comparing Bush Jr. and Adolph Hitler

We're not talking about human rights. You expressly mentioned the Fourth Amendment, which is a legal document covering Individual Rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Saddam's human rights were not violated. Our obligations are to treat him according to the standards of the Geneva Convention - and we have fulfilled those standards.

What about the human rights of the hundreds of thousands of people that he murdered? Shouldn't Saddam be held accountable for his actions?
You want to make it a crime for people to ask for something to be clarified? And you have the nerve to call Bush a nazi for attempting to strengthen a nation? Now I know you are without intelligence.

I sure hope Chelsea Clinton commits hari kari tonight...her life must be over. Her father is the king of "Oops, I meant to say" (or did you forget is "I did not have sex with that woman" fiasco) and he's a convicted perjurer...according to your laws she shouldn't even be allowed to breath!
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
actually it applies to all bodies on US soil, not just american citizens.

I believe the term People includes all people on US soil.
Originally posted by Moi
Number one: nobody's decendants owe any explanation, nor even acknowledgement, of their ancestor's activities. Especially those that happened in other countries. Any use of their ancestor's actions to try and shame someone today is just childish, rude and completely inconsequential.

Number Two: Although the East India Company was, perhaps, a thorn in the sides of the founding fathers, it was because of the power given to it under authority of the crown. They did not fight the revolution against EIC- they fought it against the total usurpation of people's rights by the crown and the crown's claim that authority came directly from God. Had the crown not trampled on the rights of it citizens by refusing to recognize the theretofore authority of the colonies administrators, thus antagonizing its colonial dealings from here in america, the founding fathers would not have laid claim that EIC was unfairly burdening them. They were angry at their loss in determining the rule of the land (which, in turn, caused the tax consequences in the first place).

You should perhaps brush up on your US history...

1. When their dicedents seemingly continue the trend of corporate corruption. The question is raised.

2. Its still corporate special interests. And Bush DOES claim god told him to strike saddam and he struck saddam. Actual quote.

You may want to expand your knowledge into how corporate power in america is so involved in politics, that they CAN manipulate our goverment and remian invulnerable to prosecution.
Originally posted by jones
2. And Bush DOES claim god told him to strike saddam and he struck saddam. Actual quote.

Then surely you'll be able to give us a source for this one. I'm not going to get the runaround on this on too, am I?
Originally posted by jimnyc
Then surely you'll be able to give us a source for this one. I'm not going to get the runaround on this on too, am I?

I found a few of these writings on the internet myself. No bonafide sources, only wacky liberal sites.
Originally posted by jimnyc
I don't see this outlining any convicted criminals at all. Face it, you have no clue what you're talking about and you can't name people you are accusing. You are a rambling liar.

Mokhiber: Ari, other than Elliot Abrams, how many convicted criminals are on the White House staff?

Ari Fleischer: You tell me, Russell.

Mokhiber: Could you give a list of convicted criminals on the White House staff, other than Elliot Abrams?

Ari Fleischer: I'll go right to the convicted criminals division and ask them.

Mokhiber: Seriously, why isn't being convicted of a crime a disqualifier for being on the White House staff?

Ari Fleischer: Russell, this is an issue that you like to repeat every briefing --

Mokhiber: But you don't answer it Ari.

This is all I need.

Hey, hear the one about the ex foxnews insider who claims that fox gets a briefing from the whitehouse everyday? outlining what they will report. I didnt say it. The fox guy did. ;)
Originally posted by jones
1. When their dicedents seemingly continue the trend of corporate corruption. The question is raised.

2. Its still corporate special interests. And Bush DOES claim god told him to strike saddam and he struck saddam. Actual quote.

You may want to expand your knowledge into how corporate power in america is so involved in politics, that they CAN manipulate our goverment and remian invulnerable to prosecution.
Like I said before, you are without intelligence. No one with an ounce of brain power could possibly equate running a concentration camp in a facist regime with an order issued by congress consisting of hundreds of people- both democrats and republicans alike.

I'm done for the night with you...I'm laughing too hard to type on the keyboard and I need a worthy opponent to debate.
Originally posted by jones
This is all I need.

Hey, hear the one about the ex foxnews insider who claims that fox gets a briefing from the whitehouse everyday? outlining what they will report. I didnt say it. The fox guy did. ;)
Since I didn't see this before my other reply, I'll just have to go one more round: if being a convicted "criminal" should keep people out of the white house, Bill Clinton should have left when he was convicted of perjury. PUHLEASE confine your arguments to the real have no idea how to balance on that double-edged sword, do you?
Originally posted by jones
And Bush DOES claim god told him to strike saddam and he struck saddam. Actual quote.

And here's what even the liberal websites are saying about this quote:

"Before you jump to any conclusions, remember that you are reading a translation of a translation of a translation. Mahmoud Abas does not speak English. Bush does not speak Arabic. If Bush said these words, or something like them, Abas heard them from a translator. Then Abas repeated them, as he remembered them a couple of weeks later, in Arabic. Some unknown person wrote down what he thought he heard Abas say. Then Regular, or someone at Ha'aretz, translated them back into English-or perhaps first into Hebrew and then into English."
fixed it..

You guys still dont have an argument to stand on. Claiming Im a lyer, sources are biased, or saying everythig is tin foil hat crap is plain childish.

Lets look at some recent news!

Secret police force in iraq setup!! They're using saddams own death squads, THE VERY SAME that were used for most of his atrocitys, for security. Claiming, they know the land and the people.
YA! I bet they know how to get information TOO!!
Originally posted by jones
You guys still dont have an argument to stand on. Claiming Im a lyer, sources are biased, or saying everythig is tin foil hat crap is plain childish.

WE don't have an argument? YOU came into the thread and leveled your assertions. You haven't been able to backup your own words yet. You've failed to show that this white house has more convicted criminals employed than ever before. You've failed to show that Bush spoke those words claiming God told him to strike Saddam. You've failed to show Bush's grandfather was a nazi. I asked for follow up and it went ignored.

You made claims. You can't or refuse to back them up. You come in here rambling like a little girl and then cry foul when you are laughed at. You are pathetic.
Originally posted by jimnyc
WE don't have an argument? YOU came into the thread and leveled your assertions. You haven't been able to backup your own words yet. You've failed to show that this white house has more convicted criminals employed than ever before. You've failed to show that Bush spoke those words claiming God told him to strike Saddam. You've failed to show Bush's grandfather was a nazi. I asked for follow up and it went ignored.

You made claims. You can't or refuse to back them up. You come in here rambling like a little girl and then cry foul when you are laughed at. You are pathetic.

They're all criminals. Link

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