Congressman: U.S. is heading towards a second civil war


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
Steve King is the same idiot who doesn't understand English. He's the one that got on the floor of Congress a couple of years back and told them that Boehner was the "most mendacious person I know", as well as his strong tendency towards mendacity.

Only problem is.................mendacity is another word for lying.

Rep. Steve King Boasts Of GOP Leaders' 'Mendacity'

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) literally accused the Republican leadership of the House of being a bunch of big old liars on the floor of the House last night. But that isn’t exactly what he meant.

During a rant on the floor of the House about health care, King used the word “mendacity” — meaning untruthfulness — where he likely meant the opposite.“As I deliberate and I listen to the gentleman from Tennessee, I have to make the point that when you challenge the mendacity of the leader or another member, there is an opportunity to rise to a point of order, there is an opportunity to make a motion to take the gentleman’s words down, however many of the members are off on other endeavors and I would make the point that the leader and the speaker have established their integrity and their mendacity for years in this Congress and I don’t believe it can be effectively challenged and those who do so actually cast aspersions on themselves by making wild accusations,” King said.
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
It appears Steve King may be a closet alt-righter and possibly a 'militant militia' type, they salivate at the phrase "civil war" like Pavlov's dogs did with the ringing of a bell. Will there be another civil war? Possibly but that may be decades or longer down the road.
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
It appears Steve King may be a closet alt-righter and possibly a 'militant militia' type, they salivate at the phrase "civil war" like Pavlov's dogs did with the ringing of a bell. Will there be another civil war? Possibly but that may be decades or longer down the road.

Steve King is an idiot of the first water who doesn't understand what the English language says. He simply uses words that he thinks sounds important, like when he accused Boehner of his mendacity.

He's simply taking a page out of the Trump playbook and pandering to people's fears.
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
Actually it's normal people getting sick of trump supporting assholes.
The congressman is a fool for saying such a thing, and even more foolish is anyone who actually thinks it.

Here is the great majority truth: "Actually it's normal people getting sick of trump supporting assholes."
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
It appears Steve King may be a closet alt-righter and possibly a 'militant militia' type, they salivate at the phrase "civil war" like Pavlov's dogs did with the ringing of a bell. Will there be another civil war? Possibly but that may be decades or longer down the road.

Steve King is an idiot of the first water who doesn't understand what the English language says. He simply uses words that he thinks sounds important, like when he accused Boehner of his mendacity.

He's simply taking a page out of the Trump playbook and pandering to people's fears.
Wow, politics as usual...... What else is new?
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
This time, finish the job. No Reconstruction for confederates.
Whats going to happen one of these days is, some group is going to show up and confront some of the radical protesting assholes and we are going to catch lots of snowflakes getting their clocks cleaned and some of it is going to be profoundly graphic. Frankly, it needs to happen. Oh and its gonna be cant miss TV......if it was up against the Super Bowl, the Super Bowl would get crap ratings. Happened in the late 60's though most don't know about it.......a plumbers union from Ohio showed up in DC for one of the war protests and holy fuck, the snowflakes got kneecapped with pipes. Sure as shit settled things for awhile but think about now.........that shit would be wall to wall in an hour everywhere in 2018.
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
This time, finish the job. No Reconstruction for confederates.

Bring it on.

Won't need reconstruction when we are done with you.
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
Actually it's normal people getting sick of trump supporting assholes.
Maybe it’s time to water the tree of liberty???

Rural America and urban America will never have the same interests... because they are not supposed to.
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
Actually it's normal people getting sick of trump supporting assholes.
Maybe it’s time to water the tree of liberty???

Rural America and urban America will never have the same interests... because they are not supposed to.
As rural America shrinks, they are trying to take the whole ship down with them
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
Actually it's normal people getting sick of trump supporting assholes.
Maybe it’s time to water the tree of liberty???

Rural America and urban America will never have the same interests... because they are not supposed to.
As rural America shrinks, they are trying to take the whole ship down with them
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
Actually it's normal people getting sick of trump supporting assholes.
Maybe it’s time to water the tree of liberty???

Rural America and urban America will never have the same interests... because they are not supposed to.
As rural America shrinks, they are trying to take the whole ship down with them
Empty, empty red land
Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
Actually it's normal people getting sick of trump supporting assholes.

Good let me make you cringe a little more then.

Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen.

The warnings keep coming but the sheep just keep plowing along like stoned idiots. They are going to get just what htey want and then live their biggest reality in regret when they realize what fkn morons they are and have been.

It's comingg and ppl are sick of you TRUMP HATING ASSHOLES...

The best part is it's all coming from political figures making the claims not some blogger sitting in their living room.
Actually it's normal people getting sick of trump supporting assholes.
Maybe it’s time to water the tree of liberty???

Rural America and urban America will never have the same interests... because they are not supposed to.
As rural America shrinks, they are trying to take the whole ship down with them
Empty, empty red land
Where all the energy/food/water and beauty is in this country… Controlled by conservatives
Actually it's normal people getting sick of trump supporting assholes.
Maybe it’s time to water the tree of liberty???

Rural America and urban America will never have the same interests... because they are not supposed to.
As rural America shrinks, they are trying to take the whole ship down with them
Empty, empty red land
Where all the energy/food/water and beauty is in this country… Controlled by conservatives
We pay them to not grow crops or to destroy them because their shitty industry can’t survive. And the beauty persists in spite of conservative efforts to destroy it.
Maybe it’s time to water the tree of liberty???

Rural America and urban America will never have the same interests... because they are not supposed to.
As rural America shrinks, they are trying to take the whole ship down with them
Empty, empty red land
Where all the energy/food/water and beauty is in this country… Controlled by conservatives
We pay them to not grow crops or to destroy them because their shitty industry can’t survive. And the beauty persists in spite of conservative efforts to destroy it.
Na, Rural areas keeps progressives out generally... that’s why it stays somewhat pristine.
Good luck with your overcrowded cities… LOL
As rural America shrinks, they are trying to take the whole ship down with them
Empty, empty red land
Where all the energy/food/water and beauty is in this country… Controlled by conservatives
We pay them to not grow crops or to destroy them because their shitty industry can’t survive. And the beauty persists in spite of conservative efforts to destroy it.
Na, Rural areas keeps progressives out generally... that’s why it stays somewhat pristine.
Good luck with your overcrowded cities… LOL
Thanks. Cities drive the country so you better hope we stay lucky.
Empty, empty red land
Where all the energy/food/water and beauty is in this country… Controlled by conservatives
We pay them to not grow crops or to destroy them because their shitty industry can’t survive. And the beauty persists in spite of conservative efforts to destroy it.
Na, Rural areas keeps progressives out generally... that’s why it stays somewhat pristine.
Good luck with your overcrowded cities… LOL
Thanks. Cities drive the country so you better hope we stay lucky.
Only if people depend on socialism...
Most rural areas are self-sufficient, The same cannot be said for urban America

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