Conservative Hypocrisy on Foreign Aid


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
According to, here is what the United States spent on foreign aid in each of the last eight fiscal years:

  • 2020 — $27,064,353,440
  • 2019 — $34,779,516,730
  • 2018 — $32,931,513,141
  • 2017 — $34,278,435,721
  • 2016 — $40,321,782,361
  • 2015 — $34,463,138,249
  • 2014 — $28,499,626,933
  • 2013 — $27,454,812,743

Every penny given away to foreign countries had to first be appropriated by Congress. Conservative Republicans had a part in that as much as anyone else.

Foreign-aid spending is not a legitimate purpose of the U.S. government. The purpose of government is supposed to be to protect the lives, liberties, and property of the people who form it. Providing welfare and relief is illegitimate. And if it is illegitimate for the U.S. government to provide welfare and relief to Americans, then it is even more illegitimate for the U.S. government to provide them to foreigners.

Foreign-aid spending is not something that Americans want to spend their money on. Shouldn’t they have a say in how their tax dollars are spent? The amount of foreign assistance that has been requested for six Central Asian countries for fiscal year 2021 is:

  • Afghanistan — $371.8 million
  • Uzbekistan — $35.24 million
  • Turkmenistan — $200 thousand
  • Kazakhstan — $1.7 million
  • Kyrgyzstan — $20 million
  • Tajikistan — $28.45 million
All foreign aid, like all domestic charity, should be individual, private, and voluntary.

No matter how many times conservatives recite their mantra of the Constitution, limited government, private property, and individual liberty; and no matter how much they talk about the private sector, free enterprise, personal responsibility, and the free market, they only selectively believe in those things.

As I have said and written on countless occasions, the only limited government wanted by conservatives is a government limited to control by conservatives.

That last sentence is my opinion as well- and it applies to both sides, of the Duopoly Party (the politics of personality crowd) zealots- as long as they approve of the personlaity being portrayed by the media, it's all good as long as it isn't the other guy-
Blame conservatives for foreign aid when democrats had the majority in congress for most of the time? Who's the hypocrite?

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