
I think that you have that entirely backwards, liberals look to the government to do everything for them, they are dependent. Conservatives on the other hand believe that they are the ones responsible for their success, they work hard to get there and make many freinds along the way.

Is Bernie Madoff jewish and is he a conservative or liberal?
he is a liberal
not that it makes a difference
I think that you have that entirely backwards, liberals look to the government to do everything for them, they are dependent. Conservatives on the other hand believe that they are the ones responsible for their success, they work hard to get there and make many freinds along the way.

Is Bernie Madoff jewish and is he a conservative or liberal?
he is a liberal
not that it makes a difference

Almost all the Captains of Industry and Financial CEO's are liberals, educated in Eastern Ivey League business schools and universities. We are stuck with these bastards. And, being the gamers they are, the brightest and the best, they really do not care if they are regulated, because if the rules apply to all equally, they believe that they have a better chance to game the system than their less sophisticated competition, especially the competition of the small business CEO's who were educated in some Mid-West business school, or without a business degree at all. Also small business will be much more onerously affected by those regulations than will they. The real struggle is between big businesses and small businesses; but clearly, each both need the other.

This partly explains the Rasmussen poll that showed only 53% thought capitalism better than socialism. Partly "social" sounds better than "capital" to our poorly educated person out there in the hinterland, but capitalism now seems to apply to these Fortune 500 CEO's, all of which work with their political brethren, and to all their benefits rather than that of the general public.

Rasmussen poll - Thursday, April 09, 2009

"Only 53 percent favor Capitalism over Socialism

It is interesting to compare the new results to an earlier survey in which 70% of Americans prefer a free-market economy. The fact that a “free-market economy” attracts substantially more support than “capitalism” may suggest some skepticism about whether capitalism in the United States today relies on free markets.

Most people believe that big business and big government work together in an unholy alliance against ordinary people:

Other survey data supports that notion. Rather than seeing large corporations as committed to free markets, two-out-of-three Americans believe that big government and big business often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors"

As a small business person I hate having to be in the position of defending big business and financial CEO's. But I firmly believe if, to the greatest extent possible, the free market system were allowed to operate with the least amount of regulation, or if all regulations before being imposed were effectively evaluated for their unforeseen consequences it would be self adjusting and huge bubbles could be avoided.

An important aspect that is so often missing is properly taking into account the incentives that are created for CEO’s, and politicians to game the system. The Enron debacle is one case in point. The Fannie Freddie debacle is another. The problems with them came out of rule changes, the results of which could've been foreseen, if incentives were properly taken into account. If you limit the pay of chief executives by not allowing their tax deductibility above a certain dollar amount, you create an incentive for something called “stock options”. If you create a huge sum of almost free (low interest) dollars, with unlimited availability and little or no discipline as to ability to repay, you get defaults on those loans, and lots of them.

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere
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Thank you my son. Would you know if he is Jewish or Roman Catholic?

What does it matter?

Are you suggesting that because he is jewish somehow all jews steal money?

That seems about as absurd as concluding that because of a few pedophile priests, all catholics are pedophile perverts.

Again what the heck does it matter what religion he follows?
One easy way to see it's not a valid study (or at least very biased) is the fact that it separates based on "black and white". Being liberal is about rainbows, the many degrees of life that do NOT fit inside the box, so this was clearly done only to attempt to make one side look bad. No true liberal would ever support such a study since the entire basis goes completely against what we want people to see, that colors and flavors of life are not black and white.

I tend to disagree. The USA is a race-first country. Everything that is done is equated to colour. To the outside world you are comical and pathetic war-mongering people content to shoot each other for no good reason.

I am NOT an American- Yukon

No Leftist is an American... you people are ANTI-Americans... which is why your opinion of America and Americans stands without value.

The simple fact is that your position is void of reason... and this because you LACK the MEANS to reason... which is how you ended up a Leftist. IF you could be something better... ya WOULD.
One easy way to see it's not a valid study (or at least very biased) is the fact that it separates based on "black and white". Being liberal is about rainbows, the many degrees of life that do NOT fit inside the box, so this was clearly done only to attempt to make one side look bad. No true liberal would ever support such a study since the entire basis goes completely against what we want people to see, that colors and flavors of life are not black and white.

I tend to disagree. The USA is a race-first country. Everything that is done is equated to colour. To the outside world you are comical and pathetic war-mongering people content to shoot each other for no good reason.

I am NOT an American- Yukon

No Leftist is an American... you people are ANTI-Americans... which is why your opinion of America and Americans stands without value.

The simple fact is that your position is void of reason... and this because you LACK the MEANS to reason... which is how you ended up a Leftist. IF you could be something better... ya WOULD.
I think that you have that entirely backwards, liberals look to the government to do everything for them, they are dependent. Conservatives on the other hand believe that they are the ones responsible for their success, they work hard to get there and make many freinds along the way.

yah...that's why the red states get more govt funds than they pay into the system and blue states pay more into the system than they get.


And I can pretty much guarantee I pay more than you do in taxes.
I think that you have that entirely backwards, liberals look to the government to do everything for them, they are dependent. Conservatives on the other hand believe that they are the ones responsible for their success, they work hard to get there and make many freinds along the way.

yah...that's why the red states get more govt funds than they pay into the system and blue states pay more into the system than they get.


And I can pretty much guarantee I pay more than you do in taxes.
that is so disingenuos
most military bases are in red states
thats why more money goes to red states
you libes dont want them in your states
There are only two states in the USA that really are in the 21st century - California and New York. The others are populated by backward, religious zealots.
No Leftist is an American... you people are ANTI-Americans... which is why your opinion of America and Americans stands without value.

The simple fact is that your position is void of reason... and this because you LACK the MEANS to reason... which is how you ended up a Leftist. IF you could be something better... ya WOULD.

That is NOT the Spirit of Americanism!
That is the core principle of the hate RELIGION of CON$ervatism.
There are only two states in the USA that really are in the 21st century - California and New York. The others are populated by backward, religious zealots.

LOL ... yeah, Western Washington populated by backward religious zealots and behind in technology ... sure ... and the sky is neon green.
There are only two states in the USA that really are in the 21st century - California and New York. The others are populated by backward, religious zealots.

One's bankrupt. The other is fascist -- banning things they don't have authority to ban, like smoking.

Good lord we need help if you think those two states are the best face of America.
I think that you have that entirely backwards, liberals look to the government to do everything for them, they are dependent. Conservatives on the other hand believe that they are the ones responsible for their success, they work hard to get there and make many freinds along the way.

yah...that's why the red states get more govt funds than they pay into the system and blue states pay more into the system than they get.


And I can pretty much guarantee I pay more than you do in taxes.
that is so disingenuos
most military bases are in red states
thats why more money goes to red states
you libes dont want them in your states

Not true. Here in North Carolina -- the nation's most military-friendly state (if we do say so ourselves!) -- we appreciate the presence of the fourth-largest active duty military population in the country. Military activities add tens of billions of dollars to our economy.

Plus, those of us fortunate enough to be natives of military towns have the additional advantage of growing up with people from all over.
There are only two states in the USA that really are in the 21st century - California and New York. The others are populated by backward, religious zealots.

One's bankrupt. The other is fascist -- banning things they don't have authority to ban, like smoking.

Good lord we need help if you think those two states are the best face of America.

I thought they both did both of those ... but I may be a bit behind in this one.
There are only two states in the USA that really are in the 21st century - California and New York. The others are populated by backward, religious zealots.

One's bankrupt. The other is fascist -- banning things they don't have authority to ban, like smoking.

Good lord we need help if you think those two states are the best face of America.

I thought they both did both of those ... but I may be a bit behind in this one.

yah...that's why the red states get more govt funds than they pay into the system and blue states pay more into the system than they get.


And I can pretty much guarantee I pay more than you do in taxes.
that is so disingenuos
most military bases are in red states
thats why more money goes to red states
you libes dont want them in your states

Not true. Here in North Carolina -- the nation's most military-friendly state (if we do say so ourselves!) -- we appreciate the presence of the fourth-largest active duty military population in the country. Military activities add tens of billions of dollars to our economy.

Plus, those of us fortunate enough to be natives of military towns have the additional advantage of growing up with people from all over.

I have to agree, in Western Washington we are a HUGE navy area and often house naval ships in our shipping ports if we run out of room, and no one ever complains about it. We support them in any way we can. Normally they bring in business to off set that support but due to poor management it's not helping, but no one would dream of not supporting them (well, almost no one).
I think that you have that entirely backwards, liberals look to the government to do everything for them, they are dependent. Conservatives on the other hand believe that they are the ones responsible for their success, they work hard to get there and make many freinds along the way.

yah...that's why the red states get more govt funds than they pay into the system and blue states pay more into the system than they get.


And I can pretty much guarantee I pay more than you do in taxes.

That is a complete misnomer... There is no greater drag on the Market than the theft implemented on that market by leftist policy.

To EVEN SUGGEST that NYC, CHICAGO, ATLANTA, LA, MIAMI, DETROIT, DC, SEATTLE, do not yank more money from the Federal treasury than do ENTIRE STATES governed upon conservative principle is ABSURDITY ON PARADE.
I think that you have that entirely backwards, liberals look to the government to do everything for them, they are dependent. Conservatives on the other hand believe that they are the ones responsible for their success, they work hard to get there and make many freinds along the way.

yah...that's why the red states get more govt funds than they pay into the system and blue states pay more into the system than they get.


And I can pretty much guarantee I pay more than you do in taxes.

That is a complete misnomer... There is no greater drag on the Market than the theft implemented on that market by leftist policy.

To EVEN SUGGEST that NYC, CHICAGO, ATLANTA, LA, MIAMI, DETROIT, DC, SEATTLE, do not yank more money from the Federal treasury than do ENTIRE STATES governed upon conservative principle is ABSURDITY ON PARADE.

What a dumb ass.

These cities host the people who pay more too.

Facts are facts. The red states are the drain. They take more than they pay.
Fascism is solely, wholly, thoroughly and utterly a schism of leftism... it's socialism light.

Thus Fascism, like its marginally more offensive nieghboring schism: Socialism, is the very antithesis of the American... OKA: A Conservative.

This is a rather crude abuse of political economy. Fascism and socialism are rather distinct from each other, and in many cases, are outright conflicting ideologies. To consider the elements of fascist political and cultural ideology and economy, we might look at Umberto Eco's conception of "Eternal Fascism," or Zanden's Pareto and Fascism Reconsidered, for instance.

Firstly, as Zanden puts it, "[O]bedience, discipline, faith and a religious belief in the cardinal tenets of the Fascist creed are put forth as the supreme values of a perfect Fascist. Individual thinking along creative lines is discouraged. What is wanted is not brains, daring ideas, or speculative faculties, but character pressed in the mold of Fascism." This is not consistent with the socialist principle of elimination of alienation as defined by Marx's The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. Such elimination necessitates revolutionary class consciousness, which obviously conflicts with "obedience, discipline, faith, etc." Revolutionary class consciousness is also rather inconsistent with the "cult of tradition" identified by Eco as an integral tenet of Eternal Fascism. "[T]here can be no advancement of learning. Truth already has been spelled out once and for all, and we can only keep interpreting its obscure message."

From an insistence on revolutionary class consciousness comes opposition to class itself on the part of the socialist. This is egregiously contradictory to the elitism that constitutes a core tenet of fascism. As Eco writes, "[e]litism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology, insofar as it is fundamentally aristocratic, and aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly implies contempt for the weak. Ur-Fascism can only advocate a popular elitism."

Fascism also has a necessarily anti-democratic nature. As Zanden notes, "the mass of men is created to be governed and not to govern; is created to be led and not to lead, and is created, finally, to be slaves and not masters: slaves of their animal instincts, their physiological needs, their emotions, and their passions." Similarly, Eco writes that "the Leader, knowing his power was not delegated to him democratically but was conquered by force, also knows that his force is based upon the weakness of the masses; they are so weak as to need and deserve a ruler." This strongly conflicts with the participatory elements of socialism, as it necessitates the collective ownership of the means of production. For instance, Noam Chomsky notes that libertarian socialism is "based on free voluntary participation of people who produce and create, live their lives freely within institutions they control and with limited hierarchical structures, possibly none at all." Other forms of socialism are democratic at the very least.

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