Congratulations Marxists....


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Isn’t globalism, cultural Marxism, and diversity great?

We get to experience the benefits of viral cesspools from the “wet markets” of China. We should all be thankful to be able to experience such a diverse culture right here. Chinese restaurants simply weren’t enough.

Meanwhile we also get to experience a taste of life under a communist regime. Since we’ve had “free trade” with China for decades, China has successfully exported communist misery to the US. Our markets have crashed, our grocery store shelves are empty, and our government is forcing draconian mandates on the population. Of course, this is only a preview of things to come. To get the full show we need to elect another globalist/Marxist pig, like Joe Biden.

So, was the last 30+ years of “free trade” with China worth it?
New York considering “shelter in place” mandate.

New York mayor says 'shelter in place' decision coming in next 48 hours

Don’t worry, it’s a “really hard decision”, so that makes it okay.
Maybe you don’t live with any elderly and need to do your job, so you aren’t to worried about getting the virus. But the state knows what’s best for you. You’re better off unemployment and dependent on the state.
They will never give it up but once this is over I think Trump will have a mandate to crush the Communist Chinese lobby of Nancy Pelosi. Could there have been a better example of the dangers he has been warning of?
They will never give it up but once this is over I think Trump will have a mandate to crush the Communist Chinese lobby of Nancy Pelosi. Could there have been a better example of the dangers he has been warning of?
Yes, I’ve been saying we needed tariffs on China for decades. We should expose every politician that sold us out, like Biden and the Clintons. Of course neocons like Bush and Mc-shit-Stain too.

We need to divorce our economy from China. Way too much of our essential technology and medicine come from China. Time to start making things in America, like President Trump has been saying since before he was elected.
Joe Biden, a Marxist pig????? You are whacked out of your mind.

Increased investment and sending jobs overseas to China and other third world nations was predominately encouraged by Republicans who changed the tax code in order to give tax breaks for companies who sent their jobs overseas thus discouraging investment in the USA.. They were wrong. I was always opposed to it.

You conclude your rant by blasting free trade that conservatives have been touting for years. Evil free trade!

The irony of your post is that you are the one sounding like a Marxist.
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I believe this virus is a blessing in disguise. It’s going to highlight everything Trump has been trying to fix.
Joe Biden, a Marxist pig????? You are whacked out of your mind. That is par for the course as they say so I will not belabor that point.

Increased investment and sending jobs overseas to China and other third world nations was predominately encouraged by Republicans who changed the tax code in order to give tax breaks for companies who sent their jobs overseas thus discouraging investment in the USA.. They were wrong. I was always opposed to it.

You conclude your rant by blasting free trade that conservatives have been touting for years. Evil free trade!

The irony of your post is that you are the one sounding like a Marxist.

Biden is an establishment Democrat, of course he is a Marxist boob who helped sell us out to China. Where the fuck do you think his cokehead son made all his money? His Ukrainian money was chump change compared to how much he made from China.

As for the GOP, YES, I agree with you 100% that those neocon fucks sold us out to China in the name of “free trade”, something I always opposed. But don’t act like Dems were fighting to keep jobs here, because they didn’t. Bernie is only one of the very few on the left who at least wanted to keep jobs here and called out NAFTA for what it was, a job killer for Americans. But, even Bernie has abandoned his values lately.

The only one we can trust is the only man who stoop up for America and against China: President Trump.
Businesses that leave for China because of cheaper labor are forsaking a workforce that is the hardest working in the workers of today are the greatest in the far.
They will never give it up but once this is over I think Trump will have a mandate to crush the Communist Chinese lobby of Nancy Pelosi. Could there have been a better example of the dangers he has been warning of?

It appears that our main problem is that Trump ran for office and got elected too late!
Isn’t globalism, cultural Marxism, and diversity great?

We get to experience the benefits of viral cesspools from the “wet markets” of China. We should all be thankful to be able to experience such a diverse culture right here. Chinese restaurants simply weren’t enough.

Meanwhile we also get to experience a taste of life under a communist regime. Since we’ve had “free trade” with China for decades, China has successfully exported communist misery to the US. Our markets have crashed, our grocery store shelves are empty, and our government is forcing draconian mandates on the population. Of course, this is only a preview of things to come. To get the full show we need to elect another globalist/Marxist pig, like Joe Biden.

So, was the last 30+ years of “free trade” with China worth it?

ANTIFA is getting just what they begged for they should be proud bahahahah!!

Isn’t globalism, cultural Marxism, and diversity great?

We get to experience the benefits of viral cesspools from the “wet markets” of China. We should all be thankful to be able to experience such a diverse culture right here. Chinese restaurants simply weren’t enough.

Meanwhile we also get to experience a taste of life under a communist regime. Since we’ve had “free trade” with China for decades, China has successfully exported communist misery to the US. Our markets have crashed, our grocery store shelves are empty, and our government is forcing draconian mandates on the population. Of course, this is only a preview of things to come. To get the full show we need to elect another globalist/Marxist pig, like Joe Biden.

So, was the last 30+ years of “free trade” with China worth it?

ANTIFA is getting just what they begged for they should be proud bahahahah!!

View attachment 313250

Antifa wants to see our society destroyed, and they just might get it. Then they’ll have to deal with real life and no government to help them.
We get to experience the benefits of viral cesspools from the “wet markets” of China. We should all be thankful to be able to experience such a diverse culture right here. Chinese restaurants simply weren’t enough.
Is it enough to shake your faith in the free market?

Global capitalism has brought the coronavirus to your doorstep, and only socialism for everyone can protect society from the consequences of a ruthless economic system that manufactures huge fortunes for a parasitic few by impoverishing the productive majority.

Worst-Case Estimates for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths
We get to experience the benefits of viral cesspools from the “wet markets” of China. We should all be thankful to be able to experience such a diverse culture right here. Chinese restaurants simply weren’t enough.
Is it enough to shake your faith in the free market?

Global capitalism has brought the coronavirus to your doorstep, and only socialism for everyone can protect society from the consequences of a ruthless economic system that manufactures huge fortunes for a parasitic few by impoverishing the productive majority.

Worst-Case Estimates for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths

Why do we need socialism to save us? Capitalist America is doing a better job than all of socialist Europe is in response to the China-syndrome.

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