Congressman Says Corruption in Washington Is ‘Worse Than You Think’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The first thing that hit me was his claim that one must “pay dues” to be on Congressional committees. What the hell is that all about?

When you first get here, you think that you are in some sort of fairy-tale novel,” Buck, a Republican, said. “They wine and dine you and they show you just exactly what it’s like if you play the game. It’s a wonderful life.”

Things quickly change, however, if “you don’t play the game.”

If you don’t play the game … it becomes a much less conformable existence here,” Buck said.

He then reports these details:

During the time he served on the House Judiciary Committee, Buck said he had to pay periodic dues of $200,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign committee of the House of Representatives.

$200K!!! His annual salary was $174K with health insurance and retirement benefits. He also got $ for personnel and office expenses. But, it’s still ridiculous that, in order to be part of the action, he’s being bribed by the National Republican Congressional Committee. How many of his constituents know about this? Did you know this about YOUR representative? And this doesn’t include what Senators are expected to shell out.

Oh yeah, when he was assigned to a more important committee. The House Rules Committee, it went up to $450K.

Where do they get the money? Constant fund raisers, of course, Becoming deeper in debt to lobbyists and special interests. So, who do they represent? You? Or the special interests and lobbyists?

More of this shocking story @ Congressman Talks Corruption, Solutions in New Book
They all represent special interests and lobbyists and take money under the table to pay these dues. We really have only one bickering party in D.C. the people just don't realize that.

The first thing that hit me was his claim that one must “pay dues” to be on Congressional committees. What the hell is that all about?

When you first get here, you think that you are in some sort of fairy-tale novel,” Buck, a Republican, said. “They wine and dine you and they show you just exactly what it’s like if you play the game. It’s a wonderful life.”

Things quickly change, however, if “you don’t play the game.”

If you don’t play the game … it becomes a much less conformable existence here,” Buck said.

He then reports these details:

During the time he served on the House Judiciary Committee, Buck said he had to pay periodic dues of $200,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign committee of the House of Representatives.

$200K!!! His annual salary was $174K with health insurance and retirement benefits. He also got $ for personnel and office expenses. But, it’s still ridiculous that, in order to be part of the action, he’s being bribed by the National Republican Congressional Committee. How many of his constituents know about this? Did you know this about YOUR representative? And this doesn’t include what Senators are expected to shell out.

Oh yeah, when he was assigned to a more important committee. The House Rules Committee, it went up to $450K.

Where do they get the money? Constant fund raisers, of course, Becoming deeper in debt to lobbyists and special interests. So, who do they represent? You? Or the special interests and lobbyists?

More of this shocking story @ Congressman Talks Corruption, Solutions in New Book

Thanks for posting this. I was already aware of the environment in D.C., and every American should know the reality of how things work there. Then everyone can be as disillusioned as I feel about our beloved congress. THROW THE BUMS OUT! And please, no matter how stupid you are, nobody better claim this type of behavior is the purview of one party. They all behave this way.
This is about donations, not personal money.

geeeeeesh. Don't any of you know anything about politics?
This is about donations, not personal money.

geeeeeesh. Don't any of you know anything about politics?

It's about elected officials selling influence for cash. You're either too young too realize it, or if you're over 45 and have been following politics at all, then you're just plain stupid.
Show me a politician without their hand out and I will show you a liar. This is an old game called politics, nothing new here, both sides of the isle are guilty as hell.

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