CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Under Oath Over Remarks About Immigrants

Um ... yeah ... you knew that while you argued they have criminal rights in a civil case. Gotcha
Incorrect, but I understand you are still pissed about this:


Pissed about what? Thanks for your concern about my feelings, gay boy. But I'm good. If I want someone to talk to about how I feel though, I'll remember your offer. Don't hold your breath ...
LOL. You are a poor liar, sir.
Um ... yeah ... you knew that while you argued they have criminal rights in a civil case. Gotcha
Incorrect, but I understand you are still pissed about this:


Pissed about what? Thanks for your concern about my feelings, gay boy. But I'm good. If I want someone to talk to about how I feel though, I'll remember your offer. Don't hold your breath ...
LOL. You are a poor liar, sir.
Well, I did say to not hold your breath
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
If I were Andres, I wouldn't work for that fucker, either, after he made that rapist drug dealer speech. Probably 3/4 of the great food produced in restaurants in this country is made by guys speaking Spanish. You know that, right?

Trump was right to speak out against illegals, who are committing a shit load of crime in this nation.

Andres is an asshole for having a problem with it.

And he broke a contract and deserves to be punished for that.

And the vast majority of restaurant workers in this nation SPEAK ENGLISH.
Actually, statistically, illegals commit less crime than those of us who are here legally.

Does not pass the smell test, i call bullshit.

More importantly, what Trump said in his kick-off speech was extremely offensive as well as being misleading.

Your choice to be offended has nothing to do with me or Trump. THe fact that you disagree with it, does not make it misleading.

The reason is that no one is going to walk up to an Hispanic individual and ask if he is a citizen before forming an opinion of him.

The reason for what? For Andres breaking his contract? LOL!!

See an Hispanic, hear a guy speaking Spanish, and recall Trump's words.....
Don't tell me it doesn't happen.
Does not pass the smell test, i call bullshit.

The image of illegals was not created by Trump, but by the high crime rate in illegal heavy areas, BY ILLEGALS.

Andres knew it wasn't going to be a picnic breaking this contract, but I don't blame him for refusing to work for Trump, even if it costs him.

Your sides lack of respect for the law, or professional ethnics, or morality, or anything, if it conflicts with the lefty agenda is well know. But thanks for sharing.
Does not pass the smell test, i call bullshit.
You could be right. I thought I'd be able to put my hands on a link to clearly explain it to you, but no, even though I've heard the statement many times. However, be cautious of the folks who go in with strong biases on BOTH sides, since numbers are so easy to play with--especially since the federal government does not track the numbers.

Trump was (and still is) being misleading in suggesting that MOST of the illegals coming to this country are drug dealers, rapists, murderers, and some he guesses, are good people. When he discusses illegals, he immediately hauls out the grieving mothers who have lost a child to an illegal, whether it was cold blooded murder or DUI. What impression do you think he's trying to promote? It's pretty obvious, don't you think?

I was listening to a Republican congressman from Western New York a few months ago who was explaining that there are LOTS of illegal immigrants living and working in agriculture and the service industry there. He says they're super important to the economy and their contributions can't be discredited. So which is it? Villians or hard working people helping our economy work? It is the same group of people, just being viewed from two different lenses. Can you see that? Trump has CHOSEN the extremely negative stereotype as his banner.
That is why it is offensive to anyone who cares about any group not being judged unfairly.
Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
If I were Andres, I wouldn't work for that fucker, either, after he made that rapist drug dealer speech. Probably 3/4 of the great food produced in restaurants in this country is made by guys speaking Spanish. You know that, right?

Trump was right to speak out against illegals, who are committing a shit load of crime in this nation.

Andres is an asshole for having a problem with it.

And he broke a contract and deserves to be punished for that.

And the vast majority of restaurant workers in this nation SPEAK ENGLISH.
Actually, statistically, illegals commit less crime than those of us who are here legally.

Does not pass the smell test, i call bullshit.

More importantly, what Trump said in his kick-off speech was extremely offensive as well as being misleading.

Your choice to be offended has nothing to do with me or Trump. THe fact that you disagree with it, does not make it misleading.

The reason is that no one is going to walk up to an Hispanic individual and ask if he is a citizen before forming an opinion of him.

The reason for what? For Andres breaking his contract? LOL!!

See an Hispanic, hear a guy speaking Spanish, and recall Trump's words.....
Don't tell me it doesn't happen.
Does not pass the smell test, i call bullshit.

The image of illegals was not created by Trump, but by the high crime rate in illegal heavy areas, BY ILLEGALS.

Andres knew it wasn't going to be a picnic breaking this contract, but I don't blame him for refusing to work for Trump, even if it costs him.

Your sides lack of respect for the law, or professional ethnics, or morality, or anything, if it conflicts with the lefty agenda is well know. But thanks for sharing.
Does not pass the smell test, i call bullshit.
You could be right. I thought I'd be able to put my hands on a link to clearly explain it to you, but no, even though I've heard the statement many times. However, be cautious of the folks who go in with strong biases on BOTH sides, since numbers are so easy to play with--especially since the federal government does not track the numbers.

Trump was (and still is) being misleading in suggesting that MOST of the illegals coming to this country are drug dealers, rapists, murderers, and some he guesses, are good people. When he discusses illegals, he immediately hauls out the grieving mothers who have lost a child to an illegal, whether it was cold blooded murder or DUI. What impression do you think he's trying to promote? It's pretty obvious, don't you think?

I was listening to a Republican congressman from Western New York a few months ago who was explaining that there are LOTS of illegal immigrants living and working in agriculture and the service industry there. He says they're super important to the economy and their contributions can't be discredited. So which is it? Villians or hard working people helping our economy work? It is the same group of people, just being viewed from two different lenses. Can you see that? Trump has CHOSEN the extremely negative stereotype as his banner.
That is why it is offensive to anyone who cares about any group not being judged unfairly.

So even if that's true, we should ignore enforcing the law if there is an economic benefit?
I just assumed you were keeping up with the conversation. My bad
There's keeping up, including your cracked statements, and there's disregarding, again, including your cracked statements like "don't hold your breath" and your delusion that I care about your feelings. Why would I hold my breath? Why do you think I care about your feelings?
I just assumed you were keeping up with the conversation. My bad
There's keeping up, including your cracked statements, and there's disregarding, again, including your cracked statements like "don't hold your breath" and your delusion that I care about your feelings. Why would I hold my breath? Why do you think I care about your feelings?

If you don't care about my feelings, why did you ask about them? That kind of hurts. Don't toy with my emotions like that
If you don't care about my feelings, why did you ask about them? That kind of hurts. Don't toy with my emotions like that
Please quote me where I asked you about your feelings. I don't recall making that statement. The fact I correctly pointed out your pissy conniption over my little joke isn't an expression of concern.

Incorrect, but I understand you are still pissed about this:

If you don't care about my feelings, why did you ask about them? That kind of hurts. Don't toy with my emotions like that
Please quote me where I asked you about your feelings. I don't recall making that statement. The fact I correctly pointed out your pissy conniption over my little joke isn't an expression of concern.

Incorrect, but I understand you are still pissed about this:


Your constant obsession with anger is a pretty clear tell
Your constant obsession with anger is a pretty clear tell
Translation: I don't have a quote. I'm just flailing like a fish on a hook.

Again, your confusion is on display for all to see. Fine. Your choice. Everyone who gives a shit knows you have no quotes or other evidence to back your accusations. No biggie. You're not alone in that regard. Many here just like posting their opinions without ever trying to back them up with evidence. It's not a requirement and you are free to post as you please within the limits of the forum. Others are free to skip your posts, agree with you or, as I often do, question your ability to reason.
Your constant obsession with anger is a pretty clear tell
Translation: I don't have a quote. I'm just flailing like a fish on a hook.

Again, your confusion is on display for all to see. Fine. Your choice. Everyone who gives a shit knows you have no quotes or other evidence to back your accusations. No biggie. You're not alone in that regard. Many here just like posting their opinions without ever trying to back them up with evidence. It's not a requirement and you are free to post as you please within the limits of the forum. Others are free to skip your posts, agree with you or, as I often do, question your ability to reason.

You're dick is so stumpy that you know your view doesn't mean shit, huh? So you have to imagine legions of followers to inflate it. Yeah, Skippy, everyone is on your side, you speak for thousands ...

What a chick
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

LOL oohhh, this is going to big yuge. I am really enjoying watching the already delusional leftists become even more unhinged.

Sent from my iPad using
You're dick is so stumpy that you know your view doesn't mean shit, huh? So you have to imagine legions of followers to inflate it. Yeah, Skippy, everyone is on your side, you speak for thousands ...

What a chick
It appears I'm deep inside your head when all I did was disagree with you.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

The chef is already backtracking and saying he's willing to drop his suit if Trump drops his. He broke contract and he'll lose.

I agree. The part I don't get is the damages though. Trump will have zero difficulty lining up someone who doesn't cloud doing business with their politics

Depends. If Trump remodeled and customized the space to suit the tenant, then he is out money. Many commercial real estate management companies do this to get leases. Then there are the offers that were turned down after this gimp signed the contract. Attracting tenants isn't just a matter of having your 10 year old paint and hang a sign on the door in these places. I can find $10 mil easy, probably more. And, the place is sitting empty while the dispute rolls on, in a court presided over by a Judge with a serious conflict of interest involved.

In any case I've never heard of lease contract that has a clause in it saying some gimp can break it because somebody said something he didn't like somewhere in a speech, so yeah, this is just political thuggery and harassment, something all the Democrats here clearly support and endorse.

In other news the Democratic Party and its hired BLM street gang can chalk up yet another victory and dance for joy, as another police officer was shot in the head in Washington state, another fun political activity so dear to their 'Cause'. They're all disgusting vermin, so no need to humor any of them about anything any more.
Last edited:
Few business suits require anybody there but the lawyers for the respective sides; this is just grandstanding bullshit from a hack political appointee sitting on a bench. Andre is just an ass trying to make a name for himself that's all, and so is the Judge, just returning political favors for her Party. Nothing Trump said slandered anybody but criminals, and has zero bearing on the case, it's just a media circus.
That depends on the suit. In this case, Trump is suing a chef for breach of contract. What both the plaintiff and the accused said to each other regarding this contract is part of the case. I fail to see the problem here. This isn't new law or unprecedented.

Once again , what they want to 'depose' him on had zero to do with the lease or even the Chefs, so I fail to see what your point is.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.

It's a her. Di Toro is the first married LGBT individual with children who has been approved by the Senate to serve the judiciary.[3]

Jennifer Di Toro - Ballotpedia

Trump should have the dyke impeached and blame it on the Russians.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

The chef is already backtracking and saying he's willing to drop his suit if Trump drops his. He broke contract and he'll lose.

I agree. The part I don't get is the damages though. Trump will have zero difficulty lining up someone who doesn't cloud doing business with their politics

Depends. If Trump remodeled and customized the space to suit the tenant, then he is out money. Many commercial real estate management companies do this to get leases. Then there are the offers that were turned down after this gimp signed the contract. Attracting tenants isn't just a matter of having your 10 year old paint and hang a sign on the door in these places. I can find $10 mil easy, probably more. And, the place is sitting empty while the dispute rolls on, in a court presided over by a Judge with a serious conflict of interest involved.

In any case I've never heard of lease contract that has a clause in it saying some gimp can break it because somebody said something he didn't like somewhere in a speech, so yeah, this is just political thuggery and harassment, something all the Democrats here clearly support and endorse.

In other news the Democratic Party and its hired BLM street gang can chalk up yet another victory and dance for joy, as another police officer was shot in the head in Washington state, another fun political activity so dear to their 'Cause'. They're all disgusting vermin, so no need to humor any of them about anything any more.

I realize what you are saying, I guess my impression was that Trump wasn't just suing to recoup direct costs. If the guy didn't pay that to Trump, he really is an idiot. I don't see why Trump would need to be disposed for that, it would be an open and shut case where the moron who thinks Mexicans can't commit murder or rape would lose.

Maybe Trump is suing for loss of revenue or something more extensive. Those are more the types of damages I was wondering about.

As for breach of contract, absolutely, the guy breached the contract and butt hurt isn't typically an out in a contract. It becomes then a question of making Trump whole.

BTW, I've owned five businesses including a restaurant. Everything you said it true. Just discussing it

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