Delusional State or a state of denial in the face of the very obvious.



Mankind is indeed strange.... very strange. People seem to find it hard to understand the fact that this damned illegal invasion of a soveriegn nation under the umbrella of freeing the Iraqi people was nothing but a monetary and military campaign in the region using the idiotic Saddam as a scapegoat. Let's all be honest. Saddam Hussein was Ronald Reagan's man in the 80s for prtoecting the vast oil fields in the Gulf from an Iranian invasion, inspite of burning thousands of kurds. But now that he became an obstacle to US interests in the region, and with the emerging of the threat of Al Qaeda to the US interests in Saudi Arabia, the corrupt US administration had to change it's base or "Qaeda" in the region to Iraq rather than Saudi Arabia. It's sad that millions of Americans, in great majority ofcourse Republican Hillbillies actually live in a state of denial refusing the accept the real obvious intentions of the leader they will follow blindly in the name of patriotism.
King Hussein murdered 23000 Palestinians, Al Asad of Syria murdered just under 30000 Syrians in Hama area of Syria, and Gaddafi murdered and starved his own people and had a nuclear program, Israel murders innocent Palestinians under the false umbrella of democracy and protecting itself from the righteous owners of the land, the proud dignified people of PALESTINE. Saddam isn't worse than any of those pigs of dictators or racist governments like Israel, but Saddam happened to rule a country floating on the 2nd biggest oil reserve in the world and happens to border Iran and Syria, and is in close proximity to Israel. hhhmmmmm, all coincidences ey???? Come on for God's sake.
My people are being killed by the Israeli army on a daily basis, and dare anyone bloody argue that most of these killings aren't of innocent people, because we have been seeing every damned day of our lives but we get nothing but the labels of terrorists next to our nationality. Well let me say this, I used to care about the public opinion in the West regarding my people and at times stepped on my dignity to try and bridge the differences, although till this day I refuse to attack the american citizens because I an educated and openminded and accept the fact that the american people don't get all the facts, but now, I will say it loud and clear and I don't care anymore, I love my country of Palestine and the Palestinian people and my brothers and sisters in Iraq, just you love your countrymen and country, and I don't care what anyone thinks of us because no one's opinion will change anything, we will always be left in the dark being labelled as terrorirsts and Israel continues to appear as an innocent angel fighting of evil. well...... God Bless Palestine and every Palestinian who gave his life for his country and the freedom of his people. every drop of blood from a Palestinian fighter is worth millions of pigs like George W Bush, Tony Blair, King Fahd, Husni Mubarak, Ariel Sharon, etc.....
You're palestinian? Your people should start blowing up the wall. I doubt americans have any clue whatsoever how tall that "security wall" really is, it's like taller than the berlin wall
Yes. Palestinian and proud. And no wall will stand in the way of the good dignified. and if you and any others don't like what I say, then I reply with the US administration's tone of voice. we will do what we see necessary to protect our people from the Axil of Evil, and anyone who doesn't like that can bang his/her head against the hardest wall closest to them. we will never give up. if we were too, we would have anytime in the last 55 years, and if he Iraqis were to stop they would have ages ago. the only bit of will and courage within our damaged nations lies within the Palestinian community and the Iraqi opposition fighting a foreign military presence ON THEIR SOIL.
I agree wholeheatedly with everything you say about israel and palestine, though i am not palestinian as my name might lead you to believe. That wall is awful, i can just feel the hopelessness coming out of the palestinians that have had their lives ruined by it. We'll see just how democratic Israel is after palestinians gain majority....

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