comparing Bush Jr. and Adolph Hitler

Sources mean nothing.

You still have no argument. OBVIOUSLY!
But can you find me something great they did in last 3 years? or just do something stop asking ME questions. You should be asking yourself a question. "WHY?" Certain actions of this administration that are a disgrace to this country and hes actively hiding them.

-signed by bush, while everyone was watching saddam getting probed on tv.
LMFAO! Truly a classic liberal.

Has no logical idea why he believes what he believes, accepts at face value loony liberal websites as gospel, and when pressed for facts to back up his assinine claims, gives the ol' runaround - OR references yet more fringe sites! Classic!

I love it, this was a trip down memory lane. Reminded me of Spillmind and the merry debates.

When you all get done with the lad here, I'll educate him about the International War Crimes situation in another thread.
Have at it, NT, I'm done with him. He's starting to regurgitate old information and dodges what he's been asked.
dont delete my post.

Give me YOUR arguments, a valid point, anything! Just stop attacking me.

"Has no logical idea why he believes what he believes"

I can give you a logical idea. Just give me a question.
Originally posted by jones
dont delete my post.

Give me YOUR arguments, a valid point, anything! Just stop attacking me.

I have a valid point. You have made statements in this thread as fact. Fact usually means it can be proven. You can't prove a damn word you say. Not one thing was posted to show your claim about the most convicted criminals in the White House ever. You still haven't produced anything to show GWB's garndfather was a nazi, other than a loony liberal site. Surely there would be more of this throughout the entire world. You haven't posted anything to prove that GWB made claims about God telling him to strike Saddam, all you posted was hearsay, through about 15 different channels. This would be on the cover of every paper if it were substantiated.

I have nothing to argue, YOU made the points. I'm still waiting for clarification.
You just dont get it do you?

If you want links, thats all I got. Realize for a moment that the majority of news absorbed in this country is controlled by a very small minority.

Bush's grandfather funded Hitlers rise to power and killed the jews. Would you call your grandfather an "ancestor" to anyone? Family values are passed through generations ya know.
just find me something they've done thats not corporatist. Surely you must know since you TRUST them so much. :laugh:
Very well, Jones.

But here is the rule : I won't accept any of your bullshit 'backup' sites you've cited thus far throughout this thread.

Any backup you provide must be backed up with clear logic supported by Professional News Agencies affiliated with the AP (Associated Press). To go the extra mile, I usually provide 2 or 3 sources such as CNN, MSNBC, BBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, etc. - just a suggestion.

We'll begin with the statements you've made so far, and I want answers to the following - failure on your part to answer will strip away any tattered shred of credibility you may have remaining - I simply don't have the patience to play your games.

Respond to the following :

1) Jr's grandpa was a Nazi of the worst sort.


2) Traded with the Nazis and ran the most well know concentration camp in germany. He was tried and convicted of trading with the enemy.

This should be easy, since this would be a matter of public record. Let's see it.

3) Look, we're not calling him a Nazi. Hes just a puppet head for corporations to funnel the american money to big business. EVERYTHING he has done has shown this. Its so obvious its sad.

I guess you'd have to have a job & pay taxes to notice this, but the rest of us all got a nice tax break & even money back from the Federal Government recently.

Still, I want to see your well-informed sources that show he's a 'puppet head for corporations to funnel the american money to big business'. LOL

4) More convicted criminals in our whitehouse than ever!

Yep, I'm sure you knew this was coming. Let's see your proof.

5) Our founders fought the revolutionary war against big business and warned explicitly of the very real threat of big corporations and religion mixing with our goverment.

LOL Damn, this is funny. Explain this bit of previously unknown American History. Especially the Revolutionary War against Big Business.

6 One fact remains. Hes a facist through and through.


7 Benito Mussolini - "Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power."

Demonstrate that you know who Mussolini was, what he did, who he was Allied with, and how he met his brutal end.

Then explain why in the HELL you would quote such a person as if they would lend any credibility to your argument.

8 Hitler invaded poland under the disguise of liberation too.

LOL Did he? Let's see the backup.

9 I dont even need a link. Whitehouse leaked the name of a CIA operative.

*ALERT* Theres a traitor in the whitehouse.

Sorry, Homey, but you do indeed need a link as specified above. Let's see your proof.

10 We can't go policing the world!

If not us, then who? France? :laugh:

11 Yes. The quotes right there. You can probly find a better link but the quotes still the same. We know it came from the white house and theres great evil inside the whitehouse. muha.

They are ALL criminals and WE dont care if they were convicted.
All these filthy filthy lying maggots are a disgrace to america in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. There is NOTHING they have done thats NOT a corporate gift package.

Wow! I see I haven't been keeping up with things. Educate me on all these astounding points in your above quote!

12 They've never acknowledged the connection.
East india company.

Explain and back up this cryptic statement, please.

13 Ashcroft is pissing all over our constitution and your calling me a rambling fool of some sort.

Is he really? Exactly what has Ashcroft done that was unconstitutional? Or did he really urinate on that revered document? As for the fool comment, we shall see when you answer this post as per your request.

14 The 4th amendment no longer exists. as of the day we captured saddam. Hm wonder why they picked that day.


And, yes, I'm very curious as to why 'they picked that day'.

15 When their dicedents seemingly continue the trend of corporate corruption. The question is raised.


16 Its still corporate special interests. And Bush DOES claim god told him to strike saddam and he struck saddam. Actual quote.

Great! I want to see the backup.

17 Hey, hear the one about the ex foxnews insider who claims that fox gets a briefing from the whitehouse everyday? outlining what they will report. I didnt say it. The fox guy did.

No kidding? FOX gets their own daily briefing? Backup.

18 Secret police force in iraq setup!! They're using saddams own death squads, THE VERY SAME that were used for most of his atrocitys, for security. Claiming, they know the land and the people.

Are you serious? Boy, I'm going to be very ticked off when you prove this to me! Let's see your facts.

Well, Jones, these are your actual quotes of some very silly things. 18 of them.

I took the liberty of numbering them so you can refer to them one by one in your response. Back them up.
Fox news is wacky.

Does anyone else watch whitehouse press briefings here?? I watch it and all at once. My questions are answered and new questions raised.
Give it up nighttrain! Stop this nonsense. Posting links is useless, Those corporate news programs you want as proof are nothing but corporate interests.

nothing I say can give you the "proof" you want. Do the research on your own and get a clue.

And why dont you give ME proof hes not a disgrace and we can go from there.

Give me something good. What has he done thats SOOO great?
They cut veterans benefits during wartime! Oh wait! thats disgraceful to this country! I call for impeachment! oh wait i already have.
if we're talking about people grandfathers lets talk about people's fathers and their support for hitler. only one comes to mind here:Joe Kennedy. fought to appease hitler so much he was booted out of england. also help germany use people in hollywood to put out their propaganda films. he was also one of the biggest anti semites to walk the face of the earth:

As ambassador to England, Joe would later make clear that he thought the Jews had "brought on themselves" whatever Hitler did to them. During a 1938 meeting at the German embassy in London, Kennedy assured the German ambassador that America only wanted friendly relations with Hitler. Joe said that Hitler's government had done "great things" for the country, and that the Germans were "satisfied" and enjoyed "good living conditions." Joe told the ambassador that a recent report which said the limited food in Germany was being reserved for the army could not be true. After all, Joe said, the professor who had made the report "was a Jew."

- Kennedy urged his friend William Randolph Hearst to help Hitler improve his image in the United states. Hearst agreed, and under his own byline he told his readers that Hitler had "restored character and courage. Hitler gave hope and confidence. He established order and unity of purpose."

- Based on what his father had told him, Morton Downey Jr said, "I think if Joe had his way, Hitler would have succeeded in his annihilation of the Jews....He always found great favor in Hitler. He would have loved to see him succeed."


then again if we want to talk about people fathers we can always talk about al gore sr and who he was involved with and who his biggest backer was not to mention his fighting againest the civil rights act as well as his fondness for certain words. do we really want to go down that road now?
Give it up Jones, you're all washed up. You have nothing more than your ill conceived theories and no factual data to backup your words.
Originally posted by jones
dont delete my post.

Give me YOUR arguments, a valid point, anything! Just stop attacking me.

"Has no logical idea why he believes what he believes"

I can give you a logical idea. Just give me a question.

Jeebus. One cannot argue with nonsense. There is no point.

You haven't presented a logical idea. Your twisted idea of logic is that Bush is Hitler Redux because he carries Barney around.

Get a grip.

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