Congressional Clawback


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

In the last 240+ years, America has had very few impeachments of their Presidents, but with every one, the power of the President (both Democrat and Republican) to hold back information, witness's, and exert executive privilege, has slowly eroded. Now, as the court of public opinion demands Congress produce relevant information, even members of a President's own party are beginning to yield to the wishes of the American people. Despite denials, lawmakers do watch opinion polls very closely, and I consider this a good thing. A President of either party should not be able to hide their misdeeds behind the shield of executive privilege, any more than they should be able to ignore lawful Congressional subpoenas for documents. Over the last 40 years the power of the President has grown at the expense of Congress, and it's nice to see the will of the American people force this trend to go the other way.

-This is the power of American Democracy :bye1:

A majority of Americans want new witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial

Poll finds most Americans want witnesses at Trump impeachment trial | Watch News Videos Online

Poll: Majority want Trump to declassify documents from Russia investigations
Moderate ... that's so adorable...


In the last 240+ years, America has had very few impeachments of their Presidents, but with every one, the power of the President (both Democrat and Republican) to hold back information, witness's, and exert executive privilege, has slowly eroded. Now, as the court of public opinion demands Congress produce relevant information, even members of a President's own party are beginning to yield to the wishes of the American people. Despite denials, lawmakers do watch opinion polls very closely, and I consider this a good thing. A President of either party should not be able to hide their misdeeds behind the shield of executive privilege, any more than they should be able to ignore lawful Congressional subpoenas for documents. Over the last 40 years the power of the President has grown at the expense of Congress, and it's nice to see the will of the American people force this trend to go the other way.

-This is the power of American Democracy :bye1:

A majority of Americans want new witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial

Poll finds most Americans want witnesses at Trump impeachment trial | Watch News Videos Online

Poll: Majority want Trump to declassify documents from Russia investigations
The framers INTENTIONALLY made the House the least powerful of governing bodies, because they figured a few local fools would have to be contended with when they got too big for their britches, and they did. :muahaha:

In the last 240+ years, America has had very few impeachments of their Presidents, but with every one, the power of the President (both Democrat and Republican) to hold back information, witness's, and exert executive privilege, has slowly eroded. Now, as the court of public opinion demands Congress produce relevant information, even members of a President's own party are beginning to yield to the wishes of the American people. Despite denials, lawmakers do watch opinion polls very closely, and I consider this a good thing. A President of either party should not be able to hide their misdeeds behind the shield of executive privilege, any more than they should be able to ignore lawful Congressional subpoenas for documents. Over the last 40 years the power of the President has grown at the expense of Congress, and it's nice to see the will of the American people force this trend to go the other way.

-This is the power of American Democracy :bye1:

A majority of Americans want new witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial

Poll finds most Americans want witnesses at Trump impeachment trial | Watch News Videos Online

Poll: Majority want Trump to declassify documents from Russia investigations

HEY IDIOT: Apparently you are too stupid to know that you missed 95% of the relevant information. The public doesn't know jack shit about constitutional proceedings. All you apparently know is what the MSM compliant media have spoon fed you. If you really knew enough to be dangerous, you and the public would be calling for the investigation into the central matter behind this entire matter that the democrats are fighting and clawing to keep buried!
This is what the founders had to say about impeachment, and the reason separation of powers (including the exercise of executive privilege) is paramount. From Federalist 65:

In many cases [impeachment] will connect itself with the pre-existing factions, and will enlist all their animosities, partialities, influence, and interest on one side or on the other; and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties, than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.

The delicacy and magnitude of a trust which so deeply concerns the political reputation and existence of every man engaged in the administration of public affairs, speak for themselves. The difficulty of placing [impeachment] rightly, in a government resting entirely on the basis of periodical elections, will as readily be perceived, when it is considered that the most conspicuous characters in it will, from that circumstance, be too often the leaders or the tools of the most cunning or the most numerous faction, and on this account, can hardly be expected to possess the requisite neutrality towards those whose conduct may be the subject of scrutiny.

Federalist 65 went on to conclude that subject with this immortal statement, which is ever so pertinent right now:

Though [the] supposition [of persecution by an intemperate or designing majority in the House of Representatives] may seem harsh, and might not be likely often to be verified, yet it ought not to be forgotten that the demon of faction will, at certain seasons, extend his sceptre over all numerous bodies of men.

In the last 240+ years, America has had very few impeachments of their Presidents, but with every one, the power of the President (both Democrat and Republican) to hold back information, witness's, and exert executive privilege, has slowly eroded. Now, as the court of public opinion demands Congress produce relevant information, even members of a President's own party are beginning to yield to the wishes of the American people. Despite denials, lawmakers do watch opinion polls very closely, and I consider this a good thing. A President of either party should not be able to hide their misdeeds behind the shield of executive privilege, any more than they should be able to ignore lawful Congressional subpoenas for documents. Over the last 40 years the power of the President has grown at the expense of Congress, and it's nice to see the will of the American people force this trend to go the other way.

-This is the power of American Democracy :bye1:

A majority of Americans want new witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial

Poll finds most Americans want witnesses at Trump impeachment trial | Watch News Videos Online

Poll: Majority want Trump to declassify documents from Russia investigations

HEY IDIOT: Apparently you are too stupid to know that you missed 95% of the relevant information. The public doesn't know jack shit about constitutional proceedings. All you apparently know is what the MSM compliant media have spoon fed you. If you really knew enough to be dangerous, you and the public would be calling for the investigation into the central matter behind this entire matter that the democrats are fighting and clawing to keep buried!
The "central matter" doesn't exist! The MSM is "feeding" the public the actual Constitutional guidelines and the precedents. Sorry they don't look so good for your boy.

In the last 240+ years, America has had very few impeachments of their Presidents, but with every one, the power of the President (both Democrat and Republican) to hold back information, witness's, and exert executive privilege, has slowly eroded. Now, as the court of public opinion demands Congress produce relevant information, even members of a President's own party are beginning to yield to the wishes of the American people. Despite denials, lawmakers do watch opinion polls very closely, and I consider this a good thing. A President of either party should not be able to hide their misdeeds behind the shield of executive privilege, any more than they should be able to ignore lawful Congressional subpoenas for documents. Over the last 40 years the power of the President has grown at the expense of Congress, and it's nice to see the will of the American people force this trend to go the other way.

-This is the power of American Democracy :bye1:

A majority of Americans want new witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial

Poll finds most Americans want witnesses at Trump impeachment trial | Watch News Videos Online

Poll: Majority want Trump to declassify documents from Russia investigations
So throw out all the established rules of legal procedure and do what the mob says?

Democracy schlemocracy.

You're no independent, Chumlee.

In the last 240+ years, America has had very few impeachments of their Presidents, but with every one, the power of the President (both Democrat and Republican) to hold back information, witness's, and exert executive privilege, has slowly eroded. Now, as the court of public opinion demands Congress produce relevant information, even members of a President's own party are beginning to yield to the wishes of the American people. Despite denials, lawmakers do watch opinion polls very closely, and I consider this a good thing. A President of either party should not be able to hide their misdeeds behind the shield of executive privilege, any more than they should be able to ignore lawful Congressional subpoenas for documents. Over the last 40 years the power of the President has grown at the expense of Congress, and it's nice to see the will of the American people force this trend to go the other way.

-This is the power of American Democracy :bye1:

A majority of Americans want new witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial

Poll finds most Americans want witnesses at Trump impeachment trial | Watch News Videos Online

Poll: Majority want Trump to declassify documents from Russia investigations

HEY IDIOT: Apparently you are too stupid to know that you missed 95% of the relevant information. The public doesn't know jack shit about constitutional proceedings. All you apparently know is what the MSM compliant media have spoon fed you. If you really knew enough to be dangerous, you and the public would be calling for the investigation into the central matter behind this entire matter that the democrats are fighting and clawing to keep buried!
The "central matter" doesn't exist! The MSM is "feeding" the public the actual Constitutional guidelines and the precedents. Sorry they don't look so good for your boy.
Don't make me laugh. You're a bigger fool than I imagined. The only constitutional guidelines were presented yesterday by Philbin, Dershowitz, etc. Interestingly enough, after ALL of the networks carried every minute of the House Managers, yesterday, CBS dropped out, NBC dropped out and ABC was showing Ellen Degeneres. To see the remainder of the Trump Defense, I had to tune to Cozi TV, ABC's 4.2 broadcast channel OTA, not carried on any cable network I know of, and as most people don't get OTA digital TV, this amounted to censorship.
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In the last 240+ years, America has had very few impeachments of their Presidents, but with every one, the power of the President (both Democrat and Republican) to hold back information, witness's, and exert executive privilege, has slowly eroded. Now, as the court of public opinion demands Congress produce relevant information, even members of a President's own party are beginning to yield to the wishes of the American people. Despite denials, lawmakers do watch opinion polls very closely, and I consider this a good thing. A President of either party should not be able to hide their misdeeds behind the shield of executive privilege, any more than they should be able to ignore lawful Congressional subpoenas for documents. Over the last 40 years the power of the President has grown at the expense of Congress, and it's nice to see the will of the American people force this trend to go the other way.

-This is the power of American Democracy :bye1:

A majority of Americans want new witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial

Poll finds most Americans want witnesses at Trump impeachment trial | Watch News Videos Online

Poll: Majority want Trump to declassify documents from Russia investigations

HEY IDIOT: Apparently you are too stupid to know that you missed 95% of the relevant information. The public doesn't know jack shit about constitutional proceedings. All you apparently know is what the MSM compliant media have spoon fed you. If you really knew enough to be dangerous, you and the public would be calling for the investigation into the central matter behind this entire matter that the democrats are fighting and clawing to keep buried!
The "central matter" doesn't exist! The MSM is "feeding" the public the actual Constitutional guidelines and the precedents. Sorry they don't look so good for your boy.

What the MSM is feeding the public you won't find in the constitution but you can find lots of it in cow pastures and feed lots across the country.

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