Cool malware link, USMB!

Fort Fun Indiana

Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
One of the ads featured in USMB's banner at the top of the site is a malware link. Here are two versions, one of which was featured at the top of the page as I created this thread:



Users beware!
Delete all cookies in your browser often, avoid clicking on ads or links unless you trust the website, and never click on links sent via email from unknown senders. My grand kids do the opposite and their computers become unusable after a couple of years.
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One of the ads featured in USMB's banner at the top of the site is a malware link. Here are two versions, one of which was featured at the top of the page as I created this thread:



Users beware!

Who identified it as "malware"? We've got so much corporate collusion that even Coke and Pepsi shack up a couple times a month to share their "kill lists"...

Malware identification can be biased.. Just sayin'.. One person's malware is another person's marketing plan type of thing..

Adobe might have paid for that "malware" classification...
I just had my most trusted "core locked" virus protector change the terms and conditions to ALLOW THEM to share info about my internet usage..

They dont work for YOU anymore. And you dont OWN that machine you're thumb-typing on..

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