Comrade Trump visits CIA headquarters and.....lies

Check out Sean Spicer go full on rage monkey. "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration. Period. Both in person and around the globe!"

2nd day and Spicer comes out threatening the press, telling obvious lies, and just raging. Looking pretty silly and childish already. This is gonna be a bigger shit show than even Trump's worst detractors could have ever predicted.
you have to love how he blatantly lies about something and then brags about catching the media in their lie.... I guess he thinks the photos were doctored?


maybe he should get the alt right trolls at breitbart to photoshop some more people in the crowd and claim the media is "covering it up"
The photos weren't taken at the same time, douche bag.
thats right one was taken in 2008 when obama had 1.8 million people attend the one on the right is 2017 when trump had about 200,000.
Wrong, dumbass. Another douche bag tells a lie.
fuck you nazi scum nobody loves your shit boy trump more people showed up to protest that demented lunatic
What a mature and compelling argument.
Check out Sean Spicer go full on rage monkey. "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration. Period. Both in person and around the globe!"

2nd day and Spicer comes out threatening the press, telling obvious lies, and just raging. Looking pretty silly and childish already. This is gonna be a bigger shit show than even Trump's worst detractors could have ever predicted.

That guy sounds like an angry leprechaun.
Check out Sean Spicer go full on rage monkey. "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration. Period. Both in person and around the globe!"

2nd day and Spicer comes out threatening the press, telling obvious lies, and just raging. Looking pretty silly and childish already. This is gonna be a bigger shit show than even Trump's worst detractors could have ever predicted.

I don't see a single thing wrong with that. What lies? I must be ill-informed.
The media has lied about the size of the inauguration crowds. It's douche bag defenders in this forum have been caught propagating those lies with their misleading photos.

What are you talking about...a picture can't tell lies....:p

Sure it can, asshole. How it can has already been explained in multiple posts.
The media has lied about the size of the inauguration crowds. It's douche bag defenders in this forum have been caught propagating those lies with their misleading photos.

What are you talking about...a picture can't tell lies....:p


Where is the more precise time-stamp for either photo?
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it

And we all lost.

WHY do the RWNJ Pootarians believe that its only libs/Dems who trump will screw?

OP - yep, cracked me up that he even lied about this. Its like he doesn't know we get the news, including videos of his crazy ass lies.
Trump is going to be an absolute disaster for the white working class and the white poor, the people the media is crediting with Trump’s win.

Lower-income whites are not going to suffer from Trump’s restrictions on Muslims traveling, or from his mass deportations, or from his cavalier attitude toward police brutality. In fact, they love him for it.

However, Trump has promised an economic agenda that will increase the ranks of the uninsured by ten to twenty million, that will eliminate crucial safety net programs for low and moderate-income Americans, that could start a trade war that drives up prices and devastates the economy, and that will put in place a tax code that exacerbates inequality and leaves many families with children worse off.

Trump has promised he will make American wealthy. But that doesn't mean all Americans. In fact, he is speaking of the 1%. He has promised to slash their taxes and cut out regulations designed to protect the poor and the working class Americans.

For seniors he is suggested lower premiums. For the poor and middle class? Nope for the top 1% who have seen big premium increases under Obama. He suggested a Medicare voucher program with no mention of current beneficiaries keeping the traditional program. He offered one of the most extreme Social Security privatization proposals.

One might ask, why the middle class workers and the poor working class whites would support Trump. IMHO, they support him because they blame their problems on, Washington, illegal immigrants, and lack of jobs, all which Trump promised to fix. However, of all Trump's promises, these are least likely to happen and the least likely to help these people. The most likely promises that he will keep will not help them
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it
Call him whatever you like, but don't call him boring. He will be like no other president. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like about that?

Trump is more like Kim Jong-un than Ronald Reagan. One can be a patriot without going to the extreme; one can forestall brinkmanship and seek win-win solutions. Brinkmanship is a zero sum game.
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Check out Sean Spicer go full on rage monkey. "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration. Period. Both in person and around the globe!"

2nd day and Spicer comes out threatening the press, telling obvious lies, and just raging. Looking pretty silly and childish already. This is gonna be a bigger shit show than even Trump's worst detractors could have ever predicted.

I don't see a single thing wrong with that. What lies? I must be ill-informed.

“This was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe.”

There are mountains of evidence the opposite is true, it was relatively sparsely attended. The real point is how aggressive Spicer was lying and attacking. Some people think that is a show of strength. It shows really how small he is, kind of like Kevin Bacon in Animal House screaming "ALL IS WELL!!!".
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it

And we all lost.

WHY do the RWNJ Pootarians believe that its only libs/Dems who trump will screw?

OP - yep, cracked me up that he even lied about this. Its like he doesn't know we get the news, including videos of his crazy ass lies.
Trump is going to be an absolute disaster for the white working class and the white poor, the people the media is crediting with Trump’s win.

Lower-income whites are not going to suffer from Trump’s restrictions on Muslims traveling, or from his mass deportations, or from his cavalier attitude toward police brutality. In fact, they love him for it.

However, Trump has promised an economic agenda that will increase the ranks of the uninsured by ten to twenty million, that will eliminate crucial safety net programs for low and moderate-income Americans, that could start a trade war that drives up prices and devastates the economy, and that will put in place a tax code that exacerbates inequality and leaves many families with children worse off.

Trump has promised he will make American wealthy. But that doesn't mean all Americans. In fact, he is speaking of the 1%. He has promised to slash their taxes and cut out regulations designed to protect the poor and the working class Americans.

For seniors he is suggested lower premiums. For the poor and middle class? Nope for the top 1% who have seen big premium increases under Obama. He suggested a Medicare voucher program with no mention of current beneficiaries keeping the traditional program. He offered one of the most extreme Social Security privatization proposals.

One might ask, why the middle class workers and the poor working class whites would support Trump. IMHO, they support him because they blame their problems on, Washington, illegal immigrants, and lack of jobs, all which Trump promised to fix. However, of all Trump's promises, these are least likely to happen and the least likely to help these people. The most likely promises that he will keep will not help them
Very superficial observation and simplified to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons.
This sounds more like demagoguery propaganda from a soap box at Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park in London than a rational analysis.
you have to love how he blatantly lies about something and then brags about catching the media in their lie.... I guess he thinks the photos were doctored?


maybe he should get the alt right trolls at breitbart to photoshop some more people in the crowd and claim the media is "covering it up"
The photos weren't taken at the same time, douche bag.
thats right one was taken in 2008 when obama had 1.8 million people attend the one on the right is 2017 when trump had about 200,000.

There was no inauguration in 2008.
you have to love how he blatantly lies about something and then brags about catching the media in their lie.... I guess he thinks the photos were doctored?


maybe he should get the alt right trolls at breitbart to photoshop some more people in the crowd and claim the media is "covering it up"
The photos weren't taken at the same time, douche bag.
thats right one was taken in 2008 when obama had 1.8 million people attend the one on the right is 2017 when trump had about 200,000.

There was no inauguration in 2008.
thats true I think there's grammatical error in there too
It's pretty obvious there weren't that many at Trump's inauguration, pick the fly shit out of the pepper all you want about that, there was about a third as many then at the last inauguration. No two ways about that.

But the Trump speech at the CIA, holy fucking shit. He went there to extend an olive branch to the agency he's been calling incompetent, blaming for leaks, etc. Within minutes he was talking how smart he is because his uncle teaches at MIT, crowd sizes, attacking the liberal media, how young he feels. Watching the video you can how uncomfortable the senior CIA officials in the front rows were getting. That was just bizarre.

Yeah, those senior CIA officials sitting in front were probably handed their pink slips!
The media has lied about the size of the inauguration crowds. It's douche bag defenders in this forum have been caught propagating those lies with their misleading photos.

Lying about photos... damn dude you are fucking ignorant and brainwashed.
Yes, the did lie about photos. The showed a photo of the National Mall taken early in the morning on the day of Trump's inauguration and compared with a photo of the same area taking during the ceremony at Obama's inauguration.

They are just plain lying scum, and you are one of their sleazy despicable minions

And the photos of Trump's inauguration and the Million Women march at the exact same time?
We already explained to your dumbass that the photos taken of Trump's inauguration were taken early in the morning. You can tell the sun is almost on the horizon.

The photo on the right is the one that the MSM scum bags and the douche bags in this forum have been posting. The one the left was taken during the ceremony.


So EVERY MSM is lying about the size of the crowd to make Trump look bad? Got it... you are in fucking conspiracy theory territory.

Watching both the crowds today and on inauguration day live on TV, the size of the crowd today was far and away larger than when Trump and Pence took the oath of office.

I wonder if either Pence or Trump took the oath seriously? Pence claimed that he is a Christian First, a Conservative second and a Republican last, and eliminated many US Citizens who might be Jews, Muslims, Athieists, Agnostics, liberals, progressives, Democrats, minorities, et al; and Trump's morose description of the US and call for law and order is demagoguery at its finest.

Trump's speech did not call for national unity, it was a call for support for his administration, one set on an agenda to create wealth for he and his comrades and cronies, the power elites and obsequious seeking a job, fame and glory.

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