Communist revolutionaries burn American flags outside Jason Aldean concert, claiming 'America was never great'

I wonder if Jason will make a statement at all concerning this occurrence.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. To me, people who burn the flag only do it because they are free to do it as long as it is a flag that does not belong to someone else which leads me to this question. Did the person who lit the match own the flag or was it a stolen flag?

If the US was never great, how are these communists allowed to protest in public without being dragged off to a gulag? It's what would happen if anti-communists did it in Beijing, Moscow, or Havana.​

The communist group's manifesto has praised Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution​

A group of communist revolutionaries burned multiple American flags outside a Jason Aldean concert in Chicago on Saturday night, according to videos of the incident.

The protesters were raising awareness of RevCom (Revolutionary Communist Party), which believes in creating a Marxist revolution in America, calling the USA "the belly of the beast." The RevCom activists burned American flags before police "declared an unlawful assembly and said their activism ‘alarmed and disturbed others,'" according to News2Share, who captured the videos.
So these are Democrat voters?

its ok for blacks to do this. but if it is blm flags they cry like babies l. send them back to africa. the dud just sang the truth. these flag burning communists need to go.
Why don't you take your racist, mumble mouth as to Siberia? It's nice and white and there are no black folks there. How long have white folks been burning American flags? Don't hear a peep out of your racist ass when someone white burns one.
Not in the context of people exercising their rights which is what the discussion has been about.
Without the Government or some other enforcement entity I have the right to do basically anything. So I would have the "right" punch you in the face or shoot and kill you. There are all kinds of protections from all kinds of things.

If you believe we don't derive our rights from the Government and that the Government can only limit or secure rights, not grant them then there are protections against from. If you believe governments grant rights, then I suppose you are correct.
Without the Government or some other enforcement entity I have the right to do basically anything. So I would have the "right" punch you in the face or shoot and kill you. There are all kinds of protections from all kinds of things.

If you believe we don't derive our rights from the Government and that the Government can only limit or secure rights, not grant them then there are protections against from. If you believe governments grant rights, then I suppose you are correct.

Whatever you say.
Without the Government or some other enforcement entity I have the right to do basically anything. So I would have the "right" punch you in the face or shoot and kill you. There are all kinds of protections from all kinds of things.

If you believe we don't derive our rights from the Government and that the Government can only limit or secure rights, not grant them then there are protections against from. If you believe governments grant rights, then I suppose you are correct.

A core tenet of the left's state-worshiping religion is that all of our civil and human rights originate from, and are granted by, the government.
They are kind of proving the point of the song. They did this in Chicago, a city they knew would be somewhat accepting of this kind of activity. I don’t think they would have the same results trying this in a small Illinois town.
As we American patriots know this is a left-wing issue. This is an issue for Democrats to tackle. It is unacceptable. It makes no sense for Americans who identify with the far left to act like this to burn American flags. No American citizen should be burning American flags. It makes no sense at all. They should live in a different country We seen it at BLM rally’s we seen it as a means of a “protest” by other left-wing groups just like we see above. The video evidence is undeniable.

^It’s no different than those that want to destroy Mount Rushmore and put up sculptures of different people. It’s disgraceful. BLM supporters want to destroy Mount Rushmore and get rid of the faces of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and put up whatever they want to put up. They could just build monuments in another area of the country if they wanna put up different faces and pay for it. This anti American behavior does no good for the working class people black and white, who are just trying to make a living in this country amid a bad economy with high bideninflation.

The far left and BLM make no sense in their arguments. They never will. All of us whether we are white or black descend from slaves and slaveowners. That’s it. Have a nice day.

As we American patriots know this is a left-wing issue. This is an issue for Democrats to tackle. It is unacceptable. It makes no sense for Americans who identify with the far left to act like this to burn American flags. No American citizen should be burning American flags. It makes no sense at all. They should live in a different country We seen it at BLM rally’s we seen it as a means of a “protest” by other left-wing groups just like we see above. The video evidence is undeniable.

It’s no different than those that want to destroy Mount Rushmore and put up statues of different people. It’s
disgraceful. BLM supporters want to destroy Mount Rushmore and get rid of the faces of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and put up whatever they want to put up. They could just build monuments in another area of the country if they wanna put up different faces and pay for it. This anti American behavior does no good for the working class people black and white, who are just trying to make a living in this country amid a bad economy with high bideninflation.

The far left and BLM make no sense in their arguments. They never will. All of us whether we are white or black descend from slaves and slaveowners. That’s it. Have a nice day.

Now they're showing their true colors
Bring it on, bitches.


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