Communist revolutionaries burn American flags outside Jason Aldean concert, claiming 'America was never great'

Hate crimes were the unfortunate reaction to people not getting charged in some areas for actual crimes. Just like how Travis and Gregory McMichael were initially patted on the back and told to go home and not worry about it.
How is creating a hate crime enhancer make people get charged with the original crime? That's how they work. You did illegal thing A and we are going to add on this hate crime enhancer B because of why you did it.
Which church? Which God are we trusting? Which Church is being established as the National Church of the United States by doing that?

No it doesn't. Chaplains aren't an establishment of a national religion which is what that amendment is about. I know you know that too.

Again no it doesn't. It's not establishing a state religion. Unless Congressional members are required to be part of a specific religion via that prayer.

You are conflating the words of the 1st amendment with the principle of the separation of church and state. They are not one in the same.
How is creating a hate crime enhancer make people get charged with the original crime?

Some crimes couldn't be enforced on the Federal level so they created something they could enforce.

That's how they work. You did illegal thing A and we are going to add on this hate crime enhancer B because of why you did it.

It has expanded since it's original inception.
You are conflating the words of the 1st amendment with the principle of the separation of church and state. They are not one in the same.
Nope. The reason the "separation of church and state" amendment exists is to keep the state from establishing a national church. Not to keep people in government from belonging to or talking about or participating in a religion even while they are at work. Nor is it to keep the Government from doing anything that might be construed as referring to the existence of God.

So I'll ask again, Which Church? Which God?
Nope. The reason the "separation of church and state" amendment exists is to keep the state from establishing a national church. Not to keep people in government from belonging to or talking about or participating in a religion even while they are at work. Nor is it to keep the Government from doing anything that might be construed as referring to the existence of God.

So I'll ask again, Which Church? Which God?

There is no "separation of church and state" amendment. Thus the rest of your post is meaningless.

If the US was never great, how are these communists allowed to protest in public without being dragged off to a gulag? It's what would happen if anti-communists did it in Beijing, Moscow, or Havana.​

The communist group's manifesto has praised Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution​

A group of communist revolutionaries burned multiple American flags outside a Jason Aldean concert in Chicago on Saturday night, according to videos of the incident.

The protesters were raising awareness of RevCom (Revolutionary Communist Party), which believes in creating a Marxist revolution in America, calling the USA "the belly of the beast." The RevCom activists burned American flags before police "declared an unlawful assembly and said their activism ‘alarmed and disturbed others,'" according to News2Share, who captured the videos.
We have fostered some of the most villianist, ridiculous, nut job's this nation has ever dealt with. I agree that they are so damned lost and ignorant as to their allowances here, that it's truly pathetic.

Good analysis of it all. 👍

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