Take a Memo:
I am sure there are a lot of very disappointed conservatives out there who are just throwing up their hands today and saying... well, now what? Trump is the GOP nominee and once again, Conservative voters are left in the lurch without a candidate to support for president of the United States. Today, we're having to endure the sickening gloating of the Trump brigade as they parade around on their victory lap, taking their final pot shots and being the smug and arrogant assholes they've learned to be under their leader.
Fear not, the battle may be over but the war rages on. This isn't over by a damn sight and it won't be over regardless of who wins in November. Our focus must now shift to the congressional races where we stand to make great headway in the house and senate. Now more than ever, our strength and resolve becomes crucial. We can't abandon this fight... not now... not ever. We've suffered a setback, that's for sure. It hurts, I know. But we have to press on for the sake of our children, our grandchildren and this country we love so much.
Naturally, we want to know what went wrong. How did we end up on the short end of the stick in this primary which started with such high hopes? The answer is not simple but it can be summed up easily. The establishment GOP is getting their just rewards for abandoning conservative values. Us conservatives would have liked for that to have come in the form of a new conservative revival and for the first time in 40 years, a conservative choice for president. We came close but no one could have estimated the level of anger from those who are simply fed up with politics as usual in Washington. Too many were simply so fed up they weren't willing to give anyone a chance with a message other than "burn the place to the ground and shake it to the foundation because we're fed up." They didn't really care about messages, they just wanted someone who isn't a political insider because that's all they believe they can trust now. And... some of this can be blamed on actual conservatives who were sent to Washington to change things then abandoned their conservatism.
So maybe this is for the best... maybe we needed this? Granted, it's not what seems the best... it's worse than taking a dose of bad tasting medicine. But maybe we need to get this out of our system so we can return to a clean slate and then start to rebuild a true and strong coalition of conservative values? Once the real Donald Trump becomes known, there will be many who regret their choice. He may or may not defeat Hillary in November and some of us may feel obligated to support him even though he makes their blood boil. I can't tell you what is the right thing to do because I think it's a personal decision you'll have to make.
For me personally, I am not ready to support Donald Trump. I think he needs to unify this party and to do so he needs to advance core conservative principles. It's not our obligation to abandon our beliefs and move toward him, it's his duty as the GOP nominee to reassure the base that we can be united under principles we can all be proud to support in November. If he can't do that or his ego won't let him do that, or his supporters refuse to embrace such a concept, they will do so at their own peril. Clearly, this is out of the control of conservatives now, we can't do anything about what Trump does going forward, that's entirely his prerogative. But there are millions and millions of American conservative voters who are listening and waiting for a reason they should vote for this man in November.
Forget about Trumps antagonistic and frenzied base of supporters... they really don't matter here. What they have to say doesn't matter. They are all giddy with excitement like they just won the championship football game and full of beans. They have already demonstrated they will support Trump no matter what he says or how many times he transitions from one side of a position to another. It's a proven quantity and we know that. What matters is what Trump does. He can either continue to alienate conservatives or he can attempt to bring them into the big tent. The course he takes will have a tremendous effect on his general election bid.
Fear not, the battle may be over but the war rages on. This isn't over by a damn sight and it won't be over regardless of who wins in November. Our focus must now shift to the congressional races where we stand to make great headway in the house and senate. Now more than ever, our strength and resolve becomes crucial. We can't abandon this fight... not now... not ever. We've suffered a setback, that's for sure. It hurts, I know. But we have to press on for the sake of our children, our grandchildren and this country we love so much.
Naturally, we want to know what went wrong. How did we end up on the short end of the stick in this primary which started with such high hopes? The answer is not simple but it can be summed up easily. The establishment GOP is getting their just rewards for abandoning conservative values. Us conservatives would have liked for that to have come in the form of a new conservative revival and for the first time in 40 years, a conservative choice for president. We came close but no one could have estimated the level of anger from those who are simply fed up with politics as usual in Washington. Too many were simply so fed up they weren't willing to give anyone a chance with a message other than "burn the place to the ground and shake it to the foundation because we're fed up." They didn't really care about messages, they just wanted someone who isn't a political insider because that's all they believe they can trust now. And... some of this can be blamed on actual conservatives who were sent to Washington to change things then abandoned their conservatism.
So maybe this is for the best... maybe we needed this? Granted, it's not what seems the best... it's worse than taking a dose of bad tasting medicine. But maybe we need to get this out of our system so we can return to a clean slate and then start to rebuild a true and strong coalition of conservative values? Once the real Donald Trump becomes known, there will be many who regret their choice. He may or may not defeat Hillary in November and some of us may feel obligated to support him even though he makes their blood boil. I can't tell you what is the right thing to do because I think it's a personal decision you'll have to make.
For me personally, I am not ready to support Donald Trump. I think he needs to unify this party and to do so he needs to advance core conservative principles. It's not our obligation to abandon our beliefs and move toward him, it's his duty as the GOP nominee to reassure the base that we can be united under principles we can all be proud to support in November. If he can't do that or his ego won't let him do that, or his supporters refuse to embrace such a concept, they will do so at their own peril. Clearly, this is out of the control of conservatives now, we can't do anything about what Trump does going forward, that's entirely his prerogative. But there are millions and millions of American conservative voters who are listening and waiting for a reason they should vote for this man in November.
Forget about Trumps antagonistic and frenzied base of supporters... they really don't matter here. What they have to say doesn't matter. They are all giddy with excitement like they just won the championship football game and full of beans. They have already demonstrated they will support Trump no matter what he says or how many times he transitions from one side of a position to another. It's a proven quantity and we know that. What matters is what Trump does. He can either continue to alienate conservatives or he can attempt to bring them into the big tent. The course he takes will have a tremendous effect on his general election bid.