CDZ Compare and Contrast: Blaming Presidents for Political Violence


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
How are these two situations alike or different:

A. Blaming Clinton as a prochoice President for inciting
prolife extremists to target doctors or clinics and kill people over abortion

B. Blaming Trump for lobbying against illegal immigration and
inciting anti-immigrant extremists to target Latinos and shoot them to death

Do you blame the shooters equally as the politics that incited them?

Do you blame both sides of the issues for inciting extreme violent reactions?

State your reasons for how you assess Case A and Case B,
including similarities or differences you see.
How are these two situations alike or different:

A. Blaming Clinton as a prochoice President for inciting
prolife extremists to target doctors or clinics and kill people over abortion

B. Blaming Trump for lobbying against illegal immigration and
inciting anti-immigrant extremists to target Latinos and shoot them to death

Do you blame the shooters equally as the politics that incited them?

Do you blame both sides of the issues for inciting extreme violent reactions?

State your reasons for how you assess Case A and Case B,
including similarities or differences you see.
Wow. You have to blame the shooter in both cases. The core beliefs of the killers is that their view is more important than anything including life-for them or others.
Doesn’t make sense

Clinton never advocated fear and hostility towards abortion clinics
Trump has routinely targeted Mexican immigrants as a treat to our country
Doesn’t make sense

Clinton never advocated fear and hostility towards abortion clinics
Trump has routinely targeted Mexican immigrants as a treat to our country
Did you shoot anybody? Of course not-you are responsible for YOUR actions-just like they are. Don't buy the media crap story about "Trump made me do it"-sells newspapers but creates fear in small minds. Obama did not spur on the shooter at Sandy Hook-shit happens all over to everybody-without provocation.
Doesn’t make sense

Clinton never advocated fear and hostility towards abortion clinics
Trump has routinely targeted Mexican immigrants as a treat to our country
Did you shoot anybody? Of course not-you are responsible for YOUR actions-just like they are. Don't buy the media crap story about "Trump made me do it"-sells newspapers but creates fear in small minds. Obama did not spur on the shooter at Sandy Hook-shit happens all over to everybody-without provocation.
Has nothing to do with what I posted

The two Presidents have nothing in common when it comes to advocating fear and hostility

A President fanning the flames of hatred bears a responsibility for what ultimately happens
Doesn’t make sense

Clinton never advocated fear and hostility towards abortion clinics
Trump has routinely targeted Mexican immigrants as a treat to our country
Did you shoot anybody? Of course not-you are responsible for YOUR actions-just like they are. Don't buy the media crap story about "Trump made me do it"-sells newspapers but creates fear in small minds. Obama did not spur on the shooter at Sandy Hook-shit happens all over to everybody-without provocation.
Has nothing to do with what I posted

The two Presidents have nothing in common when it comes to advocating fear and hostility

A President fanning the flames of hatred bears a responsibility for what ultimately happens
BS-you guys make too much of it-think for yourself-not what Trump says or a hair on fire media. And what hatred is being flamed-mexican rapists and bad hombres that DO rape and rob and kill caravan people? Nobody shoots because of that, but if a nut sees illegals with welfare checks or WIC or other freebees, you WILL have trouble. Assign blame where it belongs, a porous border, a hateful do nothing Congress, wimpy advocates helping criminals beat the asylum system, and bleeding hearts who care more about foreign POS than American citizens-as Bush once said "I'm sick of it!"

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