Court Says Democrats Who Broke Quorum Rules Unconstitutionally Spent $1.7 Trillion


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Congress lacked the constitutionally required quorum to pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, a federal court ruled Tuesday. Accordingly, the Biden administration cannot enforce the new mandates imposed on Texas by the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which was part of the omnibus spending bill. However, Tuesday’s ruling left untouched the $1.7 trillion in appropriations, and with most of the money already spent, there is no real remedy for the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House’s blatant disregard for the Constitution.

I thought the Dems were all about the Constitution and the rule of law.

Apparently not. Dems will violate the Constitution for money and power. We see it all the time.

Congress lacked the constitutionally required quorum to pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, a federal court ruled Tuesday. Accordingly, the Biden administration cannot enforce the new mandates imposed on Texas by the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which was part of the omnibus spending bill. However, Tuesday’s ruling left untouched the $1.7 trillion in appropriations, and with most of the money already spent, there is no real remedy for the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House’s blatant disregard for the Constitution.

I thought the Dems were all about the Constitution and the rule of law.

Apparently not. Dems will violate the Constitution for money and power. We see it all the time.
You weren't supposed to notice that.

Congress lacked the constitutionally required quorum to pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, a federal court ruled Tuesday. Accordingly, the Biden administration cannot enforce the new mandates imposed on Texas by the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which was part of the omnibus spending bill. However, Tuesday’s ruling left untouched the $1.7 trillion in appropriations, and with most of the money already spent, there is no real remedy for the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House’s blatant disregard for the Constitution.

I thought the Dems were all about the Constitution and the rule of law.

Apparently not. Dems will violate the Constitution for money and power. We see it all the time.
Once the U.S becomes too indebted the end result will be the replacement of the U.S dollar. Neither side has cared for decades and the end result will be a shift, almost overnight, of 10s of trillions of dollars in Goodwill and economic might/influence.

Once the U.S greenback is replaced as the global currency for business the game is over. Immediately.

No one seems to give a shyte and libertarians are described as "far right extremists".
there is no real remedy for the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House’s blatant disregard for the Constitution.

Last month, federal Judge James Hendrix held a bench trial in State of Texas v. Dept. of Justice, a lawsuit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton against the Biden administration. In that lawsuit, Paxton challenged the constitutionality of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 based on the “quorum clause” of the U.S. Constitution, which is found in Article I and says:

“Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.”

So ridiculous.

Congress lacked the constitutionally required quorum to pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, a federal court ruled Tuesday. Accordingly, the Biden administration cannot enforce the new mandates imposed on Texas by the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which was part of the omnibus spending bill. However, Tuesday’s ruling left untouched the $1.7 trillion in appropriations, and with most of the money already spent, there is no real remedy for the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House’s blatant disregard for the Constitution.

I thought the Dems were all about the Constitution and the rule of law.

Apparently not. Dems will violate the Constitution for money and power. We see it all the time.
Feelings frenzies can ignore law
Leftest assholes will lie, cheat and steal to achieve their destructive Leftest goals.

Of course we are cowards letting the bastards get away with it. Our Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves.
Let's see....How about suing each member of congress that passed it and FJB that signed it for the amount divided equally among those that approved it.

Standing to sue could certainly be established.

OK, so by my ciphering that's.....1.7 trillion / 226 = 7.52212389 Billion each.

Sorry, we the people only take cash and you have a month to pay it or to post it up for a bond to appeal. ;)
The greedy corrupt Democrats are the world's most successful thieves.


Congress lacked the constitutionally required quorum to pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, a federal court ruled Tuesday. Accordingly, the Biden administration cannot enforce the new mandates imposed on Texas by the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which was part of the omnibus spending bill. However, Tuesday’s ruling left untouched the $1.7 trillion in appropriations, and with most of the money already spent, there is no real remedy for the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House’s blatant disregard for the Constitution.

I thought the Dems were all about the Constitution and the rule of law.

Apparently not. Dems will violate the Constitution for money and power. We see it all the time.
It's hilarious to hear the federalist of all publications whining about something being unconstitutional.
However, Hendrix made it clear the case brought by Texas is “narrow” and that his decision doesn’t indicate a quorum clause challenge could be brought against “any act of Congress.”

Texas also sought to invalidate an immigration-related appropriation passed by a proxy vote in the House, but Hendrix rejected the claim.

Landmark Victory for Texas AG Ken Paxton as Court Strikes Down Biden’s $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill – Unconstitutional​


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