Cop Arrested After Shoving 75 Year Old Protester


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is an update to the story about the Buffalo cop who shoved that 75 year old protester to the ground then lied about it in his report.

The charges are sealed until later today after his arraignment.

It will be interesting to learn what the charges are.

If I was that 75 year old man, I would sue that cop and that police force.

There were less than 20 people at that protest. Why was the police sent and why did they use such violent force on less than 20 people?

That so wasn't needed.

I smell another Democrat setup.....That aside.75 year old commies need to stay play stupid games you get stupid prizes.
I think the cops acted properly

why was the old man confronting them instead of obeying orders?
Unarmed elderly citizens, alone with no one at their side, should be able to approach strong young police officers without fear. It is unthinkable that this would be a matter of debate or "left"/"right" foolishness. I know what my deceased retired cop father would have to say about this.
This is an update to the story about the Buffalo cop who shoved that 75 year old protester to the ground then lied about it in his report.

The charges are sealed until later today after his arraignment.

It will be interesting to learn what the charges are.

If I was that 75 year old man, I would sue that cop and that police force.

There were less than 20 people at that protest. Why was the police sent and why did they use such violent force on less than 20 people?

That so wasn't needed.

No one cares. Drop it.
This is an update to the story about the Buffalo cop who shoved that 75 year old protester to the ground then lied about it in his report.

The charges are sealed until later today after his arraignment.

It will be interesting to learn what the charges are.

If I was that 75 year old man, I would sue that cop and that police force.

There were less than 20 people at that protest. Why was the police sent and why did they use such violent force on less than 20 people?

That so wasn't needed.

I've seen the video. The police were moving the riot line in to corral protestors. They are trained to not allow anyone beyond this line. That being said, the optics are terrible. From the cop shoving the old man to when the medic arrived, all bad. I do think the old man tripped after being pushed. It's just something frail older people sometimes can't help doing. I'm glad he's in stable condition.

I'm not sure the charges are a good idea. I think it's going to be tough to make them stick.
Just another example of the police state we live in.

Wake up America.
Mainstream America learning that their country is a militarized authoritarian police state is not what the narrative managers wanted. Blows my mind that this isn't more obvious to more analysts. - Caitlin Johnstone
I think what got the cops in trouble here, was not so much the shove out of the way, but was the way they acted afterwards. Had they ran over and helped the old fart, and acted like they genuinely cared, instead of moving on without a care in the world, I kinda doubt they would be in as much trouble now.
I think what got the cops in trouble here, was not so much the shove out of the way, but was the way they acted afterwards. Had they ran over and helped the old fart, and acted like they genuinely cared, instead of moving on without a care in the world, I kinda doubt they would be in as much trouble now.
Well, the ol' guy is fucked up, brain damage, might not walk again. That said:
  • The police are there for crowd control. They have people all over yelling, running around, folks they have to watch, worrying about possible weapons or guns. A guy comes up in your face ignoring your order to move back and get behind the line, you don't have time to size up his age, his health, intent or condition, you yell at him and push him back to respond.
  • I absolutely support the cop in this case. Anyone 75 years old that frail to not be able to take a shove without the common sense not to get in riot cops faces is an idiot asking for a problem. He found one.
  • It isn't the job of the police to run over and get down and show concern for every person they deal with, not until they are sure there is a serious, immediate problem. Doing otherwise might subject you to attack or getting shot.
I think it is outrageous they arrested the cop. He was doing his job, the protester was in the wrong and this crap is seriously undermining our police's ability to do their jobs.

I think what got the cops in trouble here, was not so much the shove out of the way, but was the way they acted afterwards. Had they ran over and helped the old fart, and acted like they genuinely cared, instead of moving on without a care in the world, I kinda doubt they would be in as much trouble now.
Well, the ol' guy is fucked up, brain damage, might not walk again. That said:
  • The police are there for crowd control. They have people all over yelling, running around, folks they have to watch, worrying about possible weapons or guns. A guy comes up in your face ignoring your order to move back and get behind the line, you don't have time to size up his age, his health, intent or condition, you yell at him and push him back to respond.
  • I absolutely support the cop in this case. Anyone 75 years old that frail to not be able to take a shove without the common sense not to get in riot cops faces is an idiot asking for a problem. He found one.
  • It isn't the job of the police to run over and get down and show concern for every person they deal with, not until they are sure there is a serious, immediate problem. Doing otherwise might subject you to attack or getting shot.
I think it is outrageous they arrested the cop. He was doing his job, the protester was in the wrong and this crap is seriously undermining our police's ability to do their jobs.

Apparently you like living in a police state. The cops assaulted the old man. If he dies, they committed murder and should face serious prison time.
I saw a brief video clip of the incident.

From what I saw, my fellow senior citizen was looking for trouble when he got up in the cop's face.

The cop just gently pushed the old geezer out of the way.

Hope that the cop gets a fair trial.

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