Cory Booker Trying Save Our Souls!


Gold Member
Apr 29, 2016
Chicago, IL
An uncle sent me this:

"This was written by Corey Booker an hour or 2 ago & I found it inspirational."

Early Morning Thoughts on Today, Nov. 9th.

"This is not a time to curl up, give up or shut up.
It is time to get up; to stand up, to speak words that heal, help, and recommit to the cause of our country.

We had an election defeat, but we are not defeated.
We hurt, we fear, we may even regret that we did not do more.
But character is not defined, forged or built in good times.
The fire of adversity forges our steel.
And the searing heat of defeat reveals what we are made of.
We tell our truth not in what happens to us but in how we react – how we face a setback; how we rise when knocked down; how we work through fatigue and frustration; how we bring grit to our grief and heart to our hurt.

The will of a patriot is indomitable.
I regret that we have but one life to give to our country.
And thus, as long as we have breath in our bodies and blood in our veins, nothing can stop us from serving, helping, sacrificing and struggling for the cause of America - a cause that is 240 years old, a cause greater than our pain, sorrow, or fears - a cause that has seen agony, loss, setback, and defeats – but one that has never, ever surrendered.

We are shaken, but our will must be firm.
This finite defeat will not end our infinite hope - in us, in America, in all her people no matter what their faith, race, or political party.

Our light is inextinguishable, no matter how much darkness we face.
We must be brilliant now, when it is needed most, not a dim, dull capitulation to the gloom that abounds.

We are prisoners of hope - knowing hope and faith do not exist in the abstract; they are the active conviction that frustration and despair will never have the last word.

So let us stand up today. Let us pledge allegiance to our nation with renewed conviction and courage.

Let us be determined to reach out to our fellow countrywomen and men.

Let us encourage others.
Let us be gracious.
Let us seek to build bridges where they have been burned.
Let us seek to restore trust where it has been eroded. Let us stand our ground but still work to find common ground.

Let us be humble and do the difficult work of finding ways to collaborate and cooperate with those whose political affiliations may differ from ours.

But let us never, ever, surrender, forfeit, or retreat from our core values, our fundamental commitments to justice over prejudice; economic inclusion over poverty and unmerited privilege; and, always, love over hate.

Let us speak truth to power; fiercely defend those who are bullied, belittled, demeaned or degraded; and tenaciously fight for all people and the ideals we cherish.

It is a new day.
We love our country; we will serve it, defend it, and never stop struggling to make its great promise real for all.

And no one gets a vote on that."


I guess I'm not that big! It's going to be difficult to be that magnanimous after all the hateful $#!t coming out of Trump's mouth over the years! :argue: :321: :alcoholic:
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I dont like his politics, but i respect Booker. Being a mayor and saving people in a fire, he will always be a hero to me. I would like Trump to maybe work with him on some ideas to help the inner cities.
More than half of what you think he said, he never did. Maybe that will make it a little easier for you.
An uncle sent me this:

"This was written by Corey Booker an hour or 2 ago & I found it inspirational."

Early Morning Thoughts on Today, Nov. 9th.

"This is not a time to curl up, give up or shut up.
It is time to get up; to stand up, to speak words that heal, help, and recommit to the cause of our country.

We had an election defeat, but we are not defeated.
We hurt, we fear, we may even regret that we did not do more.
But character is not defined, forged or built in good times.
The fire of adversity forges our steel.
And the searing heat of defeat reveals what we are made of.
We tell our truth not in what happens to us but in how we react – how we face a setback; how we rise when knocked down; how we work through fatigue and frustration; how we bring grit to our grief and heart to our hurt.

The will of a patriot is indomitable.
I regret that we have but one life to give to our country.
And thus, as long as we have breath in our bodies and blood in our veins, nothing can stop us from serving, helping, sacrificing and struggling for the cause of America - a cause that is 240 years old, a cause greater than our pain, sorrow, or fears - a cause that has seen agony, loss, setback, and defeats – but one that has never, ever surrendered.

We are shaken, but our will must be firm.
This finite defeat will not end our infinite hope - in us, in America, in all her people no matter what their faith, race, or political party.

Our light is inextinguishable, no matter how much darkness we face.
We must be brilliant now, when it is needed most, not a dim, dull capitulation to the gloom that abounds.

We are prisoners of hope - knowing hope and faith do not exist in the abstract; they are the active conviction that frustration and despair will never have the last word.

So let us stand up today. Let us pledge allegiance to our nation with renewed conviction and courage.

Let us be determined to reach out to our fellow countrywomen and men.

Let us encourage others.
Let us be gracious.
Let us seek to build bridges where they have been burned.
Let us seek to restore trust where it has been eroded. Let us stand our ground but still work to find common ground.

Let us be humble and do the difficult work of finding ways to collaborate and cooperate with those whose political affiliations may differ from ours.

But let us never, ever, surrender, forfeit, or retreat from our core values, our fundamental commitments to justice over prejudice; economic inclusion over poverty and unmerited privilege; and, always, love over hate.

Let us speak truth to power; fiercely defend those who are bullied, belittled, demeaned or degraded; and tenaciously fight for all people and the ideals we cherish.

It is a new day.
We love our country; we will serve it, defend it, and never stop struggling to make its great promise real for all.

And no one gets a vote on that."


I guess I'm not that big! It's going to be difficult to be that magnanimous after all the hateful $#!t coming out of Trump's mouth over the years!
Cory Booker is a grandmaster at giving speeches.

Seriously, this guy is one of the best I have ever seen.
I dont like his politics, but i respect Booker. Being a mayor and saving people in a fire, he will always be a hero to me. I would like Trump to maybe work with him on some ideas to help the inner cities.

I do not like Cory Booker, but I acknowledge that he is a master at speechcraft. I seriously want to study under this guy, because he is so damn good.

Well yeah, but while I dont trust liberals, i think he could be a guy that would be willing to help out. I could be wrong, but I think its worth the gamble
Well yeah, but while I dont trust liberals, i think he could be a guy that would be willing to help out. I could be wrong, but I think its worth the gamble

Never trust anyone associated with politics. Cory Booker is likely a rat.
An uncle sent me this:

"This was written by Corey Booker an hour or 2 ago & I found it inspirational."

Early Morning Thoughts on Today, Nov. 9th.

"This is not a time to curl up, give up or shut up.
It is time to get up; to stand up, to speak words that heal, help, and recommit to the cause of our country.

We had an election defeat, but we are not defeated.
We hurt, we fear, we may even regret that we did not do more.
But character is not defined, forged or built in good times.
The fire of adversity forges our steel.
And the searing heat of defeat reveals what we are made of.
We tell our truth not in what happens to us but in how we react – how we face a setback; how we rise when knocked down; how we work through fatigue and frustration; how we bring grit to our grief and heart to our hurt.

The will of a patriot is indomitable.
I regret that we have but one life to give to our country.
And thus, as long as we have breath in our bodies and blood in our veins, nothing can stop us from serving, helping, sacrificing and struggling for the cause of America - a cause that is 240 years old, a cause greater than our pain, sorrow, or fears - a cause that has seen agony, loss, setback, and defeats – but one that has never, ever surrendered.

We are shaken, but our will must be firm.
This finite defeat will not end our infinite hope - in us, in America, in all her people no matter what their faith, race, or political party.

Our light is inextinguishable, no matter how much darkness we face.
We must be brilliant now, when it is needed most, not a dim, dull capitulation to the gloom that abounds.

We are prisoners of hope - knowing hope and faith do not exist in the abstract; they are the active conviction that frustration and despair will never have the last word.

So let us stand up today. Let us pledge allegiance to our nation with renewed conviction and courage.

Let us be determined to reach out to our fellow countrywomen and men.

Let us encourage others.
Let us be gracious.
Let us seek to build bridges where they have been burned.
Let us seek to restore trust where it has been eroded. Let us stand our ground but still work to find common ground.

Let us be humble and do the difficult work of finding ways to collaborate and cooperate with those whose political affiliations may differ from ours.

But let us never, ever, surrender, forfeit, or retreat from our core values, our fundamental commitments to justice over prejudice; economic inclusion over poverty and unmerited privilege; and, always, love over hate.

Let us speak truth to power; fiercely defend those who are bullied, belittled, demeaned or degraded; and tenaciously fight for all people and the ideals we cherish.

It is a new day.
We love our country; we will serve it, defend it, and never stop struggling to make its great promise real for all.

And no one gets a vote on that."


I guess I'm not that big! It's going to be difficult to be that magnanimous after all the hateful $#!t coming out of Trump's mouth over the years! :argue: :321: :alcoholic:
You people aren't patriots. You are terrorists,communists and trash that needs kicked to the curb. WE the people that just took back our country are patriots!
WE the people that just took back our country are patriots!


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