Zone1 Conservative American Evangelicals are taking this country to task

These were not hysterical mobs. These were deliberate court trials by devout Christians.

Same mob hysteria style thinking we see today from the Left, in doing shit like arresting people for self defense or claiming that men can be women.

Just because they went though the motions of a trial, doesn't mean they were not a hysterical mob.
The "government" is "of the people, for the people and by the people".........this is a representative republic. The social mores' of the people are clearly represented in THE PEOPLES GOVERNMENT. As demonstrated.........Joe Biden professes to be a Catholic...........does this mean that everyone must worship the RCC?

The government is not manadated to acccept only SECULARISM (which in itself can be a religion.....where SELF is worshiped...i.e., human secularism)......if the US government mandated secularism that would clearly violate the 1st amendment FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE......... the government is simply forbidden from MAKING ANY LAW that establishes one religion over another, as clearly stated the in bill of rights, THE PEOPLE are entitled to FREEDOM "OF" RELIGION, not FREEDOM "FROM" RELIGION, and congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW THAT ESTABISHES RELGION OR FORBIDS THE "FREE EXERCISE" THEREOF.

If the government was indeed secular......why does the tax payers fund a Chaplin Corp......why does federal money state, "In God we Trust"? Why place a hand on the holy bible in the courtroom or at a presidental swearing in oath?

Most importantly why does our first "legal document".........the first act of representative legislation, the "Declearation of Independence"....declare, "We, therefore, REPRESENTATIVES of the United States of America, in General Congress, APPEALING TO THE "SUPREME JUDGE OF THE WORLD" (i.e., God)...........

Congress, IN SESSION appealed to the Law of nature and nature's order to declare independence from England.

This LEGAL APPEAL was addressed to Nature's God. The very first legal document ever legislated by a US congress appeals to the supreme judge of the World. declare that the US was founded upon secularism?

It's not really complicated. The government is secular.
It's not really complicated. The government is secular.

Are religious people barred from participating? Are religious groups barred from having input into the civil discourse on policy? Is religionous expression allowed in public spaces?
Are religious people barred from participating? Are religious groups barred from having input into the civil discourse on policy? Is religious expression allowed in public spaces?

You're not the government, are you? You have rights just like the rest of us.
My wife watched FLashPoint LiIve tonight on the Roku stick. I caught parts of it, these guys and girls are serious.

"FlashPoint is a VICTORY Channel® original show providing commentary on current issues from a conservative and prophetic viewpoint—delivered in a spirit of faith—that airs LIVE on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT. FlashPoint began when VICTORY Channel founder Kenneth Copeland was led by the Lord to provide programming on VICTORY to address current issues in our government and the 2020 elections from a biblical perspective. Due to FlashPoint’s overwhelming popularity and the current political climate, it has become a permanent show on the network. As events continue to unfold, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, VICTORY Channel and FlashPoint remain committed to addressing current events in line with prophecy and the Word of God, and always in a spirit of faith."

FlashPoint LIVE - FlashPoint

At tonight's event in Atlanta, GA, they released the Watchman Decree


As a Patriot of faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost to the kingdom of God and the Great
Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their
rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness—

• we, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth
• we have been given legal power from heaven and now exercise our authority
• we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth
• through the power of God, we are the world influencers
• because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every
attempted advance of the enemy,

1. We decree that America’s executive branch of government will honor God and defend the
2. We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and
3. We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.
4. We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult and every evil attempt against our
5. We declare and we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
6. We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
7. We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in
each of the *Seven Mountains.
8. We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us
for God.
9. We declare that our nation is energy independent.
10. We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and technologically.
11. We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land nor over our people.
12. We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines in order to
accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.
13. And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.
We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived!
We will NEVER stop fighting!
We will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up or give in!
We WILL take our country back.
We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!

“Working together with Him, we strongly urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain [by turning
away from sound doctrine and His merciful kindness]. For He says, ‘At the acceptable time (the
time of grace) I listened to you, and I helped you on the day of salvation.’ Behold, now is ‘the
acceptable time,’ behold, now is ‘the day of salvation.’” 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 (AMP)

*Seven Mountains of Influence include media, business/finance,
family, education, politics, arts/entertainment and religion.

Good luck with that rubbish. It’s that democracy which always gets in the way.
You're not the government, are you? You have rights just like the rest of us.

Do I? Cause I've seen quite a bit of push back on all of those, from people like you. Sometimes written into government policy or law.
The last time religion was mixed with government was the Spanish Inquisition and people were burned at the stake for being heretics.

lol why does nobody ever post real history? Are they really stupid or just lying on purpose?
You want a "Taliban"?

You spit on the Christian Right in this country, and that's exactly what you're going to get.

I think they're serious. Christians or not, don't expect to push people without a pushback.

How do we push them? By not following a religion that we do not believe in? By not allowing them to violate the US Constitution?
Our founding fathers weren't fans of Christians or any other religion for that matter. One just has to read their writings on what they thought of Christianity. They saw the carnage caused by religious wars and how oppressive it could be when in control of governing bodies, thus they, by stipulating that the government could make no law regarding the establishment of a religion, it demonstrated that no religion shall make the governing laws. The separation of the state and religion.

lol more rubbish.
THIS exactly. A reckoning day is fast approaching. I myself have been warning radical American leftists for years, about how they are driving simple, god-fearing Americans to pray for an ultra-nationalist rightwing dictatorship. Democrats have stretched the rubber band of conservative Christian American tolerance to its absolute limit. Once it snaps there will be hell on earth for all those radical leftist Americans who pushed this country and its people far, far out onto immoral frontiers.

Actually history shows that when 'leftists' take over they immediately begin to slaughter each other, then they plunder their own economy into non-existence, then they stagnate if they don't keep plundering their neighbors. The same pattern goes for multi-national corporations, which by the way get along just wonderfully with Communist run govts a lot better thay the get along with deomocracies and republics.
What rights specifically?

Specifically you mentioned that the "government is secular".

I've seen plenty of times, when lefties attack religious people or organizations simply for wanting to speak out on policy issues.

That specifically, is the example I was thinking of.

Do you support the Right of religious people and organizations to participate in policy discussion?
Specifically you mentioned that the "government is secular".

I've seen plenty of times, when lefties attack religious people or organizations simply for wanting to speak out on policy issues.

That specifically, is the example I was thinking of.

Do you support the Right of religious people and organizations to participate in policy discussion?

No, they don't, which is why they lie about the establishment clause and run around trying to find Christian bakeries to sue and snivel about.
Normal folks accept that all mankind is evil and depraved. And that G-d's wrath is justified.

Do you support the Right of religious people and organizations to participate in policy discussion?

NFBW: Yes to @Correll’s question. ding lennypartiv and Clyde 154 are religious people who bring their religion for sure to the policy discussion on abortion in opposition to the freedom of conscience Americans are supposed to have under Madisonian/Jeffersonian secular view that there must be separation of church and state.

ding181015-#357 My expectation is that abortion will be seen as wrong. I want it to come to a vote of the people

lennyp220802-#22 lennypartiv This was a mistake by the voters. Hopefully the legislature steps in and corrects this by passing laws against abortion in Kansas

NFBW: I see abortion as wrong as a matter before my conscience. I see white Christian males like ding and lennypartiv Clyde 154 who call for voters to push government coercion of fuil-term pregnancy on all woman against their rights of bodily autonomy and freedom of conscience to be government backed religious oppression in the highest degree. And for that I’m supposed to have a guilty conscience.

ding220724-#3,861 “You have a guilty conscience”

NFBW: I have no such thing.

I believe ding passes judgment on a secular person’s judgment because his conscience is overwhelmingly influenced by what Clyde 154 has to say about ultimately why American women must suffer government coercion to carry a fetus full term and give birth to please Clyde 154 ’s version of God.

It’s unconstitutional tyranny of a religious majority in some states since Dobbs and that cannot be allowed to stand in a free Democratic nation that we are supposed to be living and co-existing in.

Clyde154221018-#60 Justified: punishment, even death that is deserved, look it up. The idea that God is immoral because He has justified the killing of certain humans is standard fare in atheistic rhetoric. Next atheist argument when it evolves after having to accept that death is Justified under certain cases of crimes against humanity such as serial killiing, child molestation and murder...etc., is the arugment that God is immoral because He allows death..... moves to the qualifier...."God is immoral because He allows the innoncent be put to death........He (God) killed innocent children...yada, yada, yada....... ••••• They point to certain passages of scripture such as (Numbers 31) where God commands Moses to "destroy" the Midianties.....and say, "Well........some of the deaths might be justified because of war crimes and wickedness, but REALLY.......putting 'innocent' children to death? Examples innocent children were killed in the Flood (Genesis 7)......death of the first born in Egypt (Ex. 12:29-30) and as mentioned before TOTAL DESTRUCTION of the Midianties even the children (Numbers 31), or the passages in (1 Sam. 15) the death of the Amelekites. How can these deaths be "justified"? The claim that God can't be moral because innocents are allowed to die...thus Atheism is superior in morality as compared to the God of Creation. Then one thinks about ABORTION of DEMAND that atheism JUSTIFIES.​
Using the logic that justifies ABORTION of a human child......let’s pretend and play the WHAT IF game. What if all the children in the Amelekite line suffered from Genetic abnormaliteis.......would that satisfy the atheist who claims that God is immoral?​
Reality: God allowed these innocent children to be put to death because there is more to human life than physical life......there is the Human Spirit which was created with IMMORTALITY in mind, meaning it will live forever after the body has decayed and gone back to the earth. These children in question were not being punished (their parents were being punished for implanting their wicked ideologies into the innocent minds of the children). When an innocent child dies it goes directly to paradise to the bossom of Abraham.​
Why order the total destruction of an entire line of peoples...better known as "genocide"? Because these nations of people were found guilty of paganism, murder, rape.......even offering up innocent children at an alter of fire to appease their false gods, after raiding and stealing these children from other nations. God commanded the entire SEED of this wickedness be removed from the earth much like His reason for the Flood in Gensis 7. What is best for these children......allow these children to grow up and reach tha age of reason where they can personally be held accountable for their wickedness that has been instructed to them from birth forward.......or allow them to gain entrance into paradise before the age of reason? Which is moral and which is not? Which is JUSTIFED in the eyes of the Lord?​
Why were the innocents along with the wicked ......killed by command of God? The Bible answers, God, being omnipresent with omniscience saw, "........the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually........" Genesis 6:5 God eliminated the NEXT GENERATION of evil from the earth......those innocent children are in paradise today......where would they be if allowed to mature in that wicked generation of peoples​
alang1216221019-#64 alang1216 Why were Adam and Eve punished?​
Clyde154221113-#80 Clearly you have a reprobate mind and God has given up on you........cast you away to the confines of your own fate. You attempt to blame God for man's Lawlessness? And you say you don't believe, yet you are forced to access the word of God in order to attempt to prove some mistranslated doctrine? Funny indeed. You are one else. Man up. •••• I simply presented the Truth as its found in scripture​
1. Sin is defined by God as being "lawless" -- 1 John 3:4 (there was only ONE law when Adam allowed sin to enter the world by becoming the first "lawless human being", do not eat of the tree of knowledge or you will surely die..........Sin is not defined by one's ignoracne or intelligence (it was the tree of knowledge that made Adam and Eve aware of good and evil, it gave the knowledge to know both good and evil) -- Genesis 3:22) •••• When man had eaten of the tree knowledge God had to ban them from the Garden He had created for them to live in while in innonence....why? Because the "tree of life" which would grant "immorality" to the flesh existed in the Garden of Eden. As explained in vs 22, " least he put forth his hand (Adam) and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever." •••• Thus sin entered the world through one man's sin/lawlessness (Romans 5:12-21). Adams sin was allowing his wife to guide his free will decisions when he was responsible to guide and protect his wife as head of the household/family (1 Tim. 2:13-14) •••• Sin originated in the heart of Adam when he broke the law of God, and then lied to God in shame (shame that he did not know he had until he had eaten from the tree of knowledge). He lied to God and attempted to blame Eve for his sin, when in reality he knew and comprehended the ONE LAW, yet he practiced lawlessness through a free will choice. (Genesis 3:12) •••• Adam did not have know good from evil to obey this one law. What? Do you think its evil to eat the product of what a bearing tree produces? Anyone can sin (commit lawlessness) without engaging in an act of evil......there are sins of omission as well as sins of comission. The law simply defines does not define good and evil. What one might consider evil for a man (killing and canniablism) not considered evil at all in the animal kingdom as there is no morality found in nature. •••• Which begs to ask. Just where do you receive your opinions as to what consitutes evil and what constitutes good.......those traits could not have evolved because morality does not exist in nature? Reality; Religion is where morality was gestated. Abortion? Funny...ain't it. All those who attempt to rationalize abortion as anything but the killing of an innocent gestating human life.....HAVE ALREADY BEEN BORN. •••• What about Abortion? You present the opinion that Abortion is not evil? Yet God defines the spilling of innocent blood as an Abomination (Prov. 6:16-19), can you explain how an unborn child has no blood flowing through its gestating flesh? Uniqure blood with it own DNA signature, different and unique as the only ONE IN THE WORLD......even different from either parent. To must enage in lawlessness. Explain how an unborn child is charged with lawlessness of any type might alone found guilty of any lawlessness....the unborn should be allowed the same right as those already born, a right to live once created. Creation begins at conception. •••• God in no different from the O.T to the N.T. The record found in the O.T is a historical record of one nation, a nation that God husbanded.......meaning the O.T. law was for 1 nation only, not any other nation on earth. That One Nation was Biblical Israel who was bound to live and die by the Law of the letter of the law. This record contains the Good, the Bad, and Ugly, there is no skeleton left for discovery in some hidden closet.........God inspired the whole record to print, simply because there is a record does not mean that God endorsed or agreed with everything recorded. God did declare that the Old Law (written on stone) would come to an was only temporary and would be replaced by a New Law......or a N.T. covenant, one written on the heart of the faithful instead of on stone (Jer. 31:31-34).....and this New Covenant would include the entire world, not just Israel. •••• Its YOUR IGNORANCE in not even attempting to search for truth yourself.......that makes you think that God has Changed when in reality..........only the Law has changed in order to conclude the entire world (all of humanity). God had a plan all along to fulifll His promises made to BLESS ALL NATIONS by the seed of Abraham. (Gen. 12:1-4). •••• Even though the O.T. was inspired by the same God, the same Holy defines a God-given rule of law expressly for only one nation on earth.......none other, no gentile has ever been bound by O.T. law (Deut. 5:2-3, Neh. 9:13-14) Only Biblical Israel. The O.T. law had a purpose and design by God. It was a law guiding and controlling Biblical Israel until the "Messiah" would come and fulfill the promise made to Abraham and with the coming Messiah there was a changing of the law from Law written on Stone (literal) to law written on the hearts of the faithful (spiritual).....a Law of Grace where the Messiah would become sin Himself (1 Cor. 5:21), even though He would come to earth as the Son of Man........born of a woman, born under the law, yet without sin.........Jesus became sin and made the perfect sacrifice......he died for all mankind. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son......(John 3:16). The sacrifice of Jesus, the Son of God.......mirrored the sacifice God asked of Abraham (to sacrifice his son) to prove his faith to God. God stayed his hand when his faith was demonstrated...........yet, God allowed the sin of the world to come upon His only begotten son to the point of death. God demonstrated His faith toward mankind and His the hope that all men might be saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:3-4)​
NFBW: Why does any of that Clyde stuff have any bearing on the secular legal discussion on wherther government has the authority to ban the medical or pharmaceutical procedure of induced abortion.

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No, they don't, which is why they lie about the establishment clause and run around trying to find Christian bakeries to sue and snivel about.

There was no problem until the baker went on Facebook and bragged about putting one over on the gay couple. They were using it to increase their business.

You want a "Taliban"?

You spit on the Christian Right in this country, and that's exactly what you're going to get.

I think they're serious. Christians or not, don't expect to push people without a pushback.

They are reactionary .... Opposed to science and modernity in the early 1900s.


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