Conservatives and faux conservatives will battle this fall

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
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Real Conservatives are aghast of faux conservatives who continue to support trump. Faux conservatives are void of solutions to mitigate on going issues as they orate "ain't it/they awful", using the RED SCARE and nary a single statement on how to put food on the table, and energy that too many families can't afford.

Donald trump is a traitor. He is self serving, corrupt and is attempting to end our nations decades of peaceful transition of power. Those who continue the BIG LIE that the election was stolen are not mistaken, they are traitors to COTUS and they know it.

More examples of faux conservatives writing on social media to call others liars and using misinformation without even a scintilla of truth.

[The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun.]​

From the link directly above:

In the hours after Cassidy Hutchinson delivered bombshell testimony to the Jan. 6 committee Tuesday, former President Trump and his allies rushed to attack the former White House staffer.

Turd Catcher HATES conservatives. Regardless of the variety or the individual's beliefs, if they oppose a global collectivist government, Turd Catcher will parrot insipid bigoted drivel all day long to condemn them when it's politically expedient. Turd Catcher LOATHED Liz Cheney just 18 months ago and would have dumped Zyklon-B on her entire family without batting an eye. As soon as the Trump witch hunt is over, Turd catcher will viciously attack her and her family again if any of them remain relevant.

The problem with pieces of shit like Turd Catcher is that they're NPC drones. Their asinine "opinions" change IAW what the daily agitprop narrative is. They march in lock step, have no capacity for individual thought or tolerance for anyone who does have the critical thinking skills to conclude they're being manipulated. If it wasn't for pieces of shit like Turd Catcher there never would have been a despotic government on earth.

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Just to be clear..

Pieces of shit like the OP are TRAITORS.

They hate the Flag, They Hate the Bill Of Rights, They Hate God and all the most significant religious institutions. They hate the history of the country. They hate those who enforce the laws. They hate the trucks we drive, they hate the meat we eat, they hate the rugged individual who rejects nanny state dependence. They hate our property rights, our rights of self defense and our resistance to being bullied by bigoted perverted deviant freaks of nature who are nothing more than loud mouth parasitic dissidents against everything that is virtuous and moral.

Right wingers didn't mob DC and destroy everything they could get close to or spray paint every monument they couldn't simply destroy. Bed wetting TERRORISTS like Turd Catcher did.


End of fucking discussion.

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Real Conservatives are aghast of faux conservatives who continue to support trump. Faux conservatives are void of solutions to mitigate on going issues as they orate "ain't it/they awful", using the RED SCARE and nary a single statement on how to put food on the table, and energy that too many families can't afford.

Donald trump is a traitor. He is self serving, corrupt and is attempting to end our nations decades of peaceful transition of power. Those who continue the BIG LIE that the election was stolen are not mistaken, they are traitors to COTUS and they know it.

More examples of faux conservatives writing on social media to call others liars and using misinformation without even a scintilla of truth.

[The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun.]​

From the link directly above:

In the hours after Cassidy Hutchinson delivered bombshell testimony to the Jan. 6 committee Tuesday, former President Trump and his allies rushed to attack the former White House staffer.
We can see right through you, propagandist. No one on the right cares when you desperate libs try to project division. You've got a historic shellacking coming up.
Why do lefties fret over conservative values when the freaking democrat party is falling apart? It beats talking about Pelosi and Brandon?
Why aren't Dems spending 90% of their time talking about all the Biden/Pelosi wins and all the great stuff they are doing? When Obama was president they talked non-stop about Obama. :auiqs.jpg:
We can see right through you, propagandist. No one on the right cares when you desperate libs try to project division. You've got a historic shellacking coming up.
I can't wait for it either...

I hope there are mass suicides, mass migrations to North Korea or commiefornia, and a total melt down of society in these freak urban areas that finally collapse the power of the sociopaths that occupy government offices. This country desperately needs an enema.

Why aren't Dems spending 90% of their time talking about all the Biden/Pelosi wins and all the great stuff they are doing? When Obama was president they talked non-stop about Obama. :auiqs.jpg:
That and blamed Bush for 8 years of stagnation and malaise that ended in January of 2017. Then they acted as if the sudden prosperity was the meat puppet faggot's accomplishment.

Real Conservatives are aghast of faux conservatives who continue to support trump. Faux conservatives are void of solutions to mitigate on going issues as they orate "ain't it/they awful", using the RED SCARE and nary a single statement on how to put food on the table, and energy that too many families can't afford.

Donald trump is a traitor. He is self serving, corrupt and is attempting to end our nations decades of peaceful transition of power. Those who continue the BIG LIE that the election was stolen are not mistaken, they are traitors to COTUS and they know it.

More examples of faux conservatives writing on social media to call others liars and using misinformation without even a scintilla of truth.

[The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun.]​

From the link directly above:

In the hours after Cassidy Hutchinson delivered bombshell testimony to the Jan. 6 committee Tuesday, former President Trump and his allies rushed to attack the former White House staffer.
The fact is there’s little difference between ‘real’ conservatives and faux conservatives – if any.

Indeed, the only difference is one faction opposes Trump and the other faction does not.

And both factions are equally wrong on the issues, enemies of our democratic institutions, illiberal and authoritarian, and incapable of sound, responsible governance.

That a conservative might oppose Trump doesn’t make him a ‘real’ conservative; there haven’t been real conservatives in more than 50 years.
That and blamed Bush for 8 years of stagnation and malaise that ended in January of 2017. Then they acted as if the sudden prosperity was the meat puppet faggot's accomplishment.
Dems ALWAYS blame others for their failures and attempt to claim credit for things they don't deserve. It's pathetic really.

Real Conservatives are aghast of faux conservatives who continue to support trump. Faux conservatives are void of solutions to mitigate on going issues as they orate "ain't it/they awful", using the RED SCARE and nary a single statement on how to put food on the table, and energy that too many families can't afford.

Donald trump is a traitor. He is self serving, corrupt and is attempting to end our nations decades of peaceful transition of power. Those who continue the BIG LIE that the election was stolen are not mistaken, they are traitors to COTUS and they know it.

More examples of faux conservatives writing on social media to call others liars and using misinformation without even a scintilla of truth.

[The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun.]​

From the link directly above:

In the hours after Cassidy Hutchinson delivered bombshell testimony to the Jan. 6 committee Tuesday, former President Trump and his allies rushed to attack the former White House staffer.
Real conservative ?
You're too clueless to know you're not even a real liberal much less have an understanding of what conservative means.
The fact is there’s little difference between ‘real’ conservatives and faux conservatives – if any.

Indeed, the only difference is one faction opposes Trump and the other faction does not.

And both factions are equally wrong on the issues, enemies of our democratic institutions, illiberal and authoritarian, and incapable of sound, responsible governance.

That a conservative might oppose Trump doesn’t make him a ‘real’ conservative; there haven’t been real conservatives in more than 50 years.
Even if that were true :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: how do you explain voter's anger at Democrats failures and the predicted Dem shellacking coming this Nov. You can't blame that on Republicans.
Just to be clear..

Pieces of shit like the OP are TRAITORS.

They hate the Flag, They Hate the Bill Of Rights, They Hate God and all the most significant religious institutions. They hate the history of the country. They hate those who enforce the laws. They hate the trucks we drive, they hate the meat we eat, they hate the rugged individual who rejects nanny state dependence. They hate our property rights, our rights of self defense and our resistance to being bullied by bigoted perverted deviant freaks of nature who are nothing more than loud mouth parasitic dissidents against everything that is virtuous and moral.

Right wingers didn't mob DC and destroy everything they could get close to or spray paint every monument they couldn't simply destroy. Bed wetting TERRORISTS like Turd Catcher did.


End of fucking discussion.

Shouldn't conservatives be FOR abortion since it would mean less of them ?

Real Conservatives are aghast of faux conservatives who continue to support trump. Faux conservatives are void of solutions to mitigate on going issues as they orate "ain't it/they awful", using the RED SCARE and nary a single statement on how to put food on the table, and energy that too many families can't afford.

Donald trump is a traitor. He is self serving, corrupt and is attempting to end our nations decades of peaceful transition of power. Those who continue the BIG LIE that the election was stolen are not mistaken, they are traitors to COTUS and they know it.

More examples of faux conservatives writing on social media to call others liars and using misinformation without even a scintilla of truth.

[The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun.]​

From the link directly above:

In the hours after Cassidy Hutchinson delivered bombshell testimony to the Jan. 6 committee Tuesday, former President Trump and his allies rushed to attack the former White House staffer.

Rye, it is very commendable of you, as a far left liberal, to still be so concerned about the well being of conservatives and the conservative movement.

I wish I could be as big of a person, and have such concern in my heart for you libs.

Real Conservatives are aghast of faux conservatives who continue to support trump. Faux conservatives are void of solutions to mitigate on going issues as they orate "ain't it/they awful", using the RED SCARE and nary a single statement on how to put food on the table, and energy that too many families can't afford.

Donald trump is a traitor. He is self serving, corrupt and is attempting to end our nations decades of peaceful transition of power. Those who continue the BIG LIE that the election was stolen are not mistaken, they are traitors to COTUS and they know it.

More examples of faux conservatives writing on social media to call others liars and using misinformation without even a scintilla of truth.

[The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun.]​

From the link directly above:

In the hours after Cassidy Hutchinson delivered bombshell testimony to the Jan. 6 committee Tuesday, former President Trump and his allies rushed to attack the former White House staffer.

As a fiscal conservative, I cannot stand faux conservatives like Trump, McConnell and Romney.
They spend too much money. They expand the size and scope of government. They, like progressives are BS artist.

Nation Debt at the beginning of the Trump presidency:
2017.... $20 trillion
2020....$27.7 trillion

Trump only vetoed 1 spending/appropriations bill in 4 years. And his reasoning was that it didn't spend enough.

That's not what actual conservatives do. Not even close.

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