Condi Rice Blasts Obama on Weakness, Leadership

I find it amusing that Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and Condi Rice can condemn Obama for his diplomacy and caution while their histerical rants about terrorism and WMDs led us into a disastrous war that killed 5000 Americans

You know that Iraq and Afghanistan were the very best things to have been done in those situations.

But, being the troll you are, leave it to you to vomit your lies as often as possible.

7000 US dead, 100s of thousands of civilian deaths, nations in chaos, no WMDS

Catastrophic blunder........and they have the gall to criticize Obama for his foreign policy

They should be ashamed

Does Barry even HAVE a foreign policy? It's been six years and I'm still trying to figure out what it is he's trying to accomplish. Do you know what it is? If so...please share his vision with me.

Our allies are now unsure about what they can expect from the US and our enemies see a President that never backs up his threats, instead choosing to "lead from behind" whatever THAT means! Barack Obama's abdication from being the Leader of the Free World has led to the "vacuum of leadership" that Rice referred to and has emboldened the Vladamir Putin's of the world.
They find fault with everything, whether it makes sense or not. They blame him for things he has nothing remotely to do with. They blame him for the disaster Bush left behind. It's all just partisanship. Sad that they care so much more for partisanship than what is really important to America and to what is reality. Rice is accusing Obama of weakening America's stature on the world stage, when, in fact, GW Bush drove it so far into the ground it is a miracle we have any stature left.

We're coming up on SIX YEARS of Obama "leadership" and you're STILL trying to blame Bush for Obama's shortcomings? It's reaching the point of farce...

The fact of the matter is that Condi Rice is an extremely intelligent...extremely accomplished woman who did a wonderful job as Secretary of State during extremely troubling times. She is the Ying to Barack Obama's Yang...someone who succeeded in life not because of Affirmative Action but because of personal accomplishment.

She is a black conservative, a house ****** to liberals. They don't care she worked hard to become successful.

She is the house ****** to other Blacks.
We're coming up on SIX YEARS of Obama "leadership" and you're STILL trying to blame Bush for Obama's shortcomings? It's reaching the point of farce...

The fact of the matter is that Condi Rice is an extremely intelligent...extremely accomplished woman who did a wonderful job as Secretary of State during extremely troubling times. She is the Ying to Barack Obama's Yang...someone who succeeded in life not because of Affirmative Action but because of personal accomplishment.

She is a black conservative, a house ****** to liberals. They don't care she worked hard to become successful.

She is the house ****** to other Blacks.

What possible reason would "other blacks" have to view Rice as anything other than a success? She's the type of person that parents should be trying to get their kid's to emulate.
1. Obamacare, has made millions uninsured, cancer patients can't get the best treatment.
2. Gay marriage
3. Expanding people on goverment assistance almost by 30%.
Just a start. people make me sick with what you consider equivalencies

Obamacare as it stands will kill more americans in america than 911, the iraq war, and afganistan combined in a couple years. When it does all obama voters have blood on your hands. Also you keep mentioning iraq, well bush got international support, and got a yes vote in congress. So your point is mute.

Good lord...How will the ACA "kill" more people than our war in Iraq...which is well over 100,000... making health coverage available to more people?
Access to previously unavailable medical care SAVES LIVES fool....
As for W's alleged "International Support",..I clearly recall his "bribery tour" to garner that...and how we bashed France for not falling for it...and the lies both GB and and our congress bought to support fool W's debacle..

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It is unfortunate that Condi is not interested in the role of the POTUS. She is the best candidate with the best resume. Outstanding and classy. Would win any debate.
According to*The New York Times, "he [Saddam] murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. He tortured, maimed and imprisoned countless more. His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead.*..
Of nearly 2 million refugees created by the 1991 crackdown on dissent, it is estimated that 1,000 died every day for a period of months due to unsanitary and inhumane conditions.[16]*
^^^^ I've had enough of you

all the best cheerio.

OK, go back to your warm and fuzzy world where you ignore the fact that Iraq war involved untold needless suffering, death, and destruction. "Condi" is so wonderful.

Oh that mention of the Iran-Iraq war was cute. Do you think anyone was helping him out there? Do you think anyone was supplying him with weapons? Did he have any allies before deciding to attack a country with a significantly larger population?
She is a black conservative, a house ****** to liberals. They don't care she worked hard to become successful.

She is the house ****** to other Blacks.

What possible reason would "other blacks" have to view Rice as anything other than a success? She's the type of person that parents should be trying to get their kid's to emulate.

Yes, lying for the White boss is what every Black parent wants their kid to do.
She is the house ****** to other Blacks.

What possible reason would "other blacks" have to view Rice as anything other than a success? She's the type of person that parents should be trying to get their kid's to emulate.

Yes, lying for the White boss is what every Black parent wants their kid to do.

Oh, for God's sake...Condi Rice believed the intel just as Hilary Clinton and John Kerry believed the intel. She didn't lie for anyone.

If you want to talk about someone who lied for their boss then I guess you'd be speaking about the OTHER Rice, who pulled off a lying marathon on the Sunday morning talk shows.
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What possible reason would "other blacks" have to view Rice as anything other than a success? She's the type of person that parents should be trying to get their kid's to emulate.

Yes, lying for the White boss is what every Black parent wants their kid to do.

Oh, for God's sake...Condi Rice believed the intel just as Hilary Clinton and John Kerry believed the intel. She didn't lie for anyone.

If you want to talk about someone who lied for their boss then I guess you'd be speaking about the OTHER Rice, who pulled off a lying marathon on the Sunday morning talk shows.

One lie does not justify another.

She was part of the whole scheme.
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It's amusing to me that you defend an Administration that has made lying a cornerstone of it's agenda, No Nukes while attacking Condi Rice for simply relying on intel that turned out to be that prominent Democrats looked at as well and came to the same conclusions as Rice.

Now would you like to address the lies that Susan Rice told that day at the bidding of her bosses? Someone sent her out to those five Sunday morning talk shows with a script that was total bullshit designed to cover up what really happened in Benghazi until after the upcoming election.
It's amusing to me that you defend an Administration that has made lying a cornerstone of it's agenda, No Nukes while attacking Condi Rice for simply relying on intel that turned out to be that prominent Democrats looked at as well and came to the same conclusions as Rice.

Now would you like to address the lies that Susan Rice told that day at the bidding of her bosses? Someone sent her out to those five Sunday morning talk shows with a script that was total bullshit designed to cover up what really happened in Benghazi until after the upcoming election.

Heck, much of the world agreed on th intel.
It's amusing to me that you defend an Administration that has made lying a cornerstone of it's agenda, No Nukes while attacking Condi Rice for simply relying on intel that turned out to be that prominent Democrats looked at as well and came to the same conclusions as Rice.

Now would you like to address the lies that Susan Rice told that day at the bidding of her bosses? Someone sent her out to those five Sunday morning talk shows with a script that was total bullshit designed to cover up what really happened in Benghazi until after the upcoming election.

Heck, much of the world agreed on th intel.

The Lie That Got Us In: The Bush Administration Knew There Were No WMDs in Iraq « Blog

The Bush administration exerted significant pressure on the intelligence community to provide justification for the Iraq War. According to John Brennan, who was Deputy Director of the CIA at the time, “we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there.”

“At the time there were a lot of concerns that it was being politicized by certain individuals within the administration that wanted to get that intelligence base that would justify going forward with the war,” Brennan told PBS. When asked who was exerting this pressure, Brennan said “Some of the neocons” in the administration “were determined to make sure that the intelligence was going to support the ultimate decision.”
And Paul Pillar, the CIA officer who led the hurried effort to provide Congress with a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD programs – an estimate that ultimately contained falsities that the administration retroactively used to justify their incorrect assessments – said, ”The atmosphere in which they were working, in which a policy decision clearly had already been made, in which intelligence was being looked to to support that decision rather to inform decisions yet to be made, was a very important part of the atmosphere.” Blog? LOL...really shocking that THEY came to that conclusion, Bluesman! (eye-roll)
Now did you want to address the repeated lies told by Obama, Clinton, Carney and Rice about the You Tube video being the cause of the Benghazi attacks? Blog? LOL...really shocking that THEY came to that conclusion, Bluesman! (eye-roll)

Why are you trying to portray yourself as a mental midget?

Do you not understand what quote marks mean? John Brennan was being quoted. If you want to claim the quotes are not accurate, it would only take a quick google search to find out.

The link clearly identifies the source of the quotes as PBS. The post you are questioning even listed a quote from the link that specifically said "...Brennan told PBS...".

Interviews - John Brennan | The Dark Side | FRONTLINE | PBS

...From 1999 to 2004 Brennan worked closely with George Tenet, first as his chief of staff, then as deputy executive director of the CIA. He also directed the National Counterterrorism Center from 2004 to 2005. Brennan discusses here how it became obvious the Pentagon wanted to have more of a role in intelligence; the pressures the CIA felt in the run-up to the Iraq war; how Tenet reacted to the news that the intelligencee assessment on WMD programs was wrong, and his thoughts on the CIA's future. This is an edited transcript of an interview conducted on March 8, 2006...

I.. think there was a feeling within the agency that intelligence was increasingly becoming the meat in the sandwich on this one; that we were being asked to do things and to make sure that that justification was out there. Responding to the requests from the Hill for that National Intelligence Estimate in a very short period of time and compressed schedule to do something as major and as significant as that, there was concern that intelligence was being pushed forward as the justification for war. ...

Do you think you know better than "deputy executive director of the CIA" about what was fucking going on? This guy is talking in complete sentences. He cannot be discredited with idiotic right wing talking points.
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