Congrats 'Zero Tolerance' Democrats...Now, About MENENDEZ...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Democrats should not wait for a new jury or Ethics Committee investigation: The known facts are damning enough for them to demand Menendez’s resignation. …

Some of the alleged favors for Melgen were relatively small potatoes, such as securing visas for Melgen’s girlfriends. In one case, Menendez’s then-chief of staff wrote that the visas were approved “only due to the fact that R.M. intervened.” Other favors were far bigger. He asked the State Department to assist Melgen in a dispute over a $500 million contact with the Dominican government. The New Jersey senator also allegedly pressured the Department of Health and Human Services to resolve a $9 million billing dispute in Melgen’s favor.

In testimony, then-HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius described an “unusual” meeting with Menendez and Sen. Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.). “I understood he wanted me to do something,” she said. (It should be noted that Melgen has been convicted of 67 charges of Medicare fraud. Prosecutors estimate that the doctor’s scheme swindled the government out of as much as $105 million.)

In no way is this conduct becoming of a senator."

WaPo to "zero-tolerance" Dems: Good for you. Now do Menendez - Hot Air
A 'Mistrial' is not the same as an 'Acquittal'...or don't you know that?
Yes, but according to the Democrats a trial isn't necessary, just the complaint or allegation, even if 40 years old, demands that a person be disqualified. They suggest that the entire GOP party is complicit if they protect him.

I say what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Why did they allow this to go to trial and allow him to remain a Democrat? Shouldn't they have disowned him, throw him under the bus and kicked him out based on the allegations alone?

See, I take the position that a man or woman is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That doesn't mean innocent men aren't found guilty, or guilty men found innocent, but you have to place faith in a system of justice and in processes. This trial by media is what the Democrats and alt-left love, it places control into the hands of an oligarch. Ironic, since they pretend they dislike Russia so much...
Actually, they polled the jury, 11 voted to acquit, one guy held out.
Thank you for giving the definition of 'Mistrial', not 'acquittal'.

Applying the same standards Snowflakes did for / to Moore, Menendez is WAY more 'guilty' than Moore and needs to go.
"Democrats should not wait for a new jury or Ethics Committee investigation: The known facts are damning enough for them to demand Menendez’s resignation. …

Some of the alleged favors for Melgen were relatively small potatoes, such as securing visas for Melgen’s girlfriends. In one case, Menendez’s then-chief of staff wrote that the visas were approved “only due to the fact that R.M. intervened.” Other favors were far bigger. He asked the State Department to assist Melgen in a dispute over a $500 million contact with the Dominican government. The New Jersey senator also allegedly pressured the Department of Health and Human Services to resolve a $9 million billing dispute in Melgen’s favor.

In testimony, then-HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius described an “unusual” meeting with Menendez and Sen. Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.). “I understood he wanted me to do something,” she said. (It should be noted that Melgen has been convicted of 67 charges of Medicare fraud. Prosecutors estimate that the doctor’s scheme swindled the government out of as much as $105 million.)

In no way is this conduct becoming of a senator."

WaPo to "zero-tolerance" Dems: Good for you. Now do Menendez - Hot Air

Nothing to see here folks. He didn’t grab any ass or shove his tongue down an interns throat. What he did is what all these dirtbags do, enhance their wallet while in office.
Hey Easy - wouldn't it be more productive to start another Benghazi or ACORN investigation?

Well, no, he wasn't guilty because you couldn't convince a jury.

On the other hand, you did convince the voters that Moore needed to go.

Spin, spin, spin.....getting dizzy yet? :p

You said Menendez was 'acquitted'. THAT IS A LIE. A 'Mistrial' and 'a jury not able to agree in convicting him or declaring him innocent; is not an 'acquittal'.

'I' did not convince voters of a damn thing regarding Moore, who BTW, never faced a trail, had no evidence capable of standing up in a trial presented against him. That would be Democrats, you snowflakes, and the Liberal media who held their own public trial of Moore in the media.

You said Menendez was 'acquitted'. THAT IS A LIE. A 'Mistrial' and 'a jury not able to agree in convicting him or declaring him innocent; is not an 'acquittal'.

except most of the jury wanted to acquit, that's how weak the case was.

'I' did not convince voters of a damn thing regarding Moore, who BTW, never faced a trail, had no evidence capable of standing up in a trial presented against him. That would be Democrats, you snowflakes, and the Liberal media who held their own public trial of Moore in the media.

People have been sent to prison on less than what they had on Moore.

The thing was, even Republicans didn't believe him. Most of the ones who voted for him voted because they wanted to keep that seat Republican.
except most of the jury wanted to acquit, that's how weak the case was.
You keep repeating this over and over ... as if saying it 'one more time' is going to change you LIE into the truth. It's not.

You declared Menendez had been acquitted. HE WAS NOT. That has been established - you helped do that.

'Zero Tolerance' coming from the Left regarding its own is just BULLSHIT, as you are proving.

You 'prosecute' the sh!t out of others in the media / public, declare their 'guilt', demonize them, wage a PR campaign against them, and demand they must go...but hypocritically defend criminals like Menendez with a 2nd set of rules that apply only to liberals.

People have been sent to prison on less than what they had on Moore.
Those people were actually charged / taken to an actual legal court of law, not tried and prosecuted by liberals / snowflakes in the public eye using their liberal fake news agencies to carry out the theatrical kangaroo court.
You keep repeating this over and over ... as if saying it 'one more time' is going to change you LIE into the truth. It's not.

You declared Menendez had been acquitted. HE WAS NOT. That has been established - you helped do that.

They put it in front of a jury, and a jury said, "Um, no!" That's how weak their case was.

'Zero Tolerance' coming from the Left regarding its own is just BULLSHIT, as you are proving.

You 'prosecute' the sh!t out of others in the media / public, declare their 'guilt', demonize them, wage a PR campaign against them, and demand they must go...but hypocritically defend criminals like Menendez with a 2nd set of rules that apply only to liberals.

Um, Guy, Franken quit, Conyers Quit, Lauer was fired... I can go on.

The thing was, Menendez had his day in court, and the government just plain old couldn't convince a jury that a politician from NEW JERSEY was corrupt. That's like failing to prove water is wet.

Those people were actually charged / taken to an actual legal court of law, not tried and prosecuted by liberals / snowflakes in the public eye using their liberal fake news agencies to carry out the theatrical kangaroo court.

Again- here's the problem with Moore.

Even other Republicans didn't believe him.
They put it in front of a jury, and a jury said, "Um, no!" That's how weak their case was.

The Jury weighed the evidence AND COULD NOT COME TO A DECISION! They did NOT all agree to 'acquit' Menendez, you big LIAR!


Dude, just stop - you're embarrassing yourself.
A 'Mistrial' is not the same as an 'Acquittal'...or don't you know that?

Actually, they polled the jury, 11 voted to acquit, one guy held out.

The government isn't going to try him again.
Actually 12 out of 13 voted to acquit, one juror had to leave during the extended deliberations and she also had voted for acquittal before leaving. The one guilty vote was probably a Christy/Trump plant.
Um, Guy, Franken quit, Conyers Quit, Lauer was fired... I can go on.

...and I am sure you will.

Franken squirmed, lied, gave fake apologies, admitted he gave fake apologies, and then when he gave his little speech he did not accept what he did as wrong and 'own it' - he attacked others. He was FORCED his own party.

Conyers was given no option, also...and quite frankly instead of being 'allowed' to 'retire'...with full benefits, the SOB should have been PERP-WALKED out of Congress in cuffs for STEALING tax dollars to pay for his victims' silence!
Actually 12 out of 13 voted to acquit, one juror had to leave during the extended deliberations and she also had voted for acquittal before leaving. The one guilty vote was probably a Christy/Trump plant.
So you are saying that there was no unanimous consensus of 'acquittal', that the decision of 'acquittal' was not reached, that the multiple media accounts of the trial ending as a 'MISTRIAL' are accurate...

Thank you.

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