
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 1

1The praises of a man are that he did not follow the counsel of the wicked, neither did he stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the company of scorners.

2But his desire is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.
3He shall be as a tree planted beside rivulets of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, and its leaves do not wilt; and whatever he does prospers.
4Not so the wicked, but [they are] like chaff that the wind drives away.
5Therefore, the wicked shall not stand up in judgment, nor shall the sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6For the Lord knows the ways of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish.

It Says RIGHTeous not Lefteous. *L*
Now I can change my
"Here Comes The Judge" profile icon thumbnail that I had as a running intuitive
joke for the last 2 years.
Remember I KEEP SAYING: 3 layers-the Historical mistreatment of a former selection,
a repeat history similar mistreatment of the new selected Judge, then the spiritual emulation mistreatment & defamed spiritual Judge,
Michael is the one who brings men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3).

Dan 12:1-4 Michael delivers everyone written in the book of life (judge)

IIQ13 "Heavenly Prince Melchizedek Scroll" about Michael conducting the atonement day Judgment.

Account of the Genesis which Enotes composed, to set against the Genesis of Moses, when it says [2] that the Devil (diabolos) was cast out of heaven(future Perfected earth) because of the evil (kakia) which he had brought forth and that Michael was set (kathistanai) in his place, that he might be associated with (synistanai)
the just Judge(krites), and might be the ambassador (presbeuein) for all creation; for he is good (agathos).
(meaning the Devil was the rule of this world and Michael was sent in his Place to cast out the evil he caused.)

If the devil and his works is judged then judgement is by works which is what the iconographs show where Michael
holds the judgment scales and Satan is holding down the scale trying to prevent measurment of works (through faith only teachings).

1 Enoch 20:5
Michael, one of the holy angels, who, presiding over human virtue, commands the nations. (Mediator/Judge-refiners fire)

EXODUS 23:20 "Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for
**He will not pardon your transgressions**; for My name is in Him.

1 Enoch 53:6
Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel (Jeremiel)(14) shall be strengthened in that day, and shall then cast them into a furnace of blazing fire, that the Lord of spirits may be avenged of them for their crimes; because they became ministers of Satan, and seduced those who dwell upon earth.

Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 "blessings of the Prince of the Congregation (Michael)
Renew him the covenant of the community so he might establish the kingdom of his people for ever, that he might judge the poor with righteousness & dispense Justice with equity to the oppressed.

4Q285 5&10 Judgment of the Kittim (Romans)

Dead Sea Scrolls:
llQMelch ll,9,13 ,
4Q246 ,
1QS x12-18

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Mistreatment of
THE JUDGE of judgement:
Hymn 12,13,&14, PSALMS 22:7-8 & 22:14, Psalm 27:12, PSALMS 109:2-3, Zechariah 12:10, Isaiah 53:4, 53:7,& 53:12)

What else is fulfilled by the heart of those who defame & seek to attack the messenger and not refute the message?
For the "Lord (head)of hosts"
has a day against all that is proud and lofty...
And the haughtiness of man shall be humbled,
and the pride of men shall be brought low;
Isaiah 2.12-17

Psalm 52:1 .."Why do you boast, O mighty man, of mischief done against the godly? All the day
2 you are plotting destruction. Your tongue is like a sharp razor, you worker of treachery.
3 You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth.
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
and truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15) The wickedness of the times will have it's effect upon children, who will act brazenly and disrespectfully towards elders, including their parents and parents-in-law. . The exemplary behavior of sin-fearing individuals, who will try to serve G-d, will not be followed, but rather they will be scorned and despised.

Thanksgiving Hymn 12
I seek thee and sure as THE NIGHT that gives light to me.
Thou appearest as reflected light to me.
Teachers of lies have misled thy people with words,
and false prophets have led them astray;
they perish without understanding for their works are in folly.
For I am despised by them and they have no esteem for me that thou manifest thy might through me.
They have banished me from my land like a bird from it nest;
all my friends and Brethren are driven far from me and hold me for a broken vessel.
And they, teachers of lies and seers of falsehood,
have schemed against me a devilish scheme,
to exchange the Law engraved on my heart by thee for the smooth things which they speak to thy people.
And they withhold from the Thirsty the trend of knowledge (I.E. They keep info from the followers)......
But thou, O God, dost despise all Belial's designs....(Belial=Bel the fallen angel/SATAN/Sun-Son god)
Hymn 13 Wicked and fierce have stormed against me with their afflictions, they have pounded my soul all day. But Thou, oh my God, has change the tempest to a breeze; Thou has delivered the soul of the poor one like
a bird from the "NET" and like prey from the mouth of “Lions”.
Hymn 14 But I have been iniquity to those who contend with me, dispute and quarreling to my friends, Wrath to the members of my covenant and murmuring and protest to all my companions. All who had eaten my bread (taken my concepts, ideas, words, & insight) have lifted their heel against me, and all those joined to my Council have mocked me with wicked lips. The members of my covenant have rebelled and have murmured round about me, they have gone as talebearers before the children of mischief concerning the mystery which Thou hast hidden in me. And to show thy greatness through me, and because of their guilt, thou has hidden in the fountain of understanding and the counsel of truth.............
they let fly those poisonous darts, vipers venom against which there is no charm; (in other words countering or protecting from this behavior, or exposing it, will not seem gracious) and this has brought incurable pain, and malignant scourge within the body of thy servant, causing his spirit to faint and draining his strength so that he maintains no firm Stand.......
They sound my censor upon a “HARP” and their murmuring and storming upon a Zither.....
According to the mysteries of sin, they change the works of God by their transgression.
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The Leftie always seems to STAND up for the wrong way and the vote was almost evenly split lol... Brett Michael..... Brett from British or In Hebrew Meaning.......” Covenant Man” and of course Michael closest to Gd and the Judge....As I have always said the Psalms hold the key... This is your third choice for a sign on this forum I could make a quess for Pineal gland which controls sleep patterns but let us see how it turns out....
This was worse then just fighting a conservative appointment, & it challenged not just due process, but also our democracy as if to say our votes and election didn't matter, if they didn't get their way.
That's called Fascism, including the method they used to stomp on our rights to select the Judge.
They spent months bashing the president for insinuating a judge might be partial, then they turn around and assume partiality on situations that have not been tried yet or assumed MIGHT exist in his tenure. IN OTHER WORDS they went against their own argument but worse, did so through a non existing imaginary situation (make believe).
In this logic we can accuse any Dem running for office with future speculation on imaginary situations based on acts of former collegues.
So this ignorance of the law and denial and avoidance of the law by these lawless ones is worse then mere mash up of the process of the law, it goes much further and deeper into the abyss.
Hence the term, "just how low will these people sink?"
I can’t help but feel that this is going to backfire on them come the elections in November.Nothing like shooting oneself in the foot... As for how low will they go the sky is the limit look at John Kerry for example and his meddling in foreign affairs regarding Iran but I digress...I find it amazing the amount of effort they used to tarnish a man’s reputation it was extremely nasty.. In my thinking this kind of behaviour would discourage the best and the brightest from trying for higher office and serving ones country as they would not want to go through such pain and turmoil and would not want to put their families through it as well...This kind of thinking also promotes a good old boys club and party affiliation and does not allow for the best person to fill a position which hurts the country as a whole.... I actually find the way Trump fires a man or women refreshing if they fail in their job then they are free to do a job they are more capable of and someone else better qualified can be found to fill the job they were removed from....

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