Convicted Climate Activist: “we need … a different form of democracy”

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Convicted Climate Activist: “we need … a different form of democracy”​

11 hours ago

Eric Worrall


Essay by Eric Worrall
Speaking to World Socialist Web Site, convicted Aussie climate activist Deanna Coco explains why we need a form of democracy which doesn’t involve public elections to solve the climate crisis.
Australian climate activist Violet Coco speaks on her jailing for Sydney Harbour Bridge protest
Our reporters 27 December 2022

In a serious attack on basic democratic rights, Coco was initially sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment, with at least eight months without parole, and denied bail. She was the first to be sentenced under laws introduced by the New South Wales (NSW) state Liberal-National government to impose fines of up to $22,000 and jail terms of up to two years for protests on roads, rail lines, tunnels, bridges and industrial estates.

VC: People are becoming increasingly concerned about the lack of action on the climate and ecological emergency and that is a threat to the people who are making a lot of money off the fossil fuel industry. The more we make noise about the climate and ecological emergency the more they are threatened. It makes sense that they are going to try and silence us, and we can’t let their bullying tactics get in the way of protecting the habitability of our planet.

I put it in therioes cause Thiers absolutely zero concrete scientific evidence that man is causing the earth to warm ....
If their were don't ya think some of us would say hey we need to change course ?

And by different democracy she means a totalitarian police state lol

Convicted Climate Activist: “we need … a different form of democracy”​

11 hours ago

Eric Worrall


Essay by Eric Worrall
Speaking to World Socialist Web Site, convicted Aussie climate activist Deanna Coco explains why we need a form of democracy which doesn’t involve public elections to solve the climate crisis.

I put it in therioes cause Thiers absolutely zero concrete scientific evidence that man is causing the earth to warm ....
If their were don't ya think some of us would say hey we need to change course ?

And by different democracy she means a totalitarian police state lol

Yup, "green, is the new red"
This is how desperate the denier sore-losers are. They have to search the globe for one person who said something stupid.

If deniers hadn't all failed completely at every single thing for the past 40 years, they could talk about the science. But they have failed, so they can't talk about the science.

Sucks to be you, deiners. Even other fascists think you're losers. All the kewl authoritarians have moved on to big dumb lies about election fraud, wokeness and pedos. You're the old fogeys of fascism.
This is how desperate the denier sore-losers are. They have to search the globe for one person who said something stupid.

If deniers hadn't all failed completely at every single thing for the past 40 years, they could talk about the science. But they have failed, so they can't talk about the science.

Sucks to be you, deiners. Even other fascists think you're losers. All the kewl authoritarians have moved on to big dumb lies about election fraud, wokeness and pedos. You're the old fogeys of fascism.

If we want someone why says stupid things, we need look no further than you, mammoth mammaries.
This is how desperate the denier sore-losers are. They have to search the globe for one person who said something stupid.

If deniers hadn't all failed completely at every single thing for the past 40 years, they could talk about the science. But they have failed, so they can't talk about the science.

Sucks to be you, deiners. Even other fascists think you're losers. All the kewl authoritarians have moved on to big dumb lies about election fraud, wokeness and pedos. You're the old fogeys of fascism.
Not really bill nye the brainwashed faggit guy

Castro's son and other leaders , bureaucrats ,un stooges , have all at one time made similar kinds of doucebag statements just like it ...where do you think you useful idiots get it from .....

It's always top to bottom with commies and thier useful idiots


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