's in office. as long as it's not hills, i'm fine.

and for the most part, you're the one with a bug up your ass about it all.
See what I mean? Trumpians can’t help themselves…(by and large)
if you mean they can't help but respond to idiots, you're dead on correct.

for a change.

3M votes. That’s gotta hurt.
trump is president.

nuff said.

Yeah, but losing by 3M votes….wow. That’s gotta bother your messiah.
heh - you pretend i give a shit who's in office. as long as it's not hills, i'm fine.

and for the most part, you're the one with a bug up your ass about it all.
One of the ones starting to deny their orange cheeto.
if you mean they can't help but respond to idiots, you're dead on correct.

for a change.

3M votes. That’s gotta hurt.
trump is president.

nuff said.

Yeah, but losing by 3M votes….wow. That’s gotta bother your messiah.
heh - you pretend i give a shit who's in office. as long as it's not hills, i'm fine.

and for the most part, you're the one with a bug up your ass about it all.
One of the ones starting to deny their orange cheeto.

It’s a beautiful thing to watch….
3M votes. That’s gotta hurt.
trump is president.

nuff said.

Yeah, but losing by 3M votes….wow. That’s gotta bother your messiah.
heh - you pretend i give a shit who's in office. as long as it's not hills, i'm fine.

and for the most part, you're the one with a bug up your ass about it all.
One of the ones starting to deny their orange cheeto.

It’s a beautiful thing to watch….
you're limber enough to watch the bug up your ass?

regardless of all else, that about you is impressive. congrats.
trump is president.

nuff said.

Yeah, but losing by 3M votes….wow. That’s gotta bother your messiah.
heh - you pretend i give a shit who's in office. as long as it's not hills, i'm fine.

and for the most part, you're the one with a bug up your ass about it all.
One of the ones starting to deny their orange cheeto.

It’s a beautiful thing to watch….
you're limber enough to watch the bug up your ass?

regardless of all else, that about you is impressive. congrats.

I guess when you have nothing else to offer, a tantrum is expected. Enjoy your tantrum kiddo.
He probably meant to write KERFUFFLE-----which is a word-----kinda. Time to move on, folks

He was trying to type "coverage"

Everyone knows it was a typo. Why lie? What's the point? It's like lying about not being able to find a dress in DC for the inauguration or that it didn't rain during his inaugural address. Stupid shit, easily disproved. Why lie unless it is pathological.

With his tiny hands, I am surprised he doesn't have more typos

everyone does TYPOS-------lots of boys have trouble spelling.-------its kinda cute

Sometimes I dew it two
Real celebrities know how to really make sense, like Ronald Reagan, in 1984, the year of "Big Brother!"
"My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."

It turned out he was a lying Sonofabitch, but just like Senator Goldwater, (Hillary adoration object): In your guts, you really did know that he was absolutely nuts!

Reagan managed to explode the federal deficit, directing the largesse to the already prosperous, defense contractors instead of to the general marketplace. On, "The Planet Of The Fixed Percentage Income Boosts," (Deuteronomy 23:19-20), then George Bush I, Term I, would inherit the exploding unemployment rate--applied "Outer Darkness," (Matthew 25:14-30). That too, was sane at the time(?). Many would note that really, it had also been sane, for a very long time!

Nixon had created the "Readiness Alert" in 1969--at the time, with basis in a Nixon/Kissinger "Madman Theory" test, making it look like nuclear war was imminent. By 1973, it would just make better sense to raise the DEFCON level(?). Tests of the nuclear option can tend to be iffy.

And so we have the Electoral College, even in 2016(?). Sane is with us, as always!

Anyone does have to admit that subsequent Obama-Biden, the prison-masturbation basis concept, "COVFEFE," tends to reduce, more likely, the credibility of the White House: Even in the eyes of Albania!

U.S. Presidential looks like that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes Swiss have famous William Tell, subject of actual overture: Dedicated to the long-standing custom of child-endangerment, in our world--Even before Trump-Pence--and even comediennes, on CNN(?)!)
So now we have it! Covfefe is about the 40% success rate of the anti-nuke new capacity. Covfefe is Donald Trump's new Wall! Covfefe is the New Trump Plan! (Spicer says that President Trump, and the Trump Inner Circle: All know what Covfefe means(?)!)

All jokes aside, Trump's 'covfefe' tweet sparks questions too

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(EEEEEEEEK!!!! Billions worldwide know what that means(?)!)
Do you ever look back at your posts and feel embarrassed?
"But Spicer told reporters that the public should not be concerned that the president sent what the questioner called "somewhat of an incoherent tweet."

No(?)! Don Knotts used to actually say it better, as an ordinary "Man On The Street," according to Steve Allen!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts! In your heart, you know he's a really, really, old smelly fart!)


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