Congressional Leaders Agree on $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill

Trump's not a 'Fiscal Conservative.' He never claimed to be. But what was the alternative?
John Kasich. The chief architect of a balanced federal budget.

Funny that never occurred to you.
Yes, there were some carve-outs for the uber wealthy in the tax Ponzi scheme. For example, they raised the ceiling for the estate tax.

I'm actually against the estate tax, though. That wealth has already been taxed, and someone should be allowed to pass on their money to whoever they choose without a penalty.

I believe in no deductions, credits, or exemptions. With a possible exception made for the EITC, which has proven to actually increase productivity.

Exemptions, credits, and exemptions are why our tax rates are so high, and why we have to borrow money from our enemies every year.

It is insane that two entities earning identical incomes are paying radically different amounts of tax, depending on whether or not they behaved the way the government pays them to behave.

Brother I agree with you about all of that except the EITC and that is because I do not really understand what it is. Yes expenditures have been the bane of this country!

Well sure, but a Tax Cut is not an "expenditure".

Pretty sure I never said it was, in fact I would like to see a big tax cut for all. But the elimination of expenditures for all. Hell they already took almost all of them from the middle class now take them from the corporations!

That is G's position, he thinks any "cuts" are "expenditures".
Wrong, retard. You are way over your head.

Not a chance, you're a stooge, nothing more. We've been through this, YOU believe ALL money belongs to the Government that we should just shut up and be grateful for what they let us keep. You may well be a Republican but you are not a Conservative.
Our debt is by far the greatest threat to our security and our future.

By far.

Not Mexicans. Not Muslims. Not gays. Not even guns.

Those histrionic-inducing issues are all distractions deliberately dangled in front of you to keep you from noticing where the real dangers are.

And those people on your propaganda outlets are complicit in this.

Have you seen any nearly $1Trill "stimulus" packages spent lately? It's probably coming. Just sayin. But you need a GROWING economy to make any investments first.

Here's the UNTOLD story.. You know that Baby Boomer crisis we fought over for 3 decades? Well it arrived around 2010 when SS cash flow went negative and STAYED there. We have BEEN in a spiraling budget crisis since then. $53Bill deficit in cash flow in 2016, rising from there.. ALL paid thru NEW Treasury bonds issued. Nothing of value in the Trust Fund to pay it with.

Medicare is a BIGGER mess. Because it has ALWAYS run cash deficits as far back as 1990s. It is now 15% of the Fed budget cash outlay. Somewhere around ANOTHER $150Bill.. No one wanted to fix it or use the FICA surpluses (when we had them) to protect the future.

Those 2 programs ALONE are now 20% or more of the entire budget and skyrocketing. It's not gonna ALL be blamed on the LATEST POTUS...
Trump is massively deficit spending. That is ALL on him. Don't be blaming his predecessors for HIS excessive spending.

Trump has actually made the problem WORSE with his recent tax Ponzi scam.

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

If leftists didn't govern to RESTRICT growth of GDP -- THEY could spend a bit more too..

But you're right. One of things I detested about Trump in the campaign was his complete dismissal of deficits and debts. He said multiple times -- "we should take on MORE debt".. That's why I'm an active member of the Libertarians. Tired of the irresponsible fundamental fiscal mgt.

However --- with 25% of budget covering the bleeding from Medicare and SS deficits and another 20 to 30% just paying interest on the EXISTING debt --- ANY president is gonna run deficit budgets right now. If you're honest -- you'd have to agree. And the legacy of those things goes back 30 years or more. So I refuse to play partisan politics on something that inept, corrupt and aggregious. It's does nothing but Putin's work for him..
You're an idiot. The "budget" has nothing to do with Trump. It's not "Trump's Budget", it's a "borrowing bill" thrown together by the combined Democrat and Republican Congress.

Would you like to know the hard truth? You probably don't, but fuck you anyway, so here it is:

Your government is broken, and it was Obama who broke it for you. It was Obama who blew up the budget. Before the Kenyan Marxist half-breed crackhead whose mommie posed for nudie pictures got into office, we actually had "budgets", instead of "continuing resolutions" and temporary stopgap spending bills that only funded the government for a few months.

The last time that we had a real full-on, real-life federal budget that was signed into law was in 1997, when Clinton was President. Even then, it was only because Gingrich was running the House and the Republican-controlled Congress put Bill The Rapist on a short leash.

I was with you and cheering you on until you blamed it ALL on Obama. He busted the budget in many ways. Not only his failed $800Bill stimulus, but also robbing the income from FICA taxes to pay out "tax breaks" for folks who pay no Income Tax. Corrupt bookkeeping is the stock and trade of ANY Federal "trust fund".

Like I said, 20% or MORE of the current deficits were KNOWN to be coming for 30+ years and Dems blocked ANY fixes or adjustments using the ample FICA SURPLUSES that were being stolen from the working poor.

Other than that --- you would have gotten a "Winner" for all that. :5_1_12024:

Its sobering to realize how corrupt congress is.
You blamed Obama for every penny of debt on his watch.

But look at you dancing like crazy to avoid holding Trump accountable!

Pseudocon hypocrisy in all its naked decrepitude, ladies and gentlemen. You could see this coming from miles away.

You are particularly unhinged today, maybe you need to take a time out. :cuckoo:
You've got nothing as always, super dupe
Basically all of Obama's debt was because of W's poison pills. The corrupt depression, the stupidest Wars ever, and the typical tax cuts for the rich. Great job, scumbags and silly dupes like you.
I was with you and cheering you on until you blamed it ALL on Obama. He busted the budget in many ways. Not only his failed $800Bill stimulus, but also robbing the income from FICA taxes to pay out "tax breaks" for folks who pay no Income Tax. Corrupt bookkeeping is the stock and trade of ANY Federal "trust fund".

Like I said, 20% or MORE of the current deficits were KNOWN to be coming for 30+ years and Dems blocked ANY fixes or adjustments using the ample FICA SURPLUSES that were being stolen from the working poor.

Other than that --- you would have gotten a "Winner" for all that. :5_1_12024:

Its sobering to realize how corrupt congress is.
You blamed Obama for every penny of debt on his watch.

But look at you dancing like crazy to avoid holding Trump accountable!

Pseudocon hypocrisy in all its naked decrepitude, ladies and gentlemen. You could see this coming from miles away.

You are particularly unhinged today, maybe you need to take a time out. :cuckoo:
You've got nothing as always, super dupe

Just assume I mocked you, as usual.
Absolutely nothing, brainwashed functional moron. Enjoy the tax cut for the richest and the continued ruin of the country.
Trump's not a 'Fiscal Conservative.' He never claimed to be. But what was the alternative?
John Kasich. The chief architect of a balanced federal budget.

Funny that never occurred to you.

There were 2 qualified Two term governors on the ballot from purple states. We wouldn't be spiraling into Civil War if folks had PUNISHED the 2 inept and corrupt parties that are pushing this country to Civil War. Nor would we be arguing about the TOTAL AND CRIMINAL neglect of fiscal sanity by electing TRUE Liberals or Libertarians. No pages of porn stars, no phony excuses for losing, no more bad choices of damaged candidates from the Brand Name parties.

We're wasting valuable time on 2 warring tribes and porn stars and repeating the same mistakes over and over again. And the "Big Middle" is watching the hypocrisy and finger pointing and is tired of it. Time to convince folks NOT to vote to WIN.. But to vote on ISSUES and PRINCIPLES.

Doesn't take a Congress full of Indies or 3rd party folks. Even 1/2 a dozen would make a HUGE difference in all of the close votes. These new folks, not servants to the Party bosses would get the spotlight at EVERY VOTE. And they would tell the public the REAL story. Not just the spin approved by party leadership...
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Over the past few weeks, pseudocons have indisputably proven they don't really care about Family Values™. That was all fake, and they are hypocrites.

And now, with Trump's massive federal deficits, they are about to prove their hypocrisy on an issue they cannot claim has nothing to do with governing. So while they blubber their usual, "B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!", they will not be able to actually defend Trump's huge debt. And by attempting to defend it with "b-b-b-but Obama", they are proving their hypocrisy.

Trump has already perpetrated a hoax on the rubes by passing a Ponzi scheme which cuts taxes today at the expense of saddling our children with another $1.5 trillion in debt which will have to be borrowed from our enemies. And the Dow has been plummeting ever since.

You see, when you cut tax rates without removing all the government gifts in the tax code which caused those rates to be so high to begin with, you are not really a conservative. You are a Keynesian hack running up more debt.

Thus has Trump made every pseudocon into a Keynesian.

And now this: Congressional Leaders Agree on $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill as Deadline Looms

The spending spree comes on the heels of the Republicans’ tax overhaul, which was projected to add $1.5 trillion to federal budget deficits over a decade. The deficit is now expected to exceed $1 trillion in the 2019 fiscal year, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a fiscal watchdog group.

Now pay attention. The psuedocons are going to throw up all kinds of smoke. They will puke up tu quoque fallacies. They will attack the messenger. They will build giant straw men. They will attempt to railroad the topic.

But you will notice they will not utter a single critical syllable about Trump's spending.

Not. One. Syllable.

And remember, they blamed Obama for every penny of the debt. Not Congress. They blamed Obama.

Here we go.

Republicans spend like drunken sailors when they are in power. When Democrats regain power - the NaziCons will start preaching about the deficit and national debt again. Republicans are evil.
Over the past few weeks, pseudocons have indisputably proven they don't really care about Family Values™. That was all fake, and they are hypocrites.

And now, with Trump's massive federal deficits, they are about to prove their hypocrisy on an issue they cannot claim has nothing to do with governing. So while they blubber their usual, "B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!", they will not be able to actually defend Trump's huge debt. And by attempting to defend it with "b-b-b-but Obama", they are proving their hypocrisy.

Trump has already perpetrated a hoax on the rubes by passing a Ponzi scheme which cuts taxes today at the expense of saddling our children with another $1.5 trillion in debt which will have to be borrowed from our enemies. And the Dow has been plummeting ever since.

You see, when you cut tax rates without removing all the government gifts in the tax code which caused those rates to be so high to begin with, you are not really a conservative. You are a Keynesian hack running up more debt.

Thus has Trump made every pseudocon into a Keynesian.

And now this: Congressional Leaders Agree on $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill as Deadline Looms

The spending spree comes on the heels of the Republicans’ tax overhaul, which was projected to add $1.5 trillion to federal budget deficits over a decade. The deficit is now expected to exceed $1 trillion in the 2019 fiscal year, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a fiscal watchdog group.

Now pay attention. The psuedocons are going to throw up all kinds of smoke. They will puke up tu quoque fallacies. They will attack the messenger. They will build giant straw men. They will attempt to railroad the topic.

But you will notice they will not utter a single critical syllable about Trump's spending.

Not. One. Syllable.

And remember, they blamed Obama for every penny of the debt. Not Congress. They blamed Obama.

Here we go.

Republicans spend like drunken sailors when they are in power. When Democrats regain power - the NaziCons will start preaching about the deficit and national debt again. Republicans are evil.

They ALL spend like "drunken sailors".
Over the past few weeks, pseudocons have indisputably proven they don't really care about Family Values™. That was all fake, and they are hypocrites.

And now, with Trump's massive federal deficits, they are about to prove their hypocrisy on an issue they cannot claim has nothing to do with governing. So while they blubber their usual, "B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!", they will not be able to actually defend Trump's huge debt. And by attempting to defend it with "b-b-b-but Obama", they are proving their hypocrisy.

Trump has already perpetrated a hoax on the rubes by passing a Ponzi scheme which cuts taxes today at the expense of saddling our children with another $1.5 trillion in debt which will have to be borrowed from our enemies. And the Dow has been plummeting ever since.

You see, when you cut tax rates without removing all the government gifts in the tax code which caused those rates to be so high to begin with, you are not really a conservative. You are a Keynesian hack running up more debt.

Thus has Trump made every pseudocon into a Keynesian.

And now this: Congressional Leaders Agree on $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill as Deadline Looms

The spending spree comes on the heels of the Republicans’ tax overhaul, which was projected to add $1.5 trillion to federal budget deficits over a decade. The deficit is now expected to exceed $1 trillion in the 2019 fiscal year, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a fiscal watchdog group.

Now pay attention. The psuedocons are going to throw up all kinds of smoke. They will puke up tu quoque fallacies. They will attack the messenger. They will build giant straw men. They will attempt to railroad the topic.

But you will notice they will not utter a single critical syllable about Trump's spending.

Not. One. Syllable.

And remember, they blamed Obama for every penny of the debt. Not Congress. They blamed Obama.

Here we go.

Republicans spend like drunken sailors when they are in power. When Democrats regain power - the NaziCons will start preaching about the deficit and national debt again. Republicans are evil.

They ALL spend like "drunken sailors".

No, they don't - not like Republicans.
Over the past few weeks, pseudocons have indisputably proven they don't really care about Family Values™. That was all fake, and they are hypocrites.

And now, with Trump's massive federal deficits, they are about to prove their hypocrisy on an issue they cannot claim has nothing to do with governing. So while they blubber their usual, "B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!", they will not be able to actually defend Trump's huge debt. And by attempting to defend it with "b-b-b-but Obama", they are proving their hypocrisy.

Trump has already perpetrated a hoax on the rubes by passing a Ponzi scheme which cuts taxes today at the expense of saddling our children with another $1.5 trillion in debt which will have to be borrowed from our enemies. And the Dow has been plummeting ever since.

You see, when you cut tax rates without removing all the government gifts in the tax code which caused those rates to be so high to begin with, you are not really a conservative. You are a Keynesian hack running up more debt.

Thus has Trump made every pseudocon into a Keynesian.

And now this: Congressional Leaders Agree on $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill as Deadline Looms

The spending spree comes on the heels of the Republicans’ tax overhaul, which was projected to add $1.5 trillion to federal budget deficits over a decade. The deficit is now expected to exceed $1 trillion in the 2019 fiscal year, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a fiscal watchdog group.

Now pay attention. The psuedocons are going to throw up all kinds of smoke. They will puke up tu quoque fallacies. They will attack the messenger. They will build giant straw men. They will attempt to railroad the topic.

But you will notice they will not utter a single critical syllable about Trump's spending.

Not. One. Syllable.

And remember, they blamed Obama for every penny of the debt. Not Congress. They blamed Obama.

Here we go.

Republicans spend like drunken sailors when they are in power. When Democrats regain power - the NaziCons will start preaching about the deficit and national debt again. Republicans are evil.
Its sobering to realize how corrupt congress is.
You blamed Obama for every penny of debt on his watch.

But look at you dancing like crazy to avoid holding Trump accountable!

Pseudocon hypocrisy in all its naked decrepitude, ladies and gentlemen. You could see this coming from miles away.

You are particularly unhinged today, maybe you need to take a time out. :cuckoo:
You've got nothing as always, super dupe

Just assume I mocked you, as usual.
Absolutely nothing, brainwashed functional moron. Enjoy the tax cut for the richest and the continued ruin of the country.

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.
Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

If leftists didn't govern to RESTRICT growth of GDP -- THEY could spend a bit more too..

But you're right. One of things I detested about Trump in the campaign was his complete dismissal of deficits and debts. He said multiple times -- "we should take on MORE debt".. That's why I'm an active member of the Libertarians. Tired of the irresponsible fundamental fiscal mgt.

However --- with 25% of budget covering the bleeding from Medicare and SS deficits and another 20 to 30% just paying interest on the EXISTING debt --- ANY president is gonna run deficit budgets right now. If you're honest -- you'd have to agree. And the legacy of those things goes back 30 years or more. So I refuse to play partisan politics on something that inept, corrupt and aggregious. It's does nothing but Putin's work for him..
Revenues have very little to do with tax rates.

What affects revenues the most is the condition of the economy. This is another secret from which your propagandists divert your attention.

Arguing over whether tax cuts or tax increases affect revenues is a fool's game.

Here's a simple proof.

If you believe tax cuts increase revenues, then why not cut tax rates to zero?

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax cuts are harmful to revenues. Therefore, arguing for more and more tax cuts becomes destructive at some point.

If you are an "all tax cuts are good" kind of person, then you are a rube who has allowed yourself to be led off the reservation.

Conversely, if tax rates were 100 percent, then everyone would stop working.

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax hikes are harmful to revenues.

You are kept from thinking this way in order to prevent you from noticing tax expenditures are what's fricking killing us, NOT TAX RATES.
Our debt is rocketing ever upward.

Faster than when Trump took office.

Focusing on tax rates and revenues is a fool's game, deliberately intended to distract from the real threat.
The reason the corporate tax rate was so high is because the corporate tax code is massively laden with government gifts to special interests in the form of exemptions, deductions, and credits.

Every deduction, exemption, and credit is paid for by raising the tax rate. Don't believe me? I can prove it to you straight from the horse's mouth if you insist on being a horse's ass about it.

Thus every deduction, exemption, and credit is theft from someone else's pocket.


And so they created a Ponzi scam. They passed $1.5 trillion of debt created by this fake tax cut onto our children.

That's not conservatism, folks. That's a con.
I am particularly disappointed in Devin Nunes. He understood the corporate tax cut was a scam, and he rolled over and let it happen.

He is the worst Trump lickspittle in an overflowing bag of those assholes.
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Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

If leftists didn't govern to RESTRICT growth of GDP -- THEY could spend a bit more too..

But you're right. One of things I detested about Trump in the campaign was his complete dismissal of deficits and debts. He said multiple times -- "we should take on MORE debt".. That's why I'm an active member of the Libertarians. Tired of the irresponsible fundamental fiscal mgt.

However --- with 25% of budget covering the bleeding from Medicare and SS deficits and another 20 to 30% just paying interest on the EXISTING debt --- ANY president is gonna run deficit budgets right now. If you're honest -- you'd have to agree. And the legacy of those things goes back 30 years or more. So I refuse to play partisan politics on something that inept, corrupt and aggregious. It's does nothing but Putin's work for him..
Revenues have very little to do with tax rates.

What affects revenues the most is the condition of the economy. This is another secret from which your propagandists divert your attention.

Arguing over whether tax cuts or tax increases affect revenues is a fool's game.

Here's a simple proof.

If you believe tax cuts increase revenues, then why not cut tax rates to zero?

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax cuts are harmful to revenues. Therefore, arguing for more and more tax cuts becomes destructive at some point.

If you are an "all tax cuts are good" kind of person, then you are a rube who has allowed yourself to be led off the reservation.

Conversely, if tax rates were 100 percent, then everyone would stop working.

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax hikes are harmful to revenues.

You are kept from thinking this way in order to prevent you from noticing tax expenditures are what's fricking killing us, NOT TAX RATES.

"If you believe tax cuts increase revenues, then why not cut tax rates to zero?"

Illogical extreme.

"If you are an "all tax cuts are good" kind of person, then you are a rube who has allowed yourself to be led off the reservation.

Conversely, if tax rates were 100 percent, then everyone would stop working.

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax hikes are harmful to revenues."

More illogical extremes AND talking out of both sides of your mouth. NOBODY advocates NO taxation.

Tell me, if you LOWER tax rates do you decrease "revenues"?
Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

If leftists didn't govern to RESTRICT growth of GDP -- THEY could spend a bit more too..

But you're right. One of things I detested about Trump in the campaign was his complete dismissal of deficits and debts. He said multiple times -- "we should take on MORE debt".. That's why I'm an active member of the Libertarians. Tired of the irresponsible fundamental fiscal mgt.

However --- with 25% of budget covering the bleeding from Medicare and SS deficits and another 20 to 30% just paying interest on the EXISTING debt --- ANY president is gonna run deficit budgets right now. If you're honest -- you'd have to agree. And the legacy of those things goes back 30 years or more. So I refuse to play partisan politics on something that inept, corrupt and aggregious. It's does nothing but Putin's work for him..
Revenues have very little to do with tax rates.

What affects revenues the most is the condition of the economy. This is another secret from which your propagandists divert your attention.

Arguing over whether tax cuts or tax increases affect revenues is a fool's game.

Here's a simple proof.

If you believe tax cuts increase revenues, then why not cut tax rates to zero?

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax cuts are harmful to revenues. Therefore, arguing for more and more tax cuts becomes destructive at some point.

If you are an "all tax cuts are good" kind of person, then you are a rube who has allowed yourself to be led off the reservation.

Conversely, if tax rates were 100 percent, then everyone would stop working.

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax hikes are harmful to revenues.

You are kept from thinking this way in order to prevent you from noticing tax expenditures are what's fricking killing us, NOT TAX RATES.

"If you believe tax cuts increase revenues, then why not cut tax rates to zero?"

Illogical extreme.

"If you are an "all tax cuts are good" kind of person, then you are a rube who has allowed yourself to be led off the reservation.

Conversely, if tax rates were 100 percent, then everyone would stop working.

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax hikes are harmful to revenues."

More illogical extremes AND talking out of both sides of your mouth. NOBODY advocates NO taxation.

Tell me, if you LOWER tax rates do you decrease "revenues"?
Not an illogical extreme. It is an illustration which proves that at some point tax cuts result in reduced revenues.

You have been hoaxed and diverted into these kinds of discussions in order to keep you from catching onto the theft stealing from your own pocket.

If you and everyone else ever caught on, you'd be marching on DC with torches and pitchforks.

But the real culprit is in the mirror. You let yourself be lied to, and you insist on remaining willfully blind.
I am particularly disappointed in Keven Nunes. He understood the corporate tax cut was a scam, and he rolled over and let it happen.

He is the worst Trump lickspittle in an overflowing bag of those assholes.
He's not a disappointment if he's doing what he was elected to do.

Here in Miss we have a senator retiring. The Gov named a woman who is the Agricultural Commish, a pretty big job here. She flipped from the dems to the gop in 2010, which is pretty common here, and came out for Trump very early on in the primary. Trump won't endorse her cause she's a ..... wait for it .... former Dem.
Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

If leftists didn't govern to RESTRICT growth of GDP -- THEY could spend a bit more too..

But you're right. One of things I detested about Trump in the campaign was his complete dismissal of deficits and debts. He said multiple times -- "we should take on MORE debt".. That's why I'm an active member of the Libertarians. Tired of the irresponsible fundamental fiscal mgt.

However --- with 25% of budget covering the bleeding from Medicare and SS deficits and another 20 to 30% just paying interest on the EXISTING debt --- ANY president is gonna run deficit budgets right now. If you're honest -- you'd have to agree. And the legacy of those things goes back 30 years or more. So I refuse to play partisan politics on something that inept, corrupt and aggregious. It's does nothing but Putin's work for him..
Revenues have very little to do with tax rates.

What affects revenues the most is the condition of the economy. This is another secret from which your propagandists divert your attention.

Arguing over whether tax cuts or tax increases affect revenues is a fool's game.

Here's a simple proof.

If you believe tax cuts increase revenues, then why not cut tax rates to zero?

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax cuts are harmful to revenues. Therefore, arguing for more and more tax cuts becomes destructive at some point.

If you are an "all tax cuts are good" kind of person, then you are a rube who has allowed yourself to be led off the reservation.

Conversely, if tax rates were 100 percent, then everyone would stop working.

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax hikes are harmful to revenues.

You are kept from thinking this way in order to prevent you from noticing tax expenditures are what's fricking killing us, NOT TAX RATES.

"If you believe tax cuts increase revenues, then why not cut tax rates to zero?"

Illogical extreme.

"If you are an "all tax cuts are good" kind of person, then you are a rube who has allowed yourself to be led off the reservation.

Conversely, if tax rates were 100 percent, then everyone would stop working.

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax hikes are harmful to revenues."

More illogical extremes AND talking out of both sides of your mouth. NOBODY advocates NO taxation.

Tell me, if you LOWER tax rates do you decrease "revenues"?
Not an illogical extreme. It is an illustration which proves that at some point tax cuts result in reduced revenues.

You have been hoaxed and diverted into these kinds of discussions in order to keep you from catching onto the theft stealing from your own pocket.

If you and everyone else ever caught on, you'd be marching on DC with torches and pitchforks.

But the real culprit is in the mirror. You let yourself be lied to, and you insist on remaining willfully blind.

Of course, just ask you. Answer the question, are you not ultimately concerned with how much "money" the Gov has to pay it's "obligations"?
Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

If leftists didn't govern to RESTRICT growth of GDP -- THEY could spend a bit more too..

But you're right. One of things I detested about Trump in the campaign was his complete dismissal of deficits and debts. He said multiple times -- "we should take on MORE debt".. That's why I'm an active member of the Libertarians. Tired of the irresponsible fundamental fiscal mgt.

However --- with 25% of budget covering the bleeding from Medicare and SS deficits and another 20 to 30% just paying interest on the EXISTING debt --- ANY president is gonna run deficit budgets right now. If you're honest -- you'd have to agree. And the legacy of those things goes back 30 years or more. So I refuse to play partisan politics on something that inept, corrupt and aggregious. It's does nothing but Putin's work for him..
Revenues have very little to do with tax rates.

What affects revenues the most is the condition of the economy. This is another secret from which your propagandists divert your attention.

Arguing over whether tax cuts or tax increases affect revenues is a fool's game.

Here's a simple proof.

If you believe tax cuts increase revenues, then why not cut tax rates to zero?

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax cuts are harmful to revenues. Therefore, arguing for more and more tax cuts becomes destructive at some point.

If you are an "all tax cuts are good" kind of person, then you are a rube who has allowed yourself to be led off the reservation.

Conversely, if tax rates were 100 percent, then everyone would stop working.

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax hikes are harmful to revenues.

You are kept from thinking this way in order to prevent you from noticing tax expenditures are what's fricking killing us, NOT TAX RATES.

"If you believe tax cuts increase revenues, then why not cut tax rates to zero?"

Illogical extreme.

"If you are an "all tax cuts are good" kind of person, then you are a rube who has allowed yourself to be led off the reservation.

Conversely, if tax rates were 100 percent, then everyone would stop working.

Thus it is made clear that at some point tax hikes are harmful to revenues."

More illogical extremes AND talking out of both sides of your mouth. NOBODY advocates NO taxation.

Tell me, if you LOWER tax rates do you decrease "revenues"?

The Gop's theology is that tax cuts are always good. It is what it is.

Perhaps they'd raise soc sec and medicare taxes

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