Conservatives: Why do elite Democrats always focus on racism?


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
Well, I'm sure you have your view on this

I think it is just a matter of trying to hold onto voters they've always had

Blacks used to vote something like 93% Dim

I think Trump got that down to 80% or something :)

I'll bet next election it will be even fewer.. so they have to hang onto their base.. Too bad they aren't nearly as focused on hanging onto another thing they are losing: their minds...

and worse, their souls
I saw a cartoon a leftist created mocking Condolezza Rice. He used every hateful stereotype against black people he could, depicting her as a subservient "Aunt Jemima" character on President Bush's plantation.

Leftists are racists.
The elite left does everything it can to divide the American people. Divide and conquer.

For example, elites would love to see a black guy kill a white child and then their lawyers get him acquitted despite his obvious guilt.

Really, the more outrageous the injustice the better. The goal is to get the proles to hate one another.

Black and white should always remember the elite left is the worst enemy for both groups.

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Because that’s what racists do.

It’s that simple.

Also, elections don’t matter. They’re rigged

The race tactics aren’t done for votes, but cause civil unrest
why can't it be both?

i think it is

states have corrected their vote procedure problems.. not sure about details on that but I've heard this and that...
Groomercrats are the racist they claim to hate. Look at how they let their inner racism out when they attack Thomas.
well, they attack him because he had something to do with the end of their liberal bs RE abortion..

abortion was the main thing these mindless thugs focused on.. and now look at our country. Some states will outlaw it, some already have.

Now if we could just abort leftists out of our country like they used to abort children out of the womb

Our country does not need such anti-America, anti-God people. They need to go. Why don't they all move to Cuba or Venezuela since they claim to love communism so much
well, they attack him because he had something to do with the end of their liberal bs RE abortion..

abortion was the main thing these mindless thugs focused on.. and now look at our country. Some states will outlaw it, some already have.

Now if we could just abort leftists out of our country like they used to abort children out of the womb

Our country does not need such anti-America, anti-God people. They need to go. Why don't they all move to Cuba or Venezuela since they claim to love communism so much
They attack him with racist attacks.
They attack him with racist attacks.
the *^$@#@(*&s just do whatever.. I was going to say no one knows what their ideals are... but we do.. They love violence and bloodshed and inequality/elitism

but every now and then pretend they are Americans or what have u--just so they can promote those above things they love.. sickos
I know, they are calling him the n word. So much hate in that party.
I doubt the great Clarence Thomas gives a flying rat's behind what they think of him

ditto the other Justices who voted for TRUTH and justice and life.. on June 24th

They know the left are just a bunch of animals
Well, I'm sure you have your view on this

I think it is just a matter of trying to hold onto voters they've always had

Blacks used to vote something like 93% Dim

I think Trump got that down to 80% or something :)

I'll bet next election it will be even fewer.. so they have to hang onto their base.. Too bad they aren't nearly as focused on hanging onto another thing they are losing: their minds...

and worse, their souls
88 percent of blacks voted against trump in each election. Republicans focus on racial resentment as you try to do here. Blacks are not joining the republican party and the majority of blacks are independent. We vote democrat because of their policies but white republicans think we're stupid and keep thinking that race baiting us by talking about the 1860 democratic party will get enough blacks to leave so republicans can get power to implement a return to Jim Crow.

White woman attacks a black candidate with rotten eggs with a gorilla mask. Check

Not one word from the NAACP about this racist attack. Check

The media then calls Larry Elder the black face of white supremacism. Check

IM2 throws a party after watching it. Check.
88 percent of blacks voted against trump in each election. Republicans focus on racial resentment as you try to do here. Blacks are not joining the republican party and the majority of blacks are independent. We vote democrat because of their policies but white republicans think we're stupid and keep thinking that race baiting us by talking about the 1860 democratic party will get enough blacks to leave so republicans can get power to implement a return to Jim Crow.
no truly educated Black person would vote for a party that hated them as much as they did back then

and still does... but they hide behind their virtue signalling. It's like

We'll just talk all the time about Blacks and all their sufferings for the last 200 years and by, God, they will be voting D for a long time to come

looks like they were correct. And by the way Pres Johnson said this exact thing.. said that by giving Blacks welfare (and we see how that has worked out so well 4 them), "those [N word]s will be voting for us for 200 years"

true story..

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