Conservatives won't hardball

against the looney left. Time is LONG passed to bring out our own political sledge hammers against this crowd.
Facts do not work on delusional people

against the looney left. Time is LONG passed to bring out our own political sledge hammers against this crowd.
That's what happens when we elect career politicians who may care about the people who elect them, but they care more about their connections, power, ability to benefit from their position and won't risk that to do the right thing.

And when we get some with the courage to do the right thing despite the risk, they are completely demonized and every effort is made to diminish or silence them.
The “R” did indeed play hardball in AZ, GA, PA, MI, WI, NV, NM etc. They worked very hard (some even showing up to the office!) to stall or prevent ANY meaningful look into Fraudulent 2020 Ballots. The “situation” is dire.//
The “R” did indeed play hardball in AZ, GA, PA, MI, WI, NV, NM etc. They worked very hard (some even showing up to the office!) to stall or prevent ANY meaningful look into Fraudulent 2020 Ballots. The “situation” is dire.//
I can't speak for any other states but the Rs in New Mexico are so outnumbered they have almost no power to even field a team much less play hard ball. I have witnessed first hand unethical practices in voter registration here, some clear instances of fraud, and circumstances so unlikely though predictable to believe that it is all on the up and up. The eastern tier of states made up one out of our three federal districts that was conservative and voted mostly R, but the Democrats restructured the districts to remove that power.

So we once were a red state, then purple, now solidly blue. R's don't seem to have the same creativity to play dirty pool as the Democrats do.
I can't speak for any other states but the Rs in New Mexico are so outnumbered they have almost no power to even field a team much less play hard ball. I have witnessed first hand unethical practices in voter registration here, some clear instances of fraud, and circumstances so unlikely though predictable to believe that it is all on the up and up. The eastern tier of states made up one out of our three federal districts that was conservative and voted mostly R, but the Democrats restructured the districts to remove that power.

So we once were a red state, then purple, now solidly blue. R's don't seem to have the same creativity to play dirty pool as the Democrats do.
D's love gerrymandering until it's used against them
D's love gerrymandering until it's used against them
Well I can't say there aren't any cases that the GOP hasn't done that too. But when the Democrats have an iron grip on a city or state they can be ruthless in keeping that power. Much more than GOP who are a bit better at staying within intended legal boundaries.
Well I can't say there aren't any cases that the GOP hasn't done that too. But when the Democrats have an iron grip on a city or state they can be ruthless in keeping that power. Much more than GOP who are a bit better at staying within intended legal boundaries.
Both parties do it. Just saying D's love it until it's used against them.
Here in North Carolina we had two districts that was specifically created for democrats. All that changed when Republicans took control of the state in 2010 and the districts were redrawn. Then came the cries of gerrymandering
Playing nice is what got us here. The current crop of Republican politicians are, of course, worse than useless. There needs to be a grassroots effort. The Left didn't win the culture war over night. They'd been at it for decades and fighting on all fronts.
“The culture war” is nothing more than an expansion of inclusion and equality in society.
The more you push back on those efforts, the more you will fall behind.
“The culture war” is nothing more than an expansion of inclusion and equality in society.
The more you push back on those efforts, the more you will fall behind.
Diversity is code for White genocide. Inclusion is code for conformity. Equality is code for communism. The DIE agenda is already backfiring. The Left overplayed their hand when they started grooming children and making "woke entertainment" which sacrificed entertainment on the altar of Cultural Marxism.
Diversity is code for White genocide. Inclusion is code for conformity. Equality is code for communism. The DIE agenda is already backfiring. The Left overplayed their hand when they started grooming children and making "woke entertainment" which sacrificed entertainment on the altar of Cultural Marxism.
Looks like you lose then, bigot.
That’s success to everyone else. ;)

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