Conservatives only: Is our country salvageable?

You have argued nothing of substance. Those laws make it harder to vote. You can't commit fraud if 1600 polling places are closed in minority areas. You can't commit fraud if polls are closed early, and you are still in line. You can't commit fraud when Republicans purge your vote illegally. You can't commit fraud when election officials do not like the outcome of an election, then decide to select who they want, cancelling the value of your vote. You can't commit fraud by reducing absentee voting. You cannot commit fraud, by making it harder to vote out of precinct. All those laws are designed to keep you from voting. Anyone with a functioning brain and one honest bone, knows this. Why are you barricading yourself with lies?

None of that, with the exception of the first two, is anything wrong. The first two you mentioned are inconveniences, not suppression. Like I said, it is more likely to hurt people like me who leave for work before the polls are open, and won't be open by the time I quit at nightfall.

Other than that, no suppression, no cheating, nothing underhanded. If you don't like it, tough luck. Get your shit together and vote on the appointed day, not appointed month.
There was MASSIVE vote fraud.
IKR… Have you seen the slates of fraudulent electors from multiple states that the Trump admin tried to submit as if legit?
IKR… Have you seen the slates of fraudulent electors from multiple states that the Trump admin tried to submit as if legit?

That's the problem when you have senile people talking, they actually speak the truth. Even when you don't want them to.
Sure you do, or why else would you be in favor of 400 voter suppression bills targeting minorities?
please explain why minorities who are old enough to vote are not able to vote? how are their votes being suppressed and try to make me understand . 1) Every American citizen of legal age has the right to vote . 2) American citizens need to have some form of legal ID for just about every legal activity they under take ie:; Banking , employment , social welfare and assistance programs, and the list goes on, So with those issues in mind explain to me like I was a 12 yr old ,,, Please.
I have been following news fairly closely, or was until this sick election happened... then not so much

but I still pay attention... so anyhow, i am asking all you conservatives who follow news

Do you think our country is hopeless?

That guy who said that America is great because it is good and when it fails to be good will no longer be great...

yeh... we've arrived at that sad point...
This Nation and the constitution Depend on WE the People...
it's our Republic to Lose..
IF Too Many of us give up.. it's Gone
It’s not just ‘your’ country – it belongs to all of us.

And it’s not salvageable if Republicans continue their efforts to undermine our democratic institutions, hobble the right to vote, and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Name a few examples of this........

You can't. No Leftist morons ever can.
They just vomit ignorance ad nausea.
This Nation and the constitution Depend on WE the People...
it's our Republic to Lose..
IF Too Many of us give up.. it's Gone

This generation has no idea what freedom is and the cost of it.
They ALL think freedom is free and all they have to do is wave a document called the Constitution and all is well. no effort required, or so they thought.
Just the Commies and their partners. Don't you know that they are our enemies, sworn to destroy the US? Nikita K said if they couldn't destroy America by force they would do it from within. I wouldn't mind killing them all.
No just throw their asses out of our Political system and forbid Socialists and Communists from holding public office they are a cancer to a representative republic.
Some posters here seem to be really really old and outdated.......or.....they are young and have some kind of fetish for the 1950's.
Maybe they are stuck in an endless-loop of YouTube McCarthy hearings?

Guys, here's a scoop....Communism is dead or on life-support. Only China (with its Capitalistic Marxism-lite version) Laos, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba....are Communistic.
Which one of them is spreading its cancer on your body politic?
Which one of them is your imaginary boogeyman?

Yet this fearsom insidious cancer you hyperventilate over.......went away in: Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Yemen, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Angola, and on, and on, and on, and on.
Your much feared boogeyman of an artifact now.

Move on. Worry about something else. Something more relevant to today. And today's challenges. Don't be stuck in your fears from 1950.
You can quit ducking under your desk for "Bomb" drills.
Trust me.

"Political parties would electioneer while providing those snacks and water."
Here's the deal, poster Tory. Yupper, that happened. Some folks would/could 'electioneer' while they provided water and snacks to people who had stood in line for hours in the hot Georgia sun while waiting their turn to vote.

If they 'electioneer' they were already breaking the law. Virtually every state, as far as I know, has laws preventing such within a certain distance of a polling place. So, if someone is handing out water and is pushing for a candidate or a party......arrest 'em.

Alternatively, put in place enough polling places so people in minority communities do not have to wait hours in the sun in order to vote.

Or, if you can't do that.....then have the local government set up refreshment tables along the line.

The goal....duh!! to make it easy to vote.
The goal.....duh!! to encourage people to vote.
The goal.....duh!! to get every single registered voter to cast their vote....either by standing in a short line, or a long line, or dropping their completed ballot at a convenient drop-box, or have them mail it in.


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