Condemning communism


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Naturally, on a political discussion site, there is a lot of discussion about communism. The pattern that I see over and over is condemnation of communism from righties, and support and defense of communism from lefties. Why don't we see lefties condemning communism? Even in this very thread, we will see lefties trying to protect communism with attempts to derail the thread instead of condemning communism. Why don't lefties condemn it?
The perpetual Leftist "apology" for socialism/communism is that "It has never been done right." Point to North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, point out the horrific excesses, the corruption of the elite, and so on, and it always comes back to the same thing. They will never acknowledge the fundamental Achilles Heel of communism - that HUMANS cannot be treated equally, ignoring excellence and merit, ignoring sloth and slovenly work, and expect anything other than devolution to the "lowest common denominator."

THIS TIME, they say, we know enough to do it right! So WE will actually produce the Workers' Paradise!
There is no discussion about communism here. It's just you jerks calling everything you don't like communism while being ridiculed for your ignorance.

Excellent deflection. I note a lack of condemnation of communism.

Me? I condemn communism. IMO, it is morally equal to Fascism. Both are totalitarian style ideologies that have killed tens, if not hundreds of millions.
Excellent deflection. I note a lack of condemnation of communism.

Me? I condemn communism. IMO, it is morally equal to Fascism. Both are totalitarian style ideologies that have killed tens, if not hundreds of millions.
That post by occupied belongs in the lefty hall of fame. In his desperate attempt to defend communism, he actually claimed that there is no discussion of communism on one of the larger political discussion sites. Wow.
Naturally, on a political discussion site, there is a lot of discussion about communism. The pattern that I see over and over is condemnation of communism from righties, and support and defense of communism from lefties. Why don't we see lefties condemning communism? Even in this very thread, we will see lefties trying to protect communism with attempts to derail the thread instead of condemning communism. Why don't lefties condemn it?
I have yet to see any communist or communism in the USA...
knee jerk? people aren't aware of the history of communism and the untold millions it has killed.

its easy to condemn it, if you aren't retarded. Go ahead. Give it a try.
Everyone knows about the Soviets, Maoists and the various other communist experiments. The problem is you people trying to make the American left into communists. It makes you sound like you either know nothing about communism or nothing about the left or both.
Everyone knows about the Soviets, Maoists and the various other communist experiments. The problem is you people trying to make the American left into communists. It makes you sound like you either know nothing about communism or nothing about the left or both.
nice condemnation!!! good job.
There is no discussion about communism here. It's just you jerks calling everything you don't like communism while being ridiculed for your ignorance.
Like you call anything against the narrative a conspiracy? Like that?
It's always America's fault that Communism fails (for the People, never for the Leadership)!

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