Contact Lost With AirAsia Flight To Singapore

For a plane that can be used in a terrorist attack, Skye.

We now have conformation of two things.
1 - Debris and bodies found
2 - The forum morons are fucking idiots.
I don't think anyone with a conspiracy theory is a moron. You seem to forget that the Malaysia Air flight was hijacked by the pilots and never found. No debris, no bodies,no oil slick,no black box. If anything Air Asia shows us what should have been found and wasn't with the Malaysian flight.
Script: Missing malaysian airliners crash into Israel's Knesset with mini-NUKES, remake of 11 September 2001 and launch the BIG BANG
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war

As for the "news" "second missing Malaysian plane found, some bodies recovered": time to precise what's in fact going on.

Malaysia Airlines is a parallel script to 11 September 2001: missing Boeing 777 = WTC; crashed Airbus = Shanksville.
March 2014; first missing plane is parallelism to the "two planes that crashed into the WTC towers".
December 2014 (originally scripted for early April 2014): second missing plane is parallelism to the "plane that crashed at Shanksville".

Parallelism is used to fulfill the "in plain sight" commandment of the illuminati religion.
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts
For a plane that can be used in a terrorist attack, Skye.

We now have conformation of two things.
1 - Debris and bodies found
2 - The forum morons are fucking idiots.
I don't think anyone with a conspiracy theory is a moron. You seem to forget that the Malaysia Air flight was hijacked by the pilots and never found. No debris, no bodies,no oil slick,no black box. If anything Air Asia shows us what should have been found and wasn't with the Malaysian flight.

Last I heard, no one had any real clue what happened to the MAS flight.
There are lots of guesses, but no facts.
I didn't claim con theorists were morons, I quoted an idiotic post, showing a forum moron as an idiot.
No, saying something "could be" be terrorist related - as in "anyone" who had a motive to hijack and take a plane for a "future attack" is thinking out every possible angle. It's called "thinking outside of the box" in some circles. I'm not saying a Muslim stole the plane, I'm saying someone could have hijacked it and taken it.

If you would care to review the story of the Malaysian plane I suspected early on the plane could have been stolen with that intention. Many months later it is quite apparent that something happened to that plane as not a trace of wreckage was ever found.

If no trace of wreckage is found from this plane, I would think it strengthens my case for the first missing plane. Understand?
No you are not thinking outside the box. The plane went up in a storm. It crashed and the bodies and wreckage have been found.
Has the insurance just disappeared, and could this mean the end of Air Asia?

AirAsia flight QZ8501 airline was not allowed to fly route says Indonesia World news The Guardian

The AirAsia plane that crashed off Indonesia was flying on an unauthorised schedule, the country’s transport ministry said on Saturday, adding it had now frozen the airline’s permission to fly the route....
...“It violated the route permit given, the schedule given, that’s the problem,” he told AFP. “AirAsia’s permit for the route has been frozen because it violated the route permit given.”

He said the permit would be frozen until investigations were completed.

A statement from transport ministry spokesman JA Barata said AirAsia was not permitted to fly the Surabaya-Singapore route on Sundays and had not asked to change its schedule.

It was unclear how the airliner had been able to fly without the necessary authorisation.
Insurance companies are not known for their forgiving attitude so, if there's a way out of paying up, I've ever confidence they'll be looking at it.
The bill is going to be very big, and I wonder if Air Asia can stand it in the event of a royal "get lost" from their insurers.

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