cop thinks pistol is taser--shoots jerk


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
good video here
what do you think?
the cop screwed up --big time thinking his pistol was his taser
...but--the guy was a jackass trying hide the drugs and struggling-- -I'm glad he got shot = struggling with the cops...they don't have the time to mess around with trying to be social workers
..also, if this guy is doing what he did, this tells me he's a real jackass--PLUS:
The six-foot-four, 240-pound construction worker
Riling, 38, had been picked up earlier in the day and charged with charged with intimidation and retaliation against a victim, simple assault and related offenses.
He was also charged with burglarizing the same victim's home in mid-February.
he got what he deserved
Cop who mistakenly shot suspect inside police station will not face charges | Daily Mail Online
'''''Oh my god. Please, please help. Dude, my kids, my kids, My daughters. Please, please, my daughters, please,' Riling begs. 'Get me f**king out of here. I don't want to die. It hurts everywhere, guys.''''''
NOW he thinks about his family???!!!!???
a real dumb jackass
tough shit
and NOT headline MSM because he's not black
AND you can see I think the same --no matter what race the CRIMINAL is
and NOT headline MSM because he's not black
AND you can see I think the same --no matter what race the CRIMINAL is
Yeah if he were black the crying would be all over the media.
Tazer, Ball Bat, 12 ga. Mossberg 500, Glock. Either way he wont do dat no mo.
.....but we see idiots defy cops that are pointing pistols at them---some people are stupid
..a lot of these idiots are not only ''slow in the mind''/stupid, they are mentally unstable--erratic--etc----maybe not totally deranged, but there are different levels of derangement/mental problems
I think the Cop bears a bit more responsibility and needs to be held accountable more than he has been even though the perp is a scumbag. He got off with NO repercussions at all. None. That is the type of mistake that costs lives and is NEGLIGENT. No, I don't feel sorry for the perp.
I think the Cop bears a bit more responsibility and needs to be held accountable more than he has been even though the perp is a scumbag. He got off with NO repercussions at all. None. That is the type of mistake that costs lives and is NEGLIGENT. No, I don't feel sorry for the perp.
Cop was in fear for his life. Grabs whatever weapon he could get at first. Fired. Nigga dead. Case closed( and I fucking HATE cops)
I think the Cop bears a bit more responsibility and needs to be held accountable more than he has been even though the perp is a scumbag. He got off with NO repercussions at all. None. That is the type of mistake that costs lives and is NEGLIGENT. No, I don't feel sorry for the perp.
Cop was in fear for his life. Grabs whatever weapon he could get at first. Fired. Nigga dead. Case closed( and I fucking HATE cops)

Guy was unarmed, and two cops on one perp, plus he was White. I don't hate cops, but they need to be held accountable and rarely are for gross negligence. They get a pass just because they're cops. You train to grab and use the appropriate weapon for the situation.

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