Comparing Republican “Christian Values” To Islamic Fundamentalism


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
At their core really not much difference

When you separate Islamic radicals (aka terrorists), and just focus on the two religions themselves, they’re not all that different. In fact, on many issues they wholeheartedly agree.

Let’s also not forget that both right-wing evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists believe that a nation should be ruled by religion, also know as a theocratic form of government. Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government.

Comparing Republican "Christian Values" To Islamic Fundamentalism
Republicans say, "But we don't kill people". Then you think of that terrorist attack at a woman's clinic. Then they say, "But we were protecting babies lives". As if that's an excuse.
Really, the only think holding them back are our laws.

Religious Right Pundit Regrets GOP Candidates Appeared At 'Kill-The-Gays' Rally
I might have been naive but I used to think that the anti abortion people had genuine humanitarian concerns. Now I see that its just another part of the right wing portfolio of hate policies.
Careful lefties a mean old Christian might cut your head off, maybe toss you off a building if you're gay or force you to convert or gang rape your daughters

Stupid thread
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10 Ways Right-Wing Christians And Muslim Extremists Are EXACTLY The Same

  1. Both right-wing Christians and Muslim extremists claim to be strict adherents to their holy texts and both completely ignore the parts about love and acceptance while they cherry pick the parts that make them feel superior.
  2. Both right-wing Christians and Muslim extremists believe that female sexuality is sinful, that women need to be virgins till marriage and that men are superior, that homosexuality is a perversion and theirs is the one and only true religion.
  3. Both blame women when they are victims of rape. Both believe that women aren’t smart enough to make decisions about their bodies.
  4. Increasingly, right-wing Christians, just like Islamic terrorists, feel that they need to take up their own arms, because their government isn’t representing their needs.
  5. Both feel that talking is weak and that violence is the only language that enemies understand.
  6. Both want their holy text to be the law of the land.
  7. Both want people who they feel are sinful (generally the same people) to be marginalized or even killed.
  8. Both feel that intellectualism leads to sinful thoughts.
  9. Both are anti-science.
  10. Both feel a profound sense of entitlement – that the world owes them their rightful place of superiority.
10 Ways Right-Wing Christians And Muslim Extremists Are EXACTLY The Same

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Republicans say, "But we don't kill people". Then you think of that terrorist attack at a woman's clinic. Then they say, "But we were protecting babies lives". As if that's an excuse.
Really, the only think holding them back are our laws.

Religious Right Pundit Regrets GOP Candidates Appeared At 'Kill-The-Gays' Rally
I might have been naive but I used to think that the anti abortion people had genuine humanitarian concerns. Now I see that its just another part of the right wing portfolio of hate policies.

this thread is idiotic. The USA has never had a theocratic government. The very worst we did was engage in VERY GROSS RACIAL discrimination and oppression.
The USA sin is NAZISM ------which is still rampant here
Yet again, the PC Police tries to spin for the PC-protected religion by equating modern day Islam with modern day Christianity.

The only question is why they think anyone would buy such clumsy, transparent intellectual dishonesty.

This isn't PC police. IMO fundamentalists of any stripe have similarities. Someone who shoots up a planned parenthood really isn't different from someone who shoots up their workplace because allah has 72 virgins waiting for him.
At their core really not much difference

There is a vast difference.

Let’s also not forget that both right-wing evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists believe that a nation should be ruled by religion

I do not support such nonsense, nor does any Christian of any flavor with whom I have ever come into contact with.

Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government.

Judge by the nature of the rights they claim, not by what they may say about them.
Republicans say, "But we don't kill people". Then you think of that terrorist attack at a woman's clinic. Then they say, "But we were protecting babies lives". As if that's an excuse.
Really, the only think holding them back are our laws.

Religious Right Pundit Regrets GOP Candidates Appeared At 'Kill-The-Gays' Rally
I might have been naive but I used to think that the anti abortion people had genuine humanitarian concerns. Now I see that its just another part of the right wing portfolio of hate policies. aren't too bright are you. And which groups actively supported the guy shooting the people at the clinic.....? Crickets.....

and which left wing groups actively supported the rioters at Ferguson, Baltimore, whenever a left wing group riots........and claims they are justified...just about every left wing activist group, every left wing politician, they march out with hands up at football and basketball games......

Yeah...not even close.
Yet again, the PC Police tries to spin for the PC-protected religion by equating modern day Islam with modern day Christianity.

The only question is why they think anyone would buy such clumsy, transparent intellectual dishonesty.

This isn't PC police. IMO fundamentalists of any stripe have similarities. Someone who shoots up a planned parenthood really isn't different from someone who shoots up their workplace because allah has 72 virgins waiting for him. lone guy, with no support from anyone...vs..... a religion that has active support for it's tactics in this country and over seas.....where they actually murder people in massive numbers and then the left here in America explains it away....
At their core really not much difference

When you separate Islamic radicals (aka terrorists), and just focus on the two religions themselves, they’re not all that different. In fact, on many issues they wholeheartedly agree.

Let’s also not forget that both right-wing evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists believe that a nation should be ruled by religion, also know as a theocratic form of government. Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government.

Comparing Republican "Christian Values" To Islamic Fundamentalism

Yes, Guno. You had it tough, no wonder you're the way you are

At their core really not much difference

When you separate Islamic radicals (aka terrorists), and just focus on the two religions themselves, they’re not all that different. In fact, on many issues they wholeheartedly agree.

Let’s also not forget that both right-wing evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists believe that a nation should be ruled by religion, also know as a theocratic form of government. Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government.

Comparing Republican "Christian Values" To Islamic Fundamentalism

There are some chilling parallels between Christian and Islamic fundamentalists. Both divide the world between believers and unbelievers, and by deciding for themselves who is saved and who is damned, they think that they can play God with our lives. Both have also declared war on the secular culture of liberal democracy, the most peaceful and prosperous means of social organization ever devised by humankind. They both reject the separation of church and state and would set up governments based on their own views of divine laws.

Another parallel between Christian and Islamic fundamentalism is a desire to make religious laws the laws of the land. In his regular column in Wilson’sCredenda Agenda (vol. 3: nos. 9, 11), Greg Dickison, member of Wilson’s Christ Church and a Moscow public defender, states that "if we could have it our way,” then there would be capital punishment for “kidnapping, sorcery, bestiality, adultery, homosexuality, and cursing one's parents.”

You need to read a book called Batavias Graveyard to get a true picture of nutty Christian extremism.
They were shipwrecked on an Island off Australia and set up a perverted religious/christian society. It led to the death of over 100 people who were not part of the in crowd.

Mike Dash wrote it - highly recommended.

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