Conservatives to Biden: Undoing Trump's executive orders with new executive orders is tyrannical!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
This is not a joke guys.
Republicans are protesting the fact that Trump's executive orders are being nullified via executive orders by Joe Biden (most of Biden's executive orders are an undoing of Trump's executive orders).
See, executive orders are fine as long as the president issuing them is a Republican guy with orange hair who has a crush on his own daughter.
Trump's EOs negated Obama's EOs.
That's how DC works.

The only qualifier is that some EOs are a power grab and the courts can negate them before the next election.
Instead of whining the GOP should tee them up in court.
Biden has a willing congress that can & would PERMANENTLY address any and all executive orders passed by Trump. Instead he would rather continue to play the game and ultimately his orders will be overturned.

If you don't see the stupidity in this I can't help you.
Biden has a willing congress that can & would PERMANENTLY address any and all executive orders passed by Trump. Instead he would rather continue to play the game and ultimately his orders will be overturned.

If you don't see the stupidity in this I can't help you.
So instead of tyrannical it is just "stupid?" You guys are confusing yourselves.
That's what happens to hypocrites. It just doesn't work at the end. Because you loved it when your guy did it.
Biden has a willing congress that can & would PERMANENTLY address any and all executive orders passed by Trump. Instead he would rather continue to play the game and ultimately his orders will be overturned.

If you don't see the stupidity in this I can't help you.
So instead of tyrannical it is just "stupid?" You guys are confusing yourselves.
That's what happens to hypocrites. It just doesn't work at the end. Because you loved it when your guy did it.
Actually I was clear that Trump abused them too but you are welcome to your alternate reality.
Republicans are protesting the fact that Trump's executive orders are being nullified via executive orders

I'm not protesting. No joke.
Yes it is.

What is?
Now you're playing dumb and I'm not answering your question stupid ass moron.
Bitching about Biden's executive orders is protesting them. Get a dictionary. That's the last question that you know the answer to that I will address.
I don't talk to people who play dumb about things they know.
11,000 jobs killed off by stopping the Keystone pipeline and millions of dollars in state and local taxes that pay for schools and other services like mental health and homeless shelters....Biden needs to back down on this one or his poll numbers will continue to drop like a rock.....never before has a new president or resident had poll numbers going down in his first month in office.....
Biden has a willing congress that can & would PERMANENTLY address any and all executive orders passed by Trump. Instead he would rather continue to play the game and ultimately his orders will be overturned.

If you don't see the stupidity in this I can't help you.
So instead of tyrannical it is just "stupid?" You guys are confusing yourselves.
That's what happens to hypocrites. It just doesn't work at the end. Because you loved it when your guy did it.
Actually I was clear that Trump abused them too but you are welcome to your alternate reality.
Don't pretend you ever said Trump abused them until today. Time to pretend to not be a hypocrite.
Republicans are protesting the fact that Trump's executive orders are being nullified via executive orders

I'm not protesting. No joke.
Yes it is.

What is?
Now you're playing dumb and I'm not answering your question stupid ass moron.
Bitching about Biden's executive orders is protesting them. Get a dictionary. That's the last question that you know the answer to that I will address.
I don't talk to people who play dumb about things they know.
If it were you that lost your job due to politics I bet you would be bitching up a storm....
This is not a joke guys.
Republicans are protesting the fact that Trump's executive orders are being nullified via executive orders by Joe Biden (most of Biden's executive orders are an undoing of Trump's executive orders).
See, executive orders are fine as long as the president issuing them is a Republican guy with orange hair who has a crush on his own daughter.

Awwwwwwwwww, poor GOP.
Biden has a willing congress that can & would PERMANENTLY address any and all executive orders passed by Trump. Instead he would rather continue to play the game and ultimately his orders will be overturned.

If you don't see the stupidity in this I can't help you.
So instead of tyrannical it is just "stupid?" You guys are confusing yourselves.
That's what happens to hypocrites. It just doesn't work at the end. Because you loved it when your guy did it.
Actually I was clear that Trump abused them too but you are welcome to your alternate reality.
Don't pretend you ever said Trump abused them until today. Time to pretend to not be a hypocrite.
Like I said, you are free to swim in your alternate reality.
Republicans are protesting the fact that Trump's executive orders are being nullified via executive orders

I'm not protesting. No joke.
Yes it is.

What is?
Now you're playing dumb and I'm not answering your question stupid ass moron.
Bitching about Biden's executive orders is protesting them. Get a dictionary. That's the last question that you know the answer to that I will address.
I don't talk to people who play dumb about things they know.

I'm not bitching about Biden's dumb executive orders.
Biden said EOs are tyrannical.

What is he up to now? Like 60?
Biden never said that. getting a lot of likey stickers in a right wing messing board doesn't make your fake claim true.

You got me. Here is the exact quote from Finger Rape Joe:

“That’s why — you know, the one thing that I — I have this strange notion,” Biden said at a town hall event in Philadelphia. “We are a democracy. Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say, ‘Well, if you can’t get the votes by executive order, you’re going to do something.’ Things you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.”

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