Congrats,Trump voters,you've just been vindicated


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Marc Thiessen: Congrats, Trump voters. You've just been vindicated

I didn't need ANY vindication I knew EXACTLY what I was voting for in November 2016 and have ZERO regrets...for those that merely voted Trump for the SC pick/picks then yes you got what ya paid for!

. Not only is Trump expanding the conservative Supreme Court majority, he is also moving at record pace to fill the federal appeals courts with young conservative judges who will preside for decades. Imagine if it were Clinton making all these appointments. The consequences for human life, religious liberty, the Second Amendment and limited government would have been disastrous.
Filling the expected SC vacancies was a #1 PRIORITY in my voting for Trump vs Hillary. No way I wanted that corrupt POS liberal corrupting the SCOTUS.

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