Conservative at Cain event calls Dems 'party of KKK'

Still no proof of any Dem today being KKK, these house Negroes contradict themselves every time, they tell other blacks to stop whining and dwelling on slavery because its been over for well over 145 years but bring up the Democratic Party as the party of slavery and KKK when it suits them, mainly because they know the Republican Party is more like those Democrats of old and need to deflect attention away from that.
How many blacks are members of the racist CBC?

And why are you blacks so hateful of jews?

Oh, that's right, they are just "typical white persons", eh?:eusa_whistle:

Racist pricks!:evil:

They see jews as competitors for the race card is all it is.
Yep.....and it's no wonder why Obama abjectly hates jews.

I am still waiting for you two ass clowns to tell me what seat David Duke holds!!!

I understand it from Bass, but not you Jillian :eusa_eh:

the last party to elect an active Klansman/white supremacist was the Republitards, no one said Duke is holding any office you jackass, nice ad hominem to cover your poo. All the racist Southern Democrats fled right to the Republitard Party or either retired, so why even bring up racist Southern Democrats like Bull Connor and ignore people like Jesse helms and Strom Thurmond who switched parties and were cut from the same mold as Bull Connor?

What "poo"?

I gave you history, and you ignore it! The Dems have a MUCH nastier past then the Republicans.

One thing I agree with you on is.... they both have skeletons, but to say we (the Tea Party) are racist NOW.... well thats just a bald faced lie!

I gave you history and facts too, all those southern white racist Democrats became Republicans and were never liberal progressives to begin with, their political views are the same as today's Republicans, keep ignoring all you like, but there are no Democrat KKK.
Byrd was no longer KKK and is dead now you dumb monkeysaurus, who in the Democratic Party is KKK? The rightwing house Negro said it but where is the proof?

did you not say in that other thread that Conservative Blacks are the ones who call Liberal Blacks names? i mistaken or was that another Black guy who said that?....

He is a house Negro and this guy who made these statements is no Black conservative, he's simple a divisive language spewing moron. A house negro is a house Negro, this has nothing to do with being "liberal" or conservative, I've already spelled out why. Any black who lets himself become the mouthpiece for white racists and bows down to them is a house Negro. You can't compare this guy to Colin Powell and reasonably call him a Black conservative, he's a hacktard.
And what's YOUR fuckin' excuse, ya' racist pussy?
Black Herman Cain Supporter Calls Democrats "Party Of KKK" | News One

has this Negro forgot that the GOPtards put an active KKK in office by the name of David Duke? The Democrats were the party of the KKK, the GOPtards were the party that abandoned blacks and failed to protect blacks from the brutality of the KKK.

Um, He is right. The Democrat Party was the party that Fought against the Civil Rights movement, it was the Party of Slavery, and secession in the Civil War. You guys have been trying to re-write History so long, it seems you are starting to believe your own lies.

One of the Greatest lies ever sold to the American people is the Idea the Democrats were the Party looking out for blacks, and Republicans(Born of the abolition movement) were the bad guys.

Democrats of old are Republicans todays, ever heard of paradigm shift? And no, he didn't mention anything about historical context, he flat out said the Democratic party was rcists and the party of the KKK, perhaps he should have mentioned the full story.
He is a house Negro and this guy who made these statements is no Black conservative, he's simple a divisive language spewing moron. A house negro is a house Negro, this has nothing to do with being "liberal" or conservative, I've already spelled out why. Any black who lets himself become the mouthpiece for white racists and bows down to them is a house Negro. You can't compare this guy to Colin Powell and reasonably call him a Black conservative, he's a hacktard.

How can you call him that?

That is so mean....

Just listen to him.... please, just listen and tell me whats wrong.

[ame=]Herman Cain at the CLTP Rally - YouTube[/ame]

I think he is as honest as they come... he reminds me of Reagan.
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I love how according to liberals it is perfectly fine to use Racist phrases about blacks like "house Negro" just so long as you are talking about a black who dares to think for themselves and not just pull the lever for Democrats because that's what Democrats tell them to do.
did you not say in that other thread that Conservative Blacks are the ones who call Liberal Blacks names? i mistaken or was that another Black guy who said that?....

He is a house Negro and this guy who made these statements is no Black conservative, he's simple a divisive language spewing moron. A house negro is a house Negro, this has nothing to do with being "liberal" or conservative, I've already spelled out why. Any black who lets himself become the mouthpiece for white racists and bows down to them is a house Negro. You can't compare this guy to Colin Powell and reasonably call him a Black conservative, he's a hacktard.
And what's YOUR fuckin' excuse, ya' racist pussy?

Big talk from an internet, cowardly hacktard calling someone a puss. Your attempt to stir the pot has failed.
Black Herman Cain Supporter Calls Democrats "Party Of KKK" | News One

has this Negro forgot that the GOPtards put an active KKK in office by the name of David Duke? The Democrats were the party of the KKK, the GOPtards were the party that abandoned blacks and failed to protect blacks from the brutality of the KKK.

This "negro"? Shades of segregation, racism seems to rear it's ugly head again when democrats feel threatened by a Black politicians
Bass and his ilk are just pissed to see a party they falsely try to claim is racist, is now showing serious support of a black man........And they are just as pissed to see a SUCCESSFUL black man like Cain, telling it like it truly is.

No wonder they hate Bill Cosby, the mayor of Philly, and Herman Cain.....They are laying out the truth, period!
Are you insinuating that there are no racists within the Tea Party? LMBO!

Are you pretending that there are no racists on the left?

Charlie, don't be ashamed of your hypocrisy. Embrace it. Live it. You bought it, you own it.

When have I ever insinuated that there are/were no racists on the left? Can anyone on the right name any KKK in the Democratic Party? If they can't they need to keep their traps shut.

he's dead. You all elected him to death..
Byrd was no longer KKK and is dead now you dumb monkeysaurus, who in the Democratic Party is KKK? The rightwing house Negro said it but where is the proof?

did you not say in that other thread that Conservative Blacks are the ones who call Liberal Blacks names? i mistaken or was that another Black guy who said that?....

He is a house Negro and this guy who made these statements is no Black conservative, he's simple a divisive language spewing moron. A house negro is a house Negro, this has nothing to do with being "liberal" or conservative, I've already spelled out why. Any black who lets himself become the mouthpiece for white racists and bows down to them is a house Negro. You can't compare this guy to Colin Powell and reasonably call him a Black conservative, he's a hacktard.

Powell was far from being conservative. And you sir, are ignorant and vile. When I was little I used to hear people say that there was a difference between black folks and *******. I never understood it because I was not brought up to be a racist, I always seen everybody for who they where not what color they where, and agreed with Martin Luther king JR when he said "judge people by the content of there character, not the color of their skin". But you sir are a shining example of what I heard as a kid, and had I not grasped that concept years ago you definitely would have helped me to just in this thread alone. You are the reason blacks have so many issues in this country, you and many more like you. You make me sick, and your parents should be ashamed of you, unless of course they raised you to be this way.
This country overwhelmingly elected it's first black president in 2008, it could not have happened without the mahority of the vote coming from white citizens, but yet you still cry racism, how the fuck do you sleep at night?
Black Herman Cain Supporter Calls Democrats "Party Of KKK" | News One

has this Negro forgot that the GOPtards put an active KKK in office by the name of David Duke? The Democrats were the party of the KKK, the GOPtards were the party that abandoned blacks and failed to protect blacks from the brutality of the KKK.

This "negro"? Shades of segregation, racism seems to rear it's ugly head again when democrats feel threatened by a Black politicians

threatened by some crazed rightwing blogger? LMBO!
Black Herman Cain Supporter Calls Democrats "Party Of KKK" | News One

has this Negro forgot that the GOPtards put an active KKK in office by the name of David Duke? The Democrats were the party of the KKK, the GOPtards were the party that abandoned blacks and failed to protect blacks from the brutality of the KKK.

This "negro"? Shades of segregation, racism seems to rear it's ugly head again when democrats feel threatened by a Black politicians
Bass and his ilk are just pissed to see a party they falsely try to claim is racist, is now showing serious support of a black man........And they are just as pissed to see a SUCCESSFUL black man like Cain, telling it like it truly is.

No wonder they hate Bill Cosby, the mayor of Philly, and Herman Cain.....They are laying out the truth, period!

From your own party you dumb faggot:

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

"By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."
"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years"


RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

"By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

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