Corporate Media Embraces Raccoon Dog Covid Origin Theory


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Any theory but China-Fauci gain of function.

The furry creatures are the latest purported culprit of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Atlantic published a report Friday of a genetic sequences analysis from January 2020. The analysis found that the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was illegally selling Raccoon dogs, which researchers say have been carrying and shedding the virus since the outbreak of the pandemic.

The researchers expressed caution about their own findings, admitting they could not conclusively prove that raccoon dogs were the original host of the virus.

And yet, the corporate press has endorsed the hypothesis without much skepticism, from ABC to NBC, from CBS to the Washington Post.

“The Strongest Evidence Yet That an Animal Started the Pandemic,” headlined The Atlantic report.

“Evidence points to raccoon dogs as potential Covid-19 source,” claimed Time.

“New evidence supports animal origin of Covid virus through raccoon dogs,” wrote the Scientific American,

Raccoon Dog Theory has the media aroused. Perhaps even convinced.

From bat to a pangolin, tans now to these raccoon-looking members of the canid family:



What's funny is seeing all the bat penglin democrats quickly dump that belief for this new one, raccoon dogs.

Democrats will believe whatever the ccp says. Look how many local NWO shillbots and NPCs still call the spy balloon a weather balloon.
Any theory but China-Fauci gain of function.

The furry creatures are the latest purported culprit of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Atlantic published a report Friday of a genetic sequences analysis from January 2020. The analysis found that the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was illegally selling Raccoon dogs, which researchers say have been carrying and shedding the virus since the outbreak of the pandemic.
The researchers expressed caution about their own findings, admitting they could not conclusively prove that raccoon dogs were the original host of the virus.
And yet, the corporate press has endorsed the hypothesis without much skepticism, from ABC to NBC, from CBS to the Washington Post.
“The Strongest Evidence Yet That an Animal Started the Pandemic,” headlined The Atlantic report.
“Evidence points to raccoon dogs as potential Covid-19 source,” claimed Time.
“New evidence supports animal origin of Covid virus through raccoon dogs,” wrote the Scientific American,
Raccoon Dog Theory has the media aroused. Perhaps even convinced.
From bat to a pangolin, tans now to these raccoon-looking members of the canid family:

This is just as racist as their "dirty Chinese people eating bat soup" theory.

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