Confederate statue toppled

what did they have against a statue representing an unnamed person? The people
who did it should be charged with vandalism. Lots of southern people died in the
civil war-----------why is it good to shit on a statue symbolizing the people lost in that
tragedy? I have decided that the statue represents a southern boy who died because
of Sherman's barbaric rampage

Mostly jealousy at their ethnic group not being the slave owners themselves. They want statues of vermin like Saddam Hussein and Al Sharpton put up in their place. The main snivel of black politicians put in office during Reconstruction was that the Republican radicals gave their white pet politicians bigger bribes than they gave their pet black pols. They don't seem to have left a legacy of anything else from that era. One of the great myths of the left is that the poor and oppressed n stuff are somehow ennobled by the experience and develop some sense of 'fair play' and all that, but of course history shows that when they overthrow their 'masters' they almost always become far worse than the 'oppressors' they got rid of.

People like Tommy should be dumped in some country like Zimbabwe so he can get the full 'diversity' and 'revolutionary' experience. We can have it video recorded and run on cable as a 'reality show' so we can all laugh at some sheltered Burb Brat getting acquainted with their 'freedom fighters' they like to glamorize.

Here in the U.S. we can just dump them in south Chicago and Baltimore and give them the same experience of just how 'anti-racist' the black 'community' is; if they're lucky some Christian minister might happen by and take pity on them, but not likely, as most 'ministers' in such places are more like the 'Reverend' Wright that Obama worshipped.
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It's not as bad as when those Buddhist statues and Syrian temples got knocked down, but it's the same sentiment behind it.

Most people are too ignorant and dumb to know why it's not good to do this sort of thing.
It won't be long now, until the left comes for the Washington Monument, and the Jefferson Memorial. Mt Rushmore's days too are numbered.

I applaud their energy but these things should be done ina constitutional way through the local councils.

There is a statue that calls to mind some history that doesn't make them feeeeel good, so they take it down. They are using their energy to behave like spoiled children. I'm not inclined to applaud that.
Durham protesters topple Confederate statue outside courthouse


There's video at the link.

I'm afraid we'll be seeing a lot more of this and who can blame them? White supremacists have gotten away with their crimes for so long, no wonder people are fed up.

Why do police allow these terrorist to destroy property?

Will they be tearing monuments off of the southern Civil War veterans' graves, spitting on them, and calling them racists and bigots next? Seems par for the course for liberals! Maybe there will be riots there too.

I asked that same question yesterday. Where will this end, will every grave of a confederate soldier be desecrated? What about the Constitution. Will that demand it be rendered null and void as some of our forefathers had slaves?

...and the DNC media sure loves all this violence.

...and of course, it's all Trump's fault.
Even though I agree with these confederate statues being take down, this is not the way to do it. Vandalism doesn't help the cause. People should use the correct channels and permission before taking them down.

Some things are less valuable. Like them types of materials.

Rather than..
KKK.ALT-RW are pro---

Ahhh, good. Ramp up the hate. How many white men do you think should be lynched to make everything equal?

For all black hangings, alone? Or for all whitey on good black people crimes
from say 1620 til 2017?

Damn I truly hope you don't really believe that blacks should be out there "evening the score"

Of course he does.

Some things are less valuable. Like them types of materials.

Rather than..
KKK.ALT-RW are pro---

Ahhh, good. Ramp up the hate. How many white men do you think should be lynched to make everything equal?

For all black hangings, alone? Or for all whitey on good black people crimes
from say 1620 til 2017?

Damn I truly hope you don't really believe that blacks should be out there "evening the score"

Did I say that? I was questioned how many whites would be required to even the score.
Not a word on how done. I was thinking self-scarfies to start here. So, black people hands
are clean.for theirs and the whole whitey good. So, like say now, were on that subject now.
So many options most would be fun. But one would be on anyone's list. Starting with KKK, ALT-RW
and Neo's etc.Use your gun and blow your head off and if want takes a few whitey friends with you.

But I want to make sure this get even count is fair here, first!
We don't want too many whitey folks offing themselves here.
Where I will have to go back for some Black volunteers to even the overrun on whitey.

Did you finish skool?
Durham protesters topple Confederate statue outside courthouse


There's video at the link.

I'm afraid we'll be seeing a lot more of this and who can blame them? White supremacists have gotten away with their crimes for so long, no wonder people are fed up.
These racist symbols are going to start coming down ALL of the filthy South. And wherever else they managed to pop their racists heads in the country.

I'm thankful to Trump for bringing the ugliness of the racists in the country to the forefront.

Thanks Trump!

I doubt it was Trump.

I suspect it was the guy who ran his car into a crowd.

So good to know you promote bigotry.
Durham protesters topple Confederate statue outside courthouse


There's video at the link.

I'm afraid we'll be seeing a lot more of this and who can blame them? White supremacists have gotten away with their crimes for so long, no wonder people are fed up.

Hey, dipshit. what happens when they fight back and topple MLK's statues? You're fucking stupid to continue to promote these actions.

They go to jail.

A 17yo was detained by bystanders after he threw a rock at a glass holocaust memorial.

Edited to add - See Valerie's post above.

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Civil war veterans from both sides of the conflict are recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Archives | Veterans Today | Archives | Veterans Today

...The distruction of memorials to Confederate soldiers no matter what their rank is dishonoring a United States veteran.

*****SAD SMILE*****


The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?

It was after the war ended. Robert E. Lee was pardoned. Additionally, President Lincoln gave a great speech on healing the nation. Those who seek to tear down the past and spread hate against every member of every state in the South are doing the opposite of what President Lincoln thought we needed to do.
Will they be tearing monuments off of the southern Civil War veterans' graves, spitting on them, and calling them racists and bigots next? Seems par for the course for liberals! Maybe there will be riots there too.

I asked that same question yesterday. Where will this end, will every grave of a confederate soldier be desecrated? What about the Constitution. Will that demand it be rendered null and void as some of our forefathers had slaves?

It'll end with a lot more Americans dying in the streets as the hate is ramped up by both sides. I expect to see a few more car incidents and, perhaps, a bomb or two. The Tsarnaev brothers learned how to make pressure cooker bombs off the Internet. I'm sure LWL or RWNJ can learn to do the same.
Nawww. The fucking Nazis make a lot of noise as do the fucking commies and anarchists, but in the end, Americans are still Americans.

Besides, if the fucking Nazis started book burnings around the country and hauling off Jews, Muslims and Homosexuals off on trains, I'd be a member of the Resistance neutralizing local Nazi leaders throughout the region. The main irony being it would be with Russian ammo. LOL

God Bless America!

On that target there. Do you go for the head shot first or the balls?
Or splitting the cross first? That's the enemy rightie'?
That's not a target, but it's interesting you claim it is.

As for sniping in general, lower spine....unless they're covered in swastikas, then center of mass.
I saw a gun and something to shot. Shooting big ass flowers there. seems to be uninteresting in general. Well, FFS! Boring. For a shooter who practices on 18 gauge horizontal wires. But that becomes boring as well.
Not shooting at flowers or the statue, but interesting that you think I am.

"18 gauge horizontal wires"?
Small wire. 1/3 the size of bullets. You must hit them
3/4 on to break them. Or you just blend them.
Interesting. What do you use to shoot them? At what distance? Got any pics?

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