Court Denies Teen’s Wish to Refuse Cancer Treatment

There are many situations in which adolescents have been given adult status. The general criterion is that the adolescent have an understanding of the situation. From what I've read about this case, this teen thinks the illness will do less damage to her body than the chemo. Truly, that is not an understanding of the situation. Chemo may not cure her, but the illness will, without it, kill her. If she were voicing an understanding of that, then I think most would be comfortable with her wishes.
There are many situations in which adolescents have been given adult status. The general criterion is that the adolescent have an understanding of the situation. From what I've read about this case, this teen thinks the illness will do less damage to her body than the chemo. Truly, that is not an understanding of the situation. Chemo may not cure her, but the illness will, without it, kill her. If she were voicing an understanding of that, then I think most would be comfortable with her wishes.
Geez....chemo almost NEVER cures anyone, but does kill many.
I can understand parents not wanting their child to have a child which could potentially ruin her life. I cannot understand parents not wanting their child to have treatment for a potentially deadly disease.

I would imagine the kid has been influenced by her mother somehow.
There are many situations in which adolescents have been given adult status. The general criterion is that the adolescent have an understanding of the situation. From what I've read about this case, this teen thinks the illness will do less damage to her body than the chemo. Truly, that is not an understanding of the situation. Chemo may not cure her, but the illness will, without it, kill her. If she were voicing an understanding of that, then I think most would be comfortable with her wishes.
Geez....chemo almost NEVER cures anyone, but does kill many.

So, what of all those patents who had chemo and are now alive because of it? Care to tell them that chemo doesn't work?
Her legal guardian is her parent in the state of Connecticut. So, when "Cassandra" and her mother did not follow through or missed the appointments it indicated that her mother was denying her medical care. Connecticut is not going to do an Ohio.

Sorry, but her mother isn't "denying her medical care". Her mother is acceding to her choice about her body. And the state is superceding BOTH Cassandra's choice AND that of her legal guardian to say it knows better for her.

Reality check. Failure to show at appointments indicates medical neglect. But, hey.........thanks for playing.

Reality check. Failure to show at appointments indicates the patient's lack of desire fo rthe treatment. But hey, thanks for proudly waving your hypocrite flag.

It's called medical neglect. You don't have to like it but there it is.

It's called hypocrisy. You don't have to like it, but it's all over you, anyway.

It's called medical neglect. You're just fucking ignorant.
There are many situations in which adolescents have been given adult status. The general criterion is that the adolescent have an understanding of the situation. From what I've read about this case, this teen thinks the illness will do less damage to her body than the chemo. Truly, that is not an understanding of the situation. Chemo may not cure her, but the illness will, without it, kill her. If she were voicing an understanding of that, then I think most would be comfortable with her wishes.
Geez....chemo almost NEVER cures anyone, but does kill many.

So, what of all those patents who had chemo and are now alive because of it? Care to tell them that chemo doesn't work?
Sadly they were duped by the medical establishment. The power of which is clearly on display in this poor girl's case.
Chemo is about money and has never been about curing cancer. Anyone who bothers to research it, will come to that conclusion.
We're not arguing whether the medical establishment is full of shit. I have been saying doctors are clueless for years. If you want to discuss that start another thread.
You posted that chemo would cure the girl. It most likely will not. It more than likely kills her.
No I posted that in these particular cases there is an 85% survival rate and 0% if you do nothing. Brush up on your comprehension skills.
We're not arguing whether the medical establishment is full of shit. I have been saying doctors are clueless for years. If you want to discuss that start another thread.
You posted that chemo would cure the girl. It most likely will not. It more than likely kills her.
No I posted that in these particular cases there is an 85% survival rate and 0% if you do nothing. Brush up on your comprehension skills.
Okay. Good point. Survival rate cited by the medical establishment is likely bogus...when you know cancer deaths are high, doctors with cancer refuse chemo 75% of the time, and overall they "cure" cancer patients less then 5% of the survival rate means cancer free only for five years and many who do live five years after chemo, get cancer again.
What are you retarded? Again we are not talking about the idiot medical establishment. Reality is what it is. If you do nothing you die. If you do something you have a chance.
What are you retarded? Again we are not talking about the idiot medical establishment. Reality is what it is. If you do nothing you die. If you do something you have a chance.
You are wrong. Doing nothing is better than administering chemo. This is well known by knowledgeable people.
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We're not arguing whether the medical establishment is full of shit. I have been saying doctors are clueless for years. If you want to discuss that start another thread.
You posted that chemo would cure the girl. It most likely will not. It more than likely kills her.
No I posted that in these particular cases there is an 85% survival rate and 0% if you do nothing. Brush up on your comprehension skills.
Okay. Good point. Survival rate cited by the medical establishment is likely bogus...when you know cancer deaths are high, doctors with cancer refuse chemo 75% of the time, and overall they "cure" cancer patients less then 5% of the survival rate means cancer free only for five years and many who do live five years after chemo, get cancer again.
doctors refuse the treatment why?

they fear death less? they cherish quality of life better? they are more informed about it all?

you use percentages for - doctors refuse chemo 75% - yet then use the extremely subjective term 'many' with survivors-- is this like the drunk who when asked how many beer do you drink a day replies with a few hiding the fact few means a few cases?
She should have every right to refuse,chemo is a hard row and there are no guarantee's ,with that said she should do the treatment,but its her choice,I am contemplating cutting a few treatment off my schedule,its very hard on ones body,chemo after all are toxins that kill indiscriminately.
She should have every right to refuse,chemo is a hard row and there are no guarantee's ,with that said she should do the treatment,but its her choice,I am contemplating cutting a few treatment off my schedule,its very hard on ones body,chemo after all are toxins that kill indiscriminately.
great legal argument.

you should reinvent yourself
She should have every right to refuse,chemo is a hard row and there are no guarantee's ,with that said she should do the treatment,but its her choice,I am contemplating cutting a few treatment off my schedule,its very hard on ones body,chemo after all are toxins that kill indiscriminately.
great legal argument.

you should reinvent yourself
Wasn't meant to be one,crawl back under your rock
We're not arguing whether the medical establishment is full of shit. I have been saying doctors are clueless for years. If you want to discuss that start another thread.
You posted that chemo would cure the girl. It most likely will not. It more than likely kills her.
No I posted that in these particular cases there is an 85% survival rate and 0% if you do nothing. Brush up on your comprehension skills.
Okay. Good point. Survival rate cited by the medical establishment is likely bogus...when you know cancer deaths are high, doctors with cancer refuse chemo 75% of the time, and overall they "cure" cancer patients less then 5% of the survival rate means cancer free only for five years and many who do live five years after chemo, get cancer again.
doctors refuse the treatment why?

they fear death less? they cherish quality of life better? they are more informed about it all?

you use percentages for - doctors refuse chemo 75% - yet then use the extremely subjective term 'many' with survivors-- is this like the drunk who when asked how many beer do you drink a day replies with a few hiding the fact few means a few cases?
You are not informed.

It was reported years ago that docs refuse chemo. If you don't know why, you are TERRIBLY uninformed.

Ever heard of Google?

Google this:
75% of physicians in the world refuse chemotherapy for themselves

Some cancer patients do survive chemo treatments...MANY of whom later contract cancer again and DIE! I suspect English is not your first language...if it is, my apologizes.
She should have every right to refuse,chemo is a hard row and there are no guarantee's ,with that said she should do the treatment,but its her choice,I am contemplating cutting a few treatment off my schedule,its very hard on ones body,chemo after all are toxins that kill indiscriminately.
She has had chemo treatments already, against her will.

Chemo is poison. It is not medicine...and it does kill people all the time.

The government forcing her to do this terrible torture is not only ineffective and dangerous, but proves to all who can recognize it, that the healthcare industry has tremendous political power.

The whole thing is disgusting. Land of the free is a terrible joke.

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