Could you easily forgive someone who's just gunned down a loved one?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Listen, I'm all about forgiveness and I get it....its the right thing to do, God don't like ugly, etc, etc, etc....but I'm not too sure about the timing on all this. I applaud the family members that found it right to forgive this cold blooded "white" murderer, but I would be interested to know, would the same forgiveness have come so swift, had it just been a thug trying to rob a church? Or if any of these people were murdered in their homes, individually by some thug in the neighborhood???? Would the families find it easy to forgive?

Forgiveness is a good thing and in time, its something we must do in order to flow in God's favor, HOWEVER....for me, its gonna take time. If my mother, my child, my family members were gunned down by some cold blooded murderer, you gonna get forgiveness...but that's AFTER THEY PULL THE SWITCH OR YO ASS GET LIFE.....UNTIL THEN, you gonna have to wait for the hate to get off my plate!! Again, I give much props to the families for publically forgiving this cold blooded thug, but for me, it just wouldn't be that easy, that's for me!!

I think some of it is shock. Its hard enough to grasp a loved one dying after a long illness. To see someone gunned down like that would be almost too much to "take in"
I have no doubt they have also forgiven him....but its also going to be an ongoing process. I cant imagine them not having some times of justified anger. I know I would.
I would forgive the person, yes, but no, I would not tell them that I have forgiven them...until they themselves ask me to forgive them. Before they ask me to forgive them, I don't believe that its any of their business what my feelings towards them are anyways. They obviously didn't care how I felt to begin with or they would not have done whatever it is that they did in the first place, so what would be the point in telling them how I feel after they have done it? Until they seek my forgiveness, I wouldn't have anything more to do with them because that right there would be the only way to make sure that they don't continue to do to me whatever it is that have done to me already whether I have forgiven them or not.

God bless you always!!!

I once worked for an attorney that screwed me over. Due to the nature of my employment I had knowledge of his personal business and personal finances.

I never forgot. Ten years later he was sued. The attorney that sued him couldn't find a single attachable asset.

Then I stepped in and divulged every asset, traceable assets in the names of others. The man that wronged me lost everything, his home, his business and every cent. His wife and kids ended up on the street. He shot himself, never knowing that I was the architect of his ruin.

But what I really want to know is WHY that judge allowed that bullshit in his courtroom on a fucking PRELIMINARY HEARING.

How bout we determine guilt BEFORE we let the public throw government sanctioned stones?

But what I really want to know is WHY that judge allowed that bullshit in his courtroom on a fucking PRELIMINARY HEARING.

How bout we determine guilt BEFORE we let the public throw government sanctioned stones?
Because Roof pled guilty so there will be no determination of guilt.

But what I really want to know is WHY that judge allowed that bullshit in his courtroom on a fucking PRELIMINARY HEARING.

How bout we determine guilt BEFORE we let the public throw government sanctioned stones?
Because Roof pled guilty so there will be no determination of guilt.
It was a preliminary hearing. There was no such plea. Get informed bro.

Admitting to investigators & pleading guilty are two entirely different things. People often admit guilt but plead innocent
A preliminary hearing is to determine whether there is enough evidence to bind the defendant over for trial. Once there is a confession there may be a sentencing hearing unless a plea deal will have been worked out. Roof's sentencing hearing will probably look just like a trial.
I once worked for an attorney that screwed me over. Due to the nature of my employment I had knowledge of his personal business and personal finances.

I never forgot. Ten years later he was sued. The attorney that sued him couldn't find a single attachable asset.

Then I stepped in and divulged every asset, traceable assets in the names of others. The man that wronged me lost everything, his home, his business and every cent. His wife and kids ended up on the street. He shot himself, never knowing that I was the architect of his ruin.
I most definitely do not fault you for doing what you did, especially if you choosing to remain silent would have meant that he would have gotten away with doing something wrong, but I can not help but feel bad for his family especially his kids because they didn't get to pick their parents. You did the right thing though. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. :) :) :)

God bless you and them kids always!!! :) :) :)

I once worked for an attorney that screwed me over. Due to the nature of my employment I had knowledge of his personal business and personal finances.

I never forgot. Ten years later he was sued. The attorney that sued him couldn't find a single attachable asset.

Then I stepped in and divulged every asset, traceable assets in the names of others. The man that wronged me lost everything, his home, his business and every cent. His wife and kids ended up on the street. He shot himself, never knowing that I was the architect of his ruin.
Somebody stole your story and made a movie about you.
I once worked for an attorney that screwed me over. Due to the nature of my employment I had knowledge of his personal business and personal finances.

I never forgot. Ten years later he was sued. The attorney that sued him couldn't find a single attachable asset.

Then I stepped in and divulged every asset, traceable assets in the names of others. The man that wronged me lost everything, his home, his business and every cent. His wife and kids ended up on the street. He shot himself, never knowing that I was the architect of his ruin.
I most definitely do not fault you for doing what you did, especially if you choosing to remain silent would have meant that he would have gotten away with doing something wrong, but I can not help but feel bad for his family especially his kids because they didn't get to pick their parents. You did the right thing though. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. :) :) :)

God bless you and them kids always!!! :) :) :)

Wow, you call yourself a Christian. I don't believe the story, but you are endorsing the idea that it is OK to punish innocents and push someone into suicide over a 10 year old grudge. That ain't Christian. That is the opposite of Christian.
^^^ How do you know that man was innocent? If he was guilty of something really bad, why should he get away with it just so that his family wouldn't suffer? What about anyone that he himself may have wronged? When did they become not as important?

God bless you and his children always!!!


P.S. Also the man did not have to kill himself. Taking his life was his own choice.
I think some of it is shock. Its hard enough to grasp a loved one dying after a long illness. To see someone gunned down like that would be almost too much to "take in"
I have no doubt they have also forgiven him....but its also going to be an ongoing process. I cant imagine them not having some times of justified anger. I know I would.

You know, maybe it was the shock the newness of it all, I was just taken aback at how quickly the forgiveness was made.....I mean, one detail of the brother begging the white guy to shoot him instead of the 74 year old and white boy, saying no man I gotta do this?.......No no no way are you getting my forgiveness, no way....maybe on my death bed, but no way!!

But what I really want to know is WHY that judge allowed that bullshit in his courtroom on a fucking PRELIMINARY HEARING.

How bout we determine guilt BEFORE we let the public throw government sanctioned stones?

Hey, I agree with you....when I saw all these people crying and forgiving this guy, I'm like WTF is going on here??????????
What does "forgive" mean? It is one thing to say, "I forgive you", meaning I am not going to hate you for what you did. It is quite different to say "I forgive you" to say that because you are forgiven you will not have to suffer the negative consequences of your actions.

I don't think the family members would of been quick to forgive Roof if it had meant that he would not face trial and sentencing for his murders. That being said, the type of forgiveness shown is commendable.

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