
Not in those numbers and from that many rallies

Go ahead and try

I’m not going to spend my time playing the numbers game with you.
I have better time-consuming things to spend my time on. It is enough to show that there are good people and bad people on both sides of the political spectrum.
I’m not going to spend my time playing the numbers game with you.
I have better time-consuming things to spend my time on. It is enough to show that there are good people and bad people on both sides of the political spectrum.

Yea, why lose another argument?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have rarely, if ever, lost an argument with you. On the contrary, I have often shown you to be incorrect on many points.

Reminds me of Bagadad Bob


  • $bagdad_bob_large.gif
    41.3 KB · Views: 81
Another classic response from Red States Suck.



and Boring.

My what a numbing comeback

Intolerance: Something conservatives and Republicans are guilty of everytime they open their mouths.

Gangs: A group of disenfranchised, disadvatanged inner-city youths.

God: A construct of primitive Americans to justify their bigotry and homophobia; the only thing you can't talk about in schools

Government Funds:The answer to every social problem in existance by taking away more money from dolts who work and pay taxes and giving it to unwed mothers, minorities, spotted owls, etc.

Guns:The most Politically Incorrect devices in the whole world. They have a mind and an evil spirit of their own. Guns kill people, all by themselves.
My what a numbing comeback

Intolerance: Something conservatives and Republicans are guilty of everytime they open their mouths.

Gangs: A group of disenfranchised, disadvatanged inner-city youths.

God: A construct of primitive Americans to justify their bigotry and homophobia; the only thing you can't talk about in schools

Government Funds:The answer to every social problem in existance by taking away more money from dolts who work and pay taxes and giving it to unwed mothers, minorities, spotted owls, etc.

Guns:The most Politically Incorrect devices in the whole world. They have a mind and an evil spirit of their own. Guns kill people, all by themselves.

What a fantastic myriad of useless non-sequiters.

Keep up the good work.

When in doubt RSR, Cut and Post!!
Your point is?

MM is a poster child for the modern day arrogance and hate of the left

The point has nothing to do with MM. Your extreme pro-Republican and anti-Democrat bias causes you to make errors in fact and logic. That is how you are easily defeated in debate. The above simple serves as one of many examples. If one can’t trust the accuracy of a simple premise, how can one trust the conclusion? It is as simple as that. Your gross generalizations are not to be trusted because you fail to provide accurate facts and statistics to directly support them. That is my point.
Libs do hate it when their talking points are posted in the light of day for all to see

One time one democrat in the heat of a debate on the Senate floor said that interrogation tactics are like the Nazis. Other democrats criticized him for it and he apologized.

According to RSR that alone constitutes a talking point for the liberals. The liberals, as a whole, believe that conservative people are Nazis. Right.

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